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JS decorator @decorator learning notes
2022-07-07 07:12:00 【Fat goose 68】
List of articles
One 、 Basic usage of annotations
* Annotation execution is sequential , Order as follows
* 1. First execute the annotation with parameters
* 2. Again according to The order of appearance perform Attribute or Comment on method
* 3. Finally, according to Stack ( Write first and then execute ) Class annotation
@fn2(10) // This can be understood as execution fn2(10) Function of
class MyClass {
@noEnumerable name = 'huangbiao' // name Cannot be traversed to
@readOnly message = 'hello' // message Cannot be modified
function fn(target) {
target.foo = 'bar'
function fn2(value) {
return function (target) {
target.count = value
function fn3(target) {
console.log('fn3', target)
target.prototype.foo = 'baz'
function readOnly(target, name, descriptor) {
console.log('target', target) // Target class .prototype
console.log('name', name) // The name of the decorated class member
configurable: true // The default value is true When set to false It is understood that this attribute cannot be deleted or modified
enumerable: true // The default value is true When set to false Then understand that I change the attribute to read-only
initializer: ƒ ()
writable: true // The default value is true When set to false It is understood that enumeration cannot be performed When traversing a property, the property cannot be taken out
console.log('descriptor', descriptor) // The description object of the decorated class member
descriptor.writable = false
function noEnumerable(target, name, descriptor) {
console.log('target', target) // Target class .prototype
console.log('name', name) // The name of the decorated class member
configurable: true // The default value is true When set to false It is understood that this attribute cannot be deleted or modified
enumerable: true // The default value is true When set to false Then understand that I change the attribute to read-only
initializer: ƒ ()
writable: true // The default value is true When set to false It is understood that enumeration cannot be performed When traversing a property, the property cannot be taken out
console.log('descriptor', descriptor) // The description object of the decorated class member
descriptor.enumerable = false
console.log('MyClass.foo =>', MyClass.foo) // => bar
console.log('MyClass.count =>', MyClass.count) // => bar
console.log('new MyClass().foo => ', new MyClass().foo) // => baz
const obj = new MyClass()
// obj.message = 'world'
// console.log('obj.message => ', obj.message)
for (var key in obj) {
console.log('key, obj[key]', key, obj[key])
Two 、 The extension class
function mixins(...list){
return function (target){
Object.assign(target.prototype, ...list)
const Foo = {
foo () {
console.log('foo func')
class MyClass {
let obj = new MyClass()
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