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Vs code configuration latex environment nanny level configuration tutorial (dual system)

2022-07-08 01:04:00 Sleepy without water

   as everyone knows , Microsoft recently launched its own programming software visual studio code , This lightweight open source programming software , It's really adorable , It can not only be used on it python, It can also carry various operating environments , For example, it is often used Latex、Matlab、Freefem、C++ Such as software , Can be in vs code Upper use , It's just too powerful , The configuration tutorial function of relevant software will be updated later .


   Every time before using these third-party software , You need to configure its running environment , also vs code The frequency of updates is also very fast , So some languages of the code also need to be updated in real time , The author is a little white , So put these easy-to-use tutorials (windows Version and mac edition ) And programming records , Easy to modify later hahahaha .

One 、vs code Download, install and configure the locale

1.1 vs code Download and install

  vs code Installation is very simple, no more , Search official website [1], Choose a suitable version to install .


1.2 vs code Language environment

   After installing this lightweight software, the interface is as follows :


   For general software, we set the language , Directly find the language options in the settings , Find Chinese and switch back , but vs code The language setting of requires this operation :

  • Shortcut key 【control + shift + p】 The following search box will pop up

  • Enter... In the search box 【language】 This option appears 【Configure Display Language】, Click ok .


  • Then choose 【zh-cn】, Follow the prompts to restart , It switches to the Chinese interface .


  • The Chinese interface is as follows :


   Come here , We will take vs code Installation and configuration complete .

1.3 install Sumatra PDF

   find Sumatra PDF Official website [4], This software installation is the simplest , Most software installation processes are similar , But be sure to remember the installation path , Because the installation path is required below , We need to configure to vs code On .

1.4 Download and install textlive compiler

   If you want to install textive compiler (windows), There are two image websites Alibaba cloud open source image websites [2]、 Huawei open source [3] Can download . The interfaces are as follows :



   find 【textlive2021】 download , The download time is about ten minutes .

   After the download is completed, the installation process .

  • open 【textlive2021】 Image file , find 【install-tl-windows】, Right click 【 Open as administrator 】.


  • Wait a few seconds and the interface will appear : Click on the bottom left corner 【advanced】;


  • Click on the bottom left corner 【customize】;


  • The left column is the language column , Only choose what we need 【 chinese 】 and 【 english 】 that will do , Other language packs can be removed , This can save 1G File memory . After clicking on 【 determine 】.


  • Find the one in the lower right corner 【 install texworks front end 】, This option can be cancelled , You can also keep , But now that they have chosen to use vs code edit latex 了 , I don't think I can use it 【texworks】 edit .


  • Then comes the long installation time , The installation time is about half an hour , After installation, turn off the software .

1.5 stay vs code On the configuration latex Environmental Science

   Next comes the key step , stay vs code On the configuration latex Environmental Science , The first step has been latex Adjust to Chinese interface , Next, open your vscode.

  • First, we need to install the plug-in 【latex workshop】, Find the column on the left of the interface 【 expand 】;


  • Search for 【latex workshop】 And install ;


  • next step , Click on the gear in the lower left corner ️ open 【 Set up 】
  • stay 【 Set up 】 Medium 【 expand 】 find 【JSON】, Click on 【 stay setting.json Editor in chief 】.


  • Copy the following code to the input box ; Save and close . Then the configuration process is completed !


   The configuration code is as follows :

   The commands on each line of code have comments , Unclear can also be in vs code Put the cursor on the program ,vs code It will also explain the meaning of the code , Be careful , Where the code needs to be changed is the location of your software , This is very important , Be sure to change it to the path of the software on your computer .

    // Use  SumatraPDF  Preview compiled PDF file 
    //  Set up VScode Internal view generated pdf file 
    // PDF The viewer is used in \ref Upper [View on PDF] link 
    //  Commands to execute when using an external viewer . This feature is not officially supported .
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.external.viewer.command": "C:/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe", //  Pay attention to modifying the path 
    //  When using an external viewer ,latex-workshop.view.pdf.external.view .command Parameters of . This feature is not officially supported .%PDF% Is used to generate PDF Placeholder for the absolute path of the file .
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.external.viewer.args": [
    //  take synctex The command to execute when forwarding to an external viewer . This feature is not officially supported .
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.external.synctex.command": "C:/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe", //  Pay attention to modifying the path 
    // latex-workshop.view.pdf.external.synctex Parameters of . When syncing to an external viewer .%LINE% Is the line number ,%PDF% Is to generate PDF Placeholder for the absolute path of the file ,%TEX% Is triggered syncTeX The extension of is .tex Of LaTeX File path .
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.external.synctex.args": [
        "\"C:/Microsoft VS Code/Code.exe\"\" \"C:/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/cli.js\" -r -g \"%f:%l\"", //  Pay attention to modifying the path 
    "editor.minimap.enabled": true, // Controls whether thumbnails are displayed .
    // Define the... To be used in the recipe  LaTeX  Compiler tools . Each tool is marked with its name . 
    // Invocation time , The command will use  args  Parameters and defined in  env  The environment variables defined in generate . 
    // Usually , Unless in the path , Otherwise, no spaces should appear in each parameter .
    // Place holder  %DOC%、%DOC_W32%、%DOC_EXT%、%DOC_EXT_W32%、%DOCFILE%、%DOCFILE_EXT%、%DIR%、%DIR_W32%、%TMPDIR%  and  %OUTDIR%、%OUTDIR_W32%  You can use .
    "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
          "name": "latexmk",
          "command": "latexmk",
          "args": [
          "name": "xelatex",
          "command": "xelatex",
          "args": [
          "name": "pdflatex",
          "command": "pdflatex",
          "args": [
          "name": "bibtex",
          "command": "bibtex",
          "args": [
  "latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
          "name": "xelatex",
          "tools": [
          "name": "latexmk",
          "tools": [

