2022-07-06 15:53:00 【Matlab科研工作室】
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2 部分代码
<span style="color:#333333"><span style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03)"><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span>startup - this script sets up the MultiUAV global simulation parameters/memory and opens the GUI figure </code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span> <span style="color:#ca7d37">which</span> calls other intialization <span style="color:#ca7d37">functions</span></code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span></code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span> Inputs:</code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span> (none) </code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span></code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span> Outputs:</code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span> (none)</code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span></code><code></code><code>% AFRL/VACA</code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span> December 2000 - Created and Debugged - RAS</code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span> May 2001 - moved globals to separate script - RAS</code><code></code><code>%debug_mex_files = 0;</code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span><span style="color:#ca7d37">if</span>(isunix & debug_mex_files)</code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span> dbmex on;</code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span>end</code><code><span style="color:#afafaf">%</span>clear debug_mex_files;</code><code></code><code>% hop to m-file dir and intialize global variables</code><code>cd('m-file');</code><code>InitializeGlobals;</code><code></code></span></span>
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]尹高扬, 周绍磊, 祁亚辉. 多无人机协同多任务分配研究[J]. 电光与控制, 2017, 24(1):6.
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