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Mongodb learn from simple to deep

2022-07-07 20:18:00 lufei0920

Mongodb Learn from the simple to the deep

Mongodb brief introduction

MongoDB It is a database based on distributed file storage . It is a product between relational database and non relational database .
 The data structure it supports is very loose , Is similar to Json Of Bson Format , Therefore, more complex data types can be stored .
Mongo The biggest feature is that it supports a very powerful query language , Its syntax is somewhat similar to that of an object-oriented query language , You can almost implement most of the functionality of a relational database single table query , It also supports indexing data .
	mongodb  Is one of the most versatile NoSQL Nonrelational database . from  C++  Language writing .
	mongodb  Provided by itself S End store data , namely server; Also provide C End operation processing ( Such as inquiry, etc ) data , namely client.

SQL and NoSQL The main difference :
	 stay SQL Middle level relationships :  database > surface > data 
	 And in the NoSQL Is in the :  database > aggregate > file 

  No correlation between data :
 	SQL How to add external associated data in , The normalization is to add a foreign key to the original table , Associate external data tables .
	NoSQL You can put the external data directly into the original data set , To improve query efficiency . The disadvantages are obvious , It will be troublesome to update the associated data .
	SQL The fields of each data in a table are fixed . and NoSQL A set in ( surface ) Each document in ( data ) Of key( Field ) Can be different from each other .

mongodb As a non relational database, it has advantages over relational database 
	 Easy to expand : NoSQL There are many kinds of databases ,  But a common feature is the removal of the relational nature of relational databases .  There is no relationship between the data ,  In this way, it is very easy to expand a large amount of data .
	 High performance : NoSQL Databases all have very high read and write performance ,  Especially in the case of large amount of data .  This is due to its non relational , The structure of the database is simple and flexible data model : NoSQL There is no need to create fields in advance for the data to be stored ,  You can always store custom data formats .  In a relational database ,  Adding and deleting fields can be a hassle .  If it's a very large data table ,  Adding fields is a nightmare 

One 、MongoDB install

1、 System command installation

1)centos  System installation 
	yum -y install https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/7/mongodb-org/4.4/x86_64/RPMS/mongodb-org-mongos-4.4.15-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
	yum -y install https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/7/mongodb-org/4.4/x86_64/RPMS/mongodb-org-shell-4.4.15-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

 start-up :systemctl start mongod
 stop it :systemctl stop mongod
 restart :systemctl restart mongod

2) ubuntu Use in apt-get Tool installation 
	sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

3)  Refer to official documentation  https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/

2、 Binary installation

wget https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel70-4.4.15.tgz
tar -xf mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel70-4.4.15.tgz -C /usr/local
cd /usr/local
mv mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel70-4.4.15 mongodb
cd ./mongodb
mkdir data
mkdir logs
 Configure environment variables /etc/profile:
	export MONGODB_HOME=/usr/local/mongodb  

 The configuration file :
	cd bin
	vim mongodb.conf
		## Write the following :
		  destination: file
		  logAppend: true
		  path: /usr/local/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log
		  port: 27017
		  maxIncomingConnections: 10000
		    dbPath: /usr/local/mongodb/data/db
		        enabled: true
		            cacheSizeGB: 1
		  destination: file
		  logAppend: true
		  path: /usr/local/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log
		    fork: true
		    authorization: enabled
		  port: 27017
		  maxIncomingConnections: 10000

 Start stop :
	./mongod -f ./mongo.conf
	sudo ./mongod -f ./mongodb.conf --shutdown

Two 、MongoDB Simple use

1、mongodb Client link database

mongo [options] [db address] [file names (ending in .js)]

2、mongodb Common simple commands

 View the current database :db( If the database is not switched, it is used by default test database )
 View all databases :show dbs /show databases
 Switch database :use db_name
	db_name by show dbs Database name returned after    , If the database is not , Automatically create .
 Delete the current database :db.dropDatabase()

show dbs   View database name 
show collections   Check the documents in the existing database ,collections Table for storing documents 
show users   To view the user 
show logs    View global log 
db.stats():  Database state 
db.serverStatus(): mongodb Database server status 
db.getCollectionName():  View all collections Documents .
db.students.insert({name:"tom",age:23})   Insert a students Documents .
show collections   View this document collection 
show dbs   view the database 
db.students.stats()   see students The state of the table 
db.students.insert({name:"jerry",age:40,gender:"M"})  Insert another document data 
db.students.find()   View this document set 
db.students.count()   Statistics students How many documents are there in 

