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2022 PMP project management examination agile knowledge points (8)

2022-07-06 01:39:00 Zhang Peifu's stone

2022 year PMP The exam will use a new version of the Syllabus , After revision PMP The proportion of agile test types has increased , In order to help the examinees master PMP Agile knowledge points in the exam , I will 2022PMP The information about exam agility has been sorted out , Come and see .

  Burnout figure 、 Burning chart 、 Limit cumulative flow graph

The burnout diagram graphically shows the remaining workload of the team in this iteration (Y Axis ) And working days (X Axis ) The relationship between , It gets its name because it is always decreasing on the whole . Its purpose is to overhead the iteration degree or the progress of the project , Track the remaining sum and predict the likelihood of reaching the iteration goal

The lighting diagram graphically shows the cumulative completion of the requirements of multiple iterations of the project or team (Y Axis ) And iteration time (X Axis ) The relationship between , It is named because it is always increasing on the whole . It can reflect the adjustment and change of the range .

The cumulative flow chart shows the completed tasks and remaining tasks of the project , The response time can also be determined by the horizontal distance between the boundaries of different color areas 、 Lead time and cycle time . It can visually reflect and track the task progress of each process stage , It can also help find bottlenecks in the work .

Problem finding and solving

Agile problem detection technology has fishbone diagram 、5Whys、 Control charts and constraints WIP .

Five questions

Five whys is a root cause analysis technique that identifies problems or defects by repeatedly asking why . Each why answer becomes the driving force to identify the next why .

fishbone diagram

Also known as Ishikawa diagram or cause and effect diagram , It is an effective root cause analysis method to identify problems or defects , Combined with five questions .

Control chart

A control chart is a chart with control boundaries , It is used to monitor the process of behavior over a period of time . The control boundary helps to reflect whether the project is under control . If the signal goes beyond the limit, it means that the process is out of control , If it's continuous 7 All points are on the same side of the center line, which also means out of control .

WIP and restricted WIP

WIP refers to the requirements that the team has started but has not completed . The more WIP, the longer lead time , And the lower the quality . But there are too few WIPs , It will also lead to personnel 、 The utilization rate of production resources decreases . Therefore, it is necessary to balance and limit the quantity of WIP , Achieve the optimization of the overall workflow .

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