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10 minute fitness method reading notes (2/5)

2022-07-05 12:40:00 NLP journey

Chapter two A simple exercise to improve muscle strength at home

This chapter introduces three kinds of strength training in compulsory sports .

Exercise muscles 5 A point

This chapter introduces the fitness method based on sports without using equipment . Exercise points to ensure the effect :

  1. Accurately master the whole body exercise 4 A project
    This chapter introduces 4 Three basic items are enough to enhance physical strength , For this 4 One project should be proficient .
  2. Make full preparations before exercise
    All exercise programs , Make full preparations before starting . At the same time, pay attention to the speed of action , keep “ Steady and slow ” Do every move well .
  3. Don't stick to the plan 、 Program
    Don't stick to 10 Minutes of fitness , It doesn't matter if it's longer or shorter . Perseverance and daily persistence are the most important .
  4. Even if 1 A project is ok , Create time to do it
    There is no need to pursue quantity , The important thing is to stick to it for a long time , This is crucial .
  5. Even if only one is made , Also appreciate yourself
    Don't blame yourself 、 Think you're bad , Even if you have completed only one item, you should also appreciate yourself .

Whole body exercise without equipment 4 A project

Four kinds of covering chest 、 Arm 、 leg 、 Buttock 、 Major muscle groups such as abdomen and back . this 4 Each action of each item is repeated 10~20 Time , Rest between each set of movements is about 1 minute , Synthesize a whole set of actions , about 10 In about minutes . Including push ups 、 Indian squat 、 sit-ups 、 Lie on your back and unfold . What is important in sports is “ Steady and slow ” To carry out .
The above of whole-body exercise 4 A project , Besides exercising at one time , There are also two kinds of projects 、 The two sets are carried out alternately . For example, push ups and Indian squats form a group , Sit ups and prone supine exercises as a group , Exercise separately .

Master the correct movement speed , Improve the effect of physical exercise

For muscle strength training , There are two important points : The accuracy of the action and the steady and slow progress of the action . The faster the action, the better .

push-up 、 sit-ups 、 Increase or decrease the load of prone backward stretching exercise

  1. push-up
    To reduce the load of push ups, you can use push ups that use double happiness landing or table support . Increase compliance by placing your feet on the table 、 On the chair .

  2. sit-ups
    Reduce the load : Adjust the position of your hands , Cross your hands with your chest 、 Hands interlaced in the upper abdomen 、 Put your hands on your side .
    Increase the load : Dumbbells on your chest .

  3. Lie prone and unfold
    Put your hands behind your head , It can increase the load .

push-up , Strengthening chest 、 shoulder 、 arm

Army push ups 10-20 Time
Diamond push ups 10-20 Time
Wide push ups 10-20 Time
Uphill push ups 10-20 Time

These four push ups have slightly different muscle stimulation , Can make the muscle group that gives priority to pectoralis major get concentrated exercise .

sit-ups , Thoroughly strengthen abdominal muscles 3 Kind of exercise

Lie on your back and lift your legs 10-20 Time
Side sit ups 10-20 Time
Cross sit ups 10-20 Time

These three projects are combined , It can exercise all abdominal muscles , Key points should be slow 、 Finish the action smoothly .

Five key points of abdominal movement :

  1. When doing sit ups, slowly straighten up your upper body until your northern shoulder blades are slightly off the ground , When the body is restored, slowly let the spine bone touch the ground one by one .
  2. Exercise your abdominal muscles and don't tilt your head back , Keep a space under your forehead that can be stuffed with an orange .
  3. You need to put your hands behind your head , But don't lift your hands up your head , Don't cross your fingers , Put your hand behind your ear .
  4. Breathing in action , Exhale when your body reaches the pause , Inhale after the body restores .
  5. Choose the appropriate load when acting .

Squat deep - Completely strengthen the legs 3 Kinds of projects

Indian squat 10-20 Time
Lift your heels 10-20 Time
One side squat 10-20 Time

The legs can be divided into thighs and calves , The above three items are all used to exercise the whole leg . The outside of the thigh is the quadriceps , Inside is the popliteal tendon .

Front and back squat 10-20 Time
Lift your heels 10-20 Time
One leg back swing 10-20 Time

Front and back squat with one leg , Compared with squatting on both legs , The weight is concentrated on one leg , The load becomes larger .

Using chairs 3 Kinds of exercises

Using chairs 3 Medium project , Are exercises that let us consciously increase the movable range of muscle activity . Push ups with chairs , It has a wider range of motion than ordinary push ups , To maximize the expansion of pectoralis major , Therefore, its effect of strengthening pectoralis major muscle is broader .

Push ups with chairs 10-20 Time
Lift your hips 10-20 Time
Curved arm support 10-20 Time

Use dumbbells 4 Kinds of projects

Muscle exercises without equipment , As long as the action is correct , The whole set of activities can be completed slowly , It can also fully strengthen muscles with a certain amount of load . Further improve the effect , Need to carry out weight-bearing exercise , Such as barbell 、 Dumbbells and other fitness equipment . Relatively speaking , Dumbbells are more convenient .

Dumbbell drooping exercise 8-12 Time
Good morning hemiflexion 8-12-20 Time
Half squat dumbbell practice 8-12 Time
Lifting dumbbell practice 8-12 Time

Use dumbbells to strengthen shoulder items

Shoulder lift dumbbell practice 8-12 Time
Side lifting dumbbell practice 8-12-20 Time
Premise dumbbell practice 8-12 Time
Shrug dumbbell practice 8-12 Time

These are all 10 Preliminary dumbbell practice in minutes . For people who have never done weight-bearing exercises , Enough to give considerable stimulation to muscles .

What dumbbells should be prepared

For men , Be ready to 3 kg 、4 kg 、 and 5 kg *3 set . if there be 2 Kg and 6 Kilograms will be more convenient .

Set the appropriate load ( weight ) Is the key to success

Overload principle

When doing muscle strengthening exercises , Constantly stimulate muscles with greater than normal bearing capacity ( load ). If the load does not change , After the muscle adapts to this level of stimulation , Muscles will not increase , Will not become stronger .

How to set the load

In principle, , The following factors should be considered :

  1. Practice begins 1 A month later : At the beginning, priority should be given to mastering the correctness of actions , As long as you don't feel reluctant .
  2. Practice begins 2 A month later : The load can be increased appropriately . If 122 The set can be easily completed , Add a set of actions ,123 set . here we are 3 Sets can also be made 13 More than once , Then the weight of the instrument should be increased . Weight bearing exercises aimed at strengthening and exercising muscles , The weight is set at 8~12RM Most effective .


This chapter introduces strength training , Including push ups 、 sit-ups 、 Squatting and other training methods that rely on body weight and simple exercise methods that rely on dumbbells . This part of the book feels a little confused , Maybe it's about translation , Using body weight is not as systematic as prisoners' fitness , Prisoner fitness has a gradual cycle for each action 、 Break through training program , The writing is logically easier to understand . In the follow-up practice, prisoners' fitness is the goal , Carry out strength training , This part of the book is for reference only .


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