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Nanny level problem setting tutorial

2022-07-06 11:25:00 %xiao Q

There is a problem with the built-in recording screen ( You cannot record on separate screens ), Feature blog supplement , Video with blog , Better use

First step

After entering the backstage , Need to find Create Problem, Then point in

The second step

Then go back to the question recording interface
 Insert picture description here
This is the question number , Be sure to fill in , And in the order of the question bank , It is also said in the video here

 Insert picture description here
This is the title

 Insert picture description here
This is the title description

 Insert picture description here
This is the input description

 Insert picture description here
This is the output description

 Insert picture description here
This is the time limit and memory limit, and it is still difficult , The difficulty can be given according to the difficulty of the topic

 Insert picture description here

This is the language chosen , It is suggested to select all

 Insert picture description here
It's important , What kind of questions , Just give it a label

 Insert picture description here
The following language restrictions , It is also recommended to choose all , You need to pay special attention here , Namely c and c ++ I have to delete something , Delete the same as above , Otherwise, you will report grammatical errors when doing questions

 Insert picture description here
Here is the upload test point , The format is zip

The third step

Then there is the problem of making and testing pilot , Here you can use c Language file read in and output

//  Sample generation  
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

const int N = 1e9, M = 1e4;

int main()
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen("1.in", "w"); //  Generate multiple , Just change the prefix every time  
	//  In the middle, write the code of the data you want to generate  
	return 0;
//  Output the answer to a file  
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

const int N = 1000010;
int a[N];

int main()
	FILE *fp1, *fp2;
	fp1 = fopen("2.in", "r");
	fp2 = fopen("2.out", "w");

	//  It's about  Ac Code  
	//  from fp1 Read in , Output the answer to fp2 in , 

	fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2);
	return 0;

After writing this code , You just need to change the file name , Want to make 10 individual , Just change 10 Time , function 10 Time , Very fast

The first 4 Step

Finally, the file you generated will appear in the folder
 Insert picture description here
Then compress them zip Upload the format

Finally, don't forget save


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