          "name": "pdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex*2",
          "tools": [
  "latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewer": "tab",
  "latex-workshop.latex.clean.enabled": true,
  "latex-workshop.latex.clean.fileTypes": [
    // Set to onFaild  Clear auxiliary files after build failure 
    "latex-workshop.latex.autoClean.run": "onFailed",
    //  Use the last recipe Compilation combination 
    "latex-workshop.latex.recipe.default": "lastUsed",
    //  Key binding of internal viewer for reverse synchronization .ctrl/cmd + Click on ( Default ) Or double click 
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.internal.synctex.keybinding": "double-click",
    // Right-click menu 
    // Automatically complete commands and environments from the packages you use 
    "latex-workshop.intellisense.package.enabled": true,
    // take  glob  Mode configuration to editor ( for example  "* Hexadecimal ": "hexEditor.hexEdit"). These priorities are higher than the default behavior .
    "workbench.editorAssociations": {
        "*.ipynb": "jupyter-notebook"
    "kite.showWelcomeNotificationOnStartup": false,    // Need to install kite,show the Kite welcome notification on startup.
    "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "E:\\Python\\python.exe", //python route 
    // Where should the cell toolbar be displayed , Or whether to hide it .
    "notebook.cellToolbarLocation": {
        "default": "right",
        "jupyter-notebook": "left"// Configure the cell toolbar location for a specific file type 
    // If set to  true, Automatically from the current  Git  The default remote library extraction commit for the repository . If set to “ All ”, Extract from all remote libraries .
    "git.autofetch": true,
    // Always trust the workspace 
    "security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles": "open",
    // Do not display the new version message 
    "vsicons.dontShowNewVersionMessage": true,
    // For a language , Configure alternate editor settings 
    "[latex]": {
        "editor.formatOnPaste": false,// For a language , Configure alternate editor settings 
        "editor.suggestSelection": "recentlyUsedByPrefix" // Controls how suggestions are preselected in the suggestion list .recentlyUsedByPrefix:  Choose according to the prefixes suggested previously . for example ,co -> console、con -> const.
    "code-runner.clearPreviousOutput": true,
    "code-runner.saveAllFilesBeforeRun": true,
    "code-runner.runInTerminal": true,
    "workbench.colorTheme": "Solarized Dark",

1.6 The test link

   Next, let's test it , Whether the debugging is successful .

  • Create a new folder on the desktop , And in vs code Open folder on 【test1】;


  • stay vs code On , find 【test1】 Folder , And click the first option 【 New file 】;

  • New file 【test.tex】, Be sure to add a suffix 【.tex】, If there is no suffix 【.tex】,vs code Can't identify latex file ;


  • Copy the following code into the input box , And save ;


\LaTeX, How are you? !
  • Then I saw a flower in the left column 【tex】 Button , Click on .


  • Find the first button 【Build latex project】, Click to expand , find 【Recipe:pdflatex…】, Click on ;


  • You will see the compilation progress at the bottom ;


  • After success , Then find the upper left corner 【View LaTex Pdf】, Click to expand , find 【View in VSCode tab】 And click OK .


  • You can see the following interface ; It means that the test is successful ; Then you can be happy in vs code Knock up latex La ~


Two 、vs code To configure latex course mac edition

  mac On the configuration latex Relatively simple , Here is a brief explanation , Also use vs code Download a software

  • vs code install ; ( see 1.1)

  • vs code Chinese environment configuration ; ( see 1.2)

  • vs code Installing a plug-in 【latexworkshop】; (1.5)

  • download 【MacTex】

      mac Upper tex Compile software and windows Not quite the same. , front windows It uses 【textive2021】, here mac It uses 【MacTex】, The configuration process is simple , find 【MacTex】 Official website [5], Download and install . When the download is complete, close .

  • The test link ;( see 1.6)

Reference websites and materials

[1] visual studio code Official website :https://code.visualstudio.com

[2] Alibaba cloud open source image website : https://mirrors.aliyun.com/CTAN/systems/texlive/Images/

[3] Huawei open source : https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/CTAN/systems/texlive/Images/

[4] Sumatra PDF Official website : https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/free-pdf-reader

[5] MacTex Download website :https://tug.org/mactex/



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