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Test case management tool recommendation

2022-07-07 17:01:00 Programmer Achang

Readers ask questions : What are the useful test case management tools ?

Achang replied : I answer this question from three points
1、 Why use test case management tools ;2、 What are the common test case management tools ;3、 How to select test case management tools .

One 、 Why use test case management tools

We used to use Excel To maintain test cases , Before product release Excel Go through the use cases in , It seems feasible to do so .
But with the iteration of the project , The increase of project complexity , There are more and more versions of use cases ,Excel Its shortcomings are also gradually emerging .

adopt Excel Maintain use cases , The challenges we face :
1、 Multiplayer collaboration , There is no unified storage place for use cases 2、 Project iteration , How to ensure that use cases are often used and new 3、 Use case design , How to easily reuse basic use cases

Two 、 Common test case management tools on the market

Testhub、Jira、 ZenTao 、TAPD.

3、 ... and 、 How to select test case management tools

Mainstream test case management tools (Testhub、Jira、 ZenTao 、TAPD) Each has its own advantages and disadvantages .
If the team has no special needs , You can choose either .
If you have special needs, you can try customization or self-development .

After reading today's sharing, is it enlightening for you , If you have any idea, you are welcome to send a private message backstage, ah Chang , Discuss and communicate with each other .
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Programmer Achang
Ten years of career experience , Have rich experience in software testing , And project management experience .
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