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Low income from doing we media? 90% of people make mistakes in these three points

2022-07-06 14:04:00 Xiaoyi We Media

There are many articles on the Internet , Say we media has more than ten thousand months , Million a year, etc , But the current situation of we media in real life is completely different. Most people have done it for half a year or a year , The total income may be dozens of Yuan , Hundreds of dollars , It's definitely impossible to feed yourself .

Aiming at the problem of low cash realization of we media , Today, I will provide you with several optimization ideas , I hope it will help you improve your income .

01 Understanding platform rules

We media is a low cost , But industries with relatively slow cash flow , Especially when new people have new accounts , Not many recommendations , No one looks at , Naturally, there is no profit , In fact, this is very normal , There is a cold start period in the early stage of the new account .

So the first step is to solve the traffic problem , We need to think about how to get more traffic recommendations , How to get more traffic , Study the recommendation rules of the platform more .

We media is not a business that can see the effect after doing it , When new people start doing it , It's normal not to recommend and read , We need to understand the rules of each platform , It takes time to operate . Let's share , These kinds of situations will be highly recommended : Domain verticality 、 There are many keyword tags 、 Originality 75% above .

02 Cater to the needs of users

The first point , Different platforms have different user preferences , We should choose according to the characteristics . For example, in the headlines, users focus on food and the fields of agriculture, rural areas and farmers , The sports field of big fish is more popular with users .

Second point , Learn to follow hot spots . Hot spots are the focus of users . therefore , No matter what field of operation , Hot spots are shortcuts to traffic . Here we recommend a hot network —— Instant hot list . seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function , Real time hot list is a hot list website that synchronizes the whole network in real time , Aggregated the whole network 100+ platform . As we media people who need to catch up with hot spots all the time , Instant hot list is a great artifact .

03 Learn to use tools

Novice doing we media has no income , There's another important reason : Low efficiency . Others update it several times a day , You can only write twoorthree articles a week , Of course, the weight of this account can't go up . therefore , We should learn to use tools , Here we recommend the artifact that we media gods are using —— Easy to write .

Easy to write we media library is very powerful , You can collect explosive text materials in batches 、 Extract hot keywords 、 You can also export Excel Tables for more intuitive data analysis , besides , Easy to write pop Title assistant is also very easy to use , Entering relevant keywords can automatically generate multiple titles .

Do we media , In addition to skills , It takes more patience and time . Many big V All through long-term operation , I seize a hot opportunity , Burst red in one fell swoop , The rising powder is countless . therefore , Don't rush things , Only by persevering will there be results .


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