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Reading notes of difficult career creation

2022-07-06 11:51:00 Li siqiong

《 It is very difficult to start an undertaking 》 second 、 Three chapters
1. Entrepreneurs should have a strong heart , Even if there are many doubts and difficulties , Anyone can give up and question. As the founder of the company, he can't give up , Always believe that enterprises can survive . Consider the worst result , At the same time, we should also try our best , Try your best to do something .
2. It is the responsibility of innovators to develop good products , Not the customer's task . Customers only know what they want based on their experience with existing products . Although innovators can consider all possible factors , But they often have to make actions contrary to the facts they know .
3. In discovering the truth , The market is not “ It works ”, It is only very effective in drawing conclusions , But this conclusion is often wrong .

《 It is very difficult to start an undertaking 》 Chapter four In a desperate situation
1. In a desperate situation , If there are skills to break through the impasse , That is the ability to concentrate and the ability to choose the best route when there is no way to go . Don't be afraid to screw things up , But after screwing up things, I know what things must be done . Struggling in a desperate situation , Struggle can achieve greatness .
2. As a manager, be honest , Because to tell the truth is trust , There is no trust , Communication will be interrupted , Secondly, the more people involved in solving problems, the better , Telling the truth can better maintain the corporate culture .
3. About layoffs , Mass layoffs . Don't lay off workers casually in large quantities , Because it will affect the continuity of corporate culture . If you really want to mass layoffs is skilled , In the right way . Keep your head clear , make a prompt decision , Have a clear understanding of the reasons for layoffs , Address the whole company , Finally, we must let everyone see you , You must appear in the company .

《 It is very difficult to start an undertaking 》 The fifth chapter
1. Training talents is one of the most effective activities that managers can carry out their work , It is also a way to improve employee output . If you don't train employees, they don't know what the company expects of them , Performance management is also groundless , It becomes loose and disordered , Contradiction between before and after . As CEO Also participate in the teaching of management courses , In particular, courses on management expectations should be attended in person .
2. How to find a good product manager , First of all, know what a good product manager is , Good product managers have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and success , A poor product manager always wants others to tell him what to do .
3. Be careful when recruiting people from large companies as supervisors , Avoid rhythm mismatches , Skills do not match . You need to screen out destructive mismatches during the interview . In addition, for executives , It's a background check . After the newcomer enters the job , It is also very important to integrate new people. He is as important as the interview . Finally, build feedback , If you want to do well, you need to establish feedback , Only give instructions without correcting through feedback , It's easy to have problems , Instructions will also become vague .

《 It is very difficult to start an undertaking 》 Chapter six
1. The best way to motivate employees is to let them work with a sense of mission , Let them believe that this noble mission is worth putting aside their personal ambitions for the time being .
2. Generally speaking , Everyone has his own unique perspective . When interviewing candidates , You can notice some minor differences in this respect , Let's see what they are thinking about “ I ” As a starting point , Or to “ The team ” As a starting point .
3. There are people who make up for numbers at any level in a team , They will affect other members like moths , Eventually, people with outstanding abilities become mediocre .

《 It is very difficult to start an undertaking 》 The last two chapters
One 、 There is an easy factor to consider , To become a first-class big company , First class working attitude is essential . If someone is perfunctory at work , Don't try your best , Then you must be punished .
Two 、 About looking back at the results , We should combine three aspects ,1. He is a senior employee ?2. How difficult is the task ? This is a right and bold attempt ?
3、 ... and 、 In the high-tech industry , It's hard for you to predict . The gap between mediocrity and excellence often stems from your attitude , It comes from whether you let employees innovate boldly , Implement accountability to the letter . Responsibility is important , But it's not the only point .
Four 、 founder CEO And career CEO There are two main shortcomings compared with , Ability to manage , Networks .


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