3、mongodb Commands for collections

 Create collections manually :
	db.createCollection("sub", { capped : true, size : 10 } )
		 Parameters capped: The default value is false Means no upper limit is set , The value is true Indicates setting the upper limit 
		 Parameters size: Number of bytes occupied by the collection .  When capped The value is true when , This parameter needs to be specified , Indicates the upper limit size , When the document reaches the upper limit ,  Will overwrite the previous data , The unit is byte 
 View set :show collections
 Delete the collection :db. Collection name .drop()
 Check whether the set has an upper limit : db. Collection name .isCapped()

4、mongodb Common data types

Object ID:  file ID/ Data ID, The primary key of the data 
String:  character string , The most commonly used , Must be effective UTF-8
Boolean:  Store a Boolean value ,true or false
Integer:  The whole number can be 32 Bit or 64 position , It depends on the server 
Double:  Floating point numbers 
Arrays:  Array / list 
Object: mongodb One of the data in / file , That is, documents are nested 
Null:  Storage null value 
Timestamp:  Time stamp , From 1970-1-1 The total number of seconds up to now 
Date:  Storing the current date or time UNIX Time format 

 Be careful 
	 Every document has an attribute , by _id, Make sure every document is unique ,mongodb By default _id A primary key 
		 You can set it manually _id Value , If not provided , that MongoDB Provides a unique... For each document _id,  The type is objectID
	objectID It's a 12 Hexadecimal number of bytes , Two bits per byte , Is the total 24 Bit string :
		 front 4 Bytes are the current timestamp 
		 Next 3 Byte machine ID
		 Next 2 In bytes MongoDB The service process of id
		 Last 3 A byte is a simple incremental value 

5、mongodb Addition, deletion and modification of

01) insert data

 command :db. Collection name .insert(document)
	db.stu.insert({name:'gj', gender:1})
	db.stu.insert({_id:"20220704", name:'gj', gender:1})

02)mongodb preservation

 command :db. Collection name .save(document)
	db.stu.save({_id:'20220704', name:'gj', gender:2})
	db.stu.save({name:'gj', gender:2})

03)mongodb Query for

 command :db. Collection name .find()
	 Method find():  Inquire about 
		db. Collection name .find({ Condition document })
	 Method findOne(): Inquire about , Just return the first one 
		db. Collection name .findOne({ Condition document })
	 Method pretty():  Format the results ; Unable to join findOne() Use it together !
		db. Collection name .find({ Condition document }).pretty()

04) Comparison operator

 be equal to :  Default is equal to judgment ,  There are no operators 
 Less than :$lt (less than)
 Less than or equal to :$lte (less than equal)
 Greater than :$gt (greater than)
 Greater than or equal to :$gte
 It's not equal to :$ne

05) Logical operations

and: stay json Write multiple conditions in 
	 The query age is greater than or equal to 18,  And the gender is true Of the students 

or: Use $or,  Value is an array ,  Each element in the array is json
	 Query age is greater than 18,  Or gender is false Of the students 
	 Query age is greater than 18 Or male sex ,  And the name is Guo Jing 

06) Range operation

 Use $in, $nin  Determine whether the data is in an array 
	 Query age is 18、 28 Of the students 

07) regular expression

 Use $regex Write regular expressions 
	 Inquire about name With ' yellow ' Initial data 
	db.stu.find({name:{$regex:'^ yellow '}})

08) Custom query

mongo shell  It's a js Execution environment 
	 Use $where  Write a function ,  Return data that meets the criteria 
	 Query age is greater than 30 Of the students 
	 $where:function() {
	     return this.age>30;}

09)ship and limit

 Method limit():  Used to read a specified number of documents 
	db. Collection name .find().limit(NUMBER)
	 Inquire about 2 Student information 

 Method skip():  Used to skip a specified number of documents 
	db. Collection name .find().skip(NUMBER)

 Use at the same time 
	 These two effects are the same , It's all first ship after limit.

 Be careful : First use skip In the use of limit Is more efficient than the former 

10) Projection

 In the returned result of the query ,  Select only the necessary fields 
 command :db. Collection name .find({},{ Field name :1,...})
	 Parameters are fields and values ,  The value is 1 Presentation display ,  The value is 0 Don't show 

 Particular attention :
	 about _id Columns are displayed by default ,  If not shown, it needs to be set to 0
	 Other fields that are not displayed cannot be set to 0


11) Sort

 Method sort(),  Used to sort query results according to specified fields 
 command :db. Collection name .find().sort({ Field :1,...})
	 Parameters 1 Arrange... In ascending order 
	 Parameters -1 Arrange... In descending order 

 Descending by sex ,  And then in ascending order according to age 

12) Number of Statistics

 Method count() Used to count the number of documents in the result set 
	 command :db. Collection name .find({ Conditions }).count()
	 command :db. Collection name .count({ Conditions })


14)mongodb Update

db. Collection name .update({query}, {update}, {multi: boolean})
	 Parameters query: Query criteria 
	 Parameters update: Update Operators 
	 Parameters multi: Optional , The default is false, Indicates that only the first data found is updated , The value is true Means to update all the data that meet the conditions 

db.stu.update({name:'hr'},{name:'mnc'})           #  Overwrite and update the full-text file 
db.stu.update({name:'hr'},{$set:{name:'hys'}})    #  Specifies the key value update operation 
db.stu.update({},{$set:{gender:0}},{multi:true})  #  Update all 

 Be careful :"multi update only works with $ operators"
	  multi The parameters must be the same as $set Use it together !

15) mongodb The deletion of

db. Collection name .remove({query}, {justOne: boolean})
	-  Parameters query: Optional , Delete the ? The conditions of the gear 
	-  Parameters justOne: Optional ,  If it is set to true or 1, Only one , Default false, Delete all 

3、 ... and 、MongoDB The aggregation operation of

1、mongodb What is the aggregation of

	 polymerization (aggregate) It's an aggregation pipeline based on data processing , Each document passes through multiple stages (stage) The pipes that make up , The pipes of each stage can be grouped 、 Filtering and other functions , And then through a series of processing , Output the corresponding result .

	 grammar :db. Collection name .aggregate({ The Conduit :{ expression }})

 Please add a picture description

2、mongodb Pipeline and expression of

1) Common pipeline commands

 Common pipeline commands are as follows :
	$group:  Group documents in a collection ,  Can be used for statistical results 
	$match:  Filtering data ,  Output only documents that meet the criteria 
	$project:  Modify the structure of the input document ,  Such as rename 、  increase 、  Delete field 、  Create calculation results 
	$sort:  Sort the output documents and output 
	$limit:  Limit the number of documents returned by the aggregation pipeline 
	$skip:  Skip the specified number of documents ,  And return the rest ? files 

2) Common expression

 grammar : expression :'$ Name '

 Common expression :
	$sum:  Calculate the sum , $sum:1  Said to 1 Multiple count 
	$avg:  Calculate average 
	$min:  Get the minimum 
	$max:  Get the maximum 
	$push:  Insert values into an array in the result document 

3、 Pipeline command $group

3.1) Group by a field

$group It is the most used of all aggregation commands , Used to group documents in a collection , Can be used for statistical results 

 An example is as follows :

 Among them, pay attention to :
	db.db_name.aggregate It's grammar , All pipeline commands need to be written in it 
	_id  Indicate the basis of grouping , By which field , Need to use $gender Indicates that this field is selected for grouping 
	$sum:1  Means to treat each data as 1 Make statistics , The statistics is the number of data under the group 

3.2)group by null

 When we need to count the whole document ,$group  Another use of is to divide the whole document into a group for Statistics 

 Examples are as follows :

 Among them, pay attention to :
	_id:null  Represents a field that does not specify a grouping , That is, count the whole document , What you get at this time counter Indicates the number of the entire document 

3.3) Pivoting

 Normally, when statistics are made on data of different genders , Need to know all name, It needs to be observed one by one , Put all... Through some way name Put it together , Then it can be understood as pivoting .
01、 Statistics of students of different genders
02、 Use $$ROOT You can put the entire document into an array

4、 Pipeline command $match

$match Used for data filtering , Is a command that can be used in aggregation operations , and find The difference lies in $match  The operation can pass the result to the next pipeline , and find no way .

 Example :

1、 Query age is greater than 20 Of the students 

2、 Query age is greater than 20 The number of male and female students 

5 Pipeline command $project

$project Used to modify the input and output structure of the document , For example, rename , increase , Delete field 

An example is as follows :

1、 Query the student's age 、 full name , Output only age and name
2、 Inquire about the life of male and female students , Output number

6、 Pipeline command $sort

$sort Used to sort the input documents and output 

An example is as follows :

1、 Search for student information , In ascending order of age
2、 Check the number of men and women , In descending order of numbers

7、 Pipeline command $skip and $limit

$limit Limit the number of returned data 
$skip  Skip the specified number of documents , And return the number of remaining documents 
 Be careful : When used at the same time, use skip In the use of limit

An example is as follows :

1、 Inquire about 2 Student information
2、 Query the student information starting from Article 3
3、 Count the number of male and female students , In ascending order of number of people , Return the second data

Four 、MongoDB Index operation of

1、mongodb Create a simple index method

 grammar :db. Collection name .ensureIndex({ attribute :1}),1 Expressing ascending order , -1 Representation of descending order 

2、 Query speed comparison before and after index creation

 test : Insert 100 10000 pieces of data into the database 

 insert data :

 Before index creation :
	db.t1.find({name:'test955342'}).explain('executionStats') #  Show details of the query operation 

 Create index :

 After index creation :

 Speed comparison before and after :

 Insert picture description here

3、 Index view

 View by :db. Collection name .getIndexes()

 Insert picture description here

4、 Delete index

 grammar :db. Collection name .dropIndex({' The index name ':1})

 Insert picture description here

5、mongodb Create unique index

 By default mongdb The value of the index field of can be the same , After creating a unique index , The database will check whether the value of the created index field exists when inserting data , If it exists, the data will not be inserted , But creating an index only improves query speed , At the same time, reduce the speed of database insertion .

 grammar :db. Collection name .ensureIndex({" Field name ":1}, {"unique":true})

  Use unique index to de duplicate data :
	 The value of the field specified by the unique index , If the same , Can't insert data 
		db.t1.ensureIndex({"name":1}, {"unique":true})
		db.t1.insert({name: 'test10000'})

6、 Build composite index

 In the process of data De duplication , A domain may be used to guarantee the uniqueness of data , At this time, we can consider building composite index to realize .
 for example : Catch the full post information , It is not advisable to de duplicate the data by using the name of the post as the only index , Because there may be many posts with the same name 
 Syntax for building composite indexes :db.collection_name.ensureIndex({ Field 1:1, Field 2:1})

Be careful :

 Choose whether you need to create a unique index based on your needs 
 Whether index fields are in ascending or descending order does not affect query efficiency in the case of a single index , But with a composite index there is an impact 
 Only when the amount of data is huge and the read-out operation of the database is very frequent can the index be created , If write operations are very frequent , Creating an index affects write speed 

	 for example : If the field is 1 You need to sort the output in ascending order , Field 2 You need to sort the output in descending order , At this time, the establishment of the composite index needs to put the fields 1 Set to 1, Field 2 Set to -1

5、 ... and 、MongoDB Authority management

1、 Why do you need to set permission management

 Just installed mongodb By default, permission authentication is not used to start , And MySQL Different ,mongodb No permissions were set during installation , However, the public network operating system needs to set permissions to ensure data security , So we have to learn mongodb Authority management .

2、mongodb Authority management scheme of

MongoDB There is no default administrator account , So add the administrator account first , also mongodb The server needs to turn on authentication mode when running 
	 Users can only log in to the database where they are ( Create the user's database ), Including administrator account .
	 Administrators can manage all databases , But you can't directly manage other databases , Certification is required before .

3、mongodb Super administrator account creation

3.1 Create a superuser

 Use admin database ( Super administrator account must be created on this database )
	use admin

 Create a superuser 

 Insert picture description here

 Log in through super user 

 Insert picture description here

 explain :python Users are created in admin So the database has to come to admin Authentication on the database 
	  Successful authentication will return 1, Failure to return 0
	  If you don't switch users and login account password , Then the operation does not show any .

4、 Create a normal user

4.1 Select the database that needs to create users

use test

4.2 Create user

	db.createUser({"user":"user1", "pwd":"pwd1", roles:["read"]})      #  Create a normal user user1, The user is on test1 The permissions on are read-only 
	db.createUser({"user":"user2", "pwd":"pwd1", roles:["readWrite"]})     #  Create a normal user user1, The user is on test1 The permissions on are read and write 

4.3 stay admin Create ordinary users on the user database

use admin
db.createUser({"user":"python1", "pwd":"python1", roles:[{"role":"read","db":"dbname1"},{"role":"readWrite","db":"dbname2"}]})

 stay admin To create a python1 user ,python1 There are two permissions for users , One more dbname1 Read only on , The other is in dbname2 Read and write on 

5、 View created users

show users

6、 Delete user

use db_name   #  Enter the database where the account is located 
db.dropUser('python')     #   Delete the corresponding account you want to delete 
