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[rust notes] 14 set (Part 2)

2022-07-05 06:04:00 phial03

aggregate 14.3


  • Vec It can efficiently add and remove elements at both ends of the queue . If you want to save the value in the middle of the queue ,Vec The processing efficiency of is relatively slow .

  • deque std::collections::VecDeque<T>: Implemented ring buffer , Support efficient addition and removal of front-end and back-end operations .

    • deque.push_front(value): Add a value in front of the queue .
    • deque.push_back(value): Add a value after the queue .
    • deque.pop_front(): Remove and return the value in front of the queue , return Option<T>, Returns when the queue is empty None.
    • deque.pop_back: Remove and return the value after the queue , return Option<T>, Returns when the queue is empty None.
    • deque.front() and deque.back(): Return the shared reference of the front-end and back-end elements of the queue , return Option<T>, Returns when the queue is empty None.
    • deque.front_mut() and deque.back_mut: Returns modifiable references to the front-end and back-end elements of the queue , return Option<&mut T>.
  • Queues are not stored consecutively in memory , Not all methods of the inheriting slices . If you want to perform vector and slice operations on the queue data , Need to put VecDeque Convert to Vec, After the operation , Then switch back .

    • Vec<T> Realized From<VecDeque<T>>, therefore Vec::from(deque) You can convert queues into vectors .

    • VecDeque<T> Realized From<Vec<T>>, therefore VecDeque::from(vec) You can convert vectors into queues .

      //  The method of creating a queue by specifying elements 
      use std::collections::VecDeque;
      let v = VecDeque::from(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);


  • Each value of the linked list is stored in a separate heap memory , Is a way to store sequence values .

  • std::collections::LinkedList<T> It's a two-way list

  • Support


    Part of the way :

    • The method of operating the front and back ends of the sequence ;
    • Iterator method ;
    • LinkedList::new() etc.
  • Support the combination of two lists very quickly :list1.append(&mut list2), hold list2 All elements in are transferred to list1 in .vec and VecDeque Also support append Method , But many values will be transferred from one heap array to another .


  • BinaryHeap<T> Used to store loose elements , The maximum value will always bubble to the front of the queue .

  • Common methods :

    • heap.push(value): Add values to the heap .
    • heap.pop(): Remove from the heap and return the maximum . The return type is Option<T>, If the heap is empty, return None.
    • heap.peek(): Returns the reference of the maximum value in the heap . The return type is Option<&T>.
  • Also support Vec Part of the way :

    • BinaryHeap::new();
    • heap.len();
    • heap.is_empty();
    • heap.capacity();
    • heap.clear();
    • heap.append(&mut heap2).
  • Realize the built-in special type Ord Any type of , Can be saved in BinaryHeap in .

  • It is often used to make work queues :

    • Define a task structure , Based on priority Ord, Make high priority tasks bigger than low priority tasks . then , Create a BinaryHeap Save all completed tasks . You can call .pop() Method always returns the most important task to do next .

    • have access to while Recycling consumption :

      while let Some(task) = heap.pop() {
  • BinaryHeap It's an iterative type , They have their own .iter() Method , The order of iterators is arbitrary .

14.6-HashMap<K, V> and