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Glide advanced level

2022-07-05 10:11:00 asahi_ xin


  • skipMemoryCache(true/false) Whether to skip memory cache .

skipMemoryCache That means Glide Will not put pictures into memory cache . The default is false, So you don't need to call .

                .load(" Address ")

When skipping memory cache ,Glide Disk cache will still be used to avoid repeated network requests .

Glide Not only the original image is cached , It also caches full resolution images and other small versions of images . such as , If an image you request is 1000x1000 Pixel , But yours. ImageView yes 500x500 Pixel ,Glide These two sizes will be cached .

If a picture has the same URL, But changes are fast , You may want to disable even disk caching .

  • diskCacheStrategy Skip disk cache , Take enumeration as a parameter , The parameters are as follows .
Parameters Meaning
DiskCacheStrategy.NONE Don't cache
DiskCacheStrategy.SOURCE Just cache the original full resolution image
DiskCacheStrategy.RESULT Only the final image is cached
DiskCacheStrategy.ALL Cache all versions of images ( Default )
                .load(" Address ")

Request priority

We often have this need , A screen , To request multiple pictures at the same time , But pictures have priority .Glide There is a treatment in this regard .

  • priority Priority of image loading . Method parameters are also enumeration types .
  1. Priority.LOW
  2. Priority.NORMAL
  3. Priority.HIGH
  4. Priority.IMMEDIATE
                .load(" Address ")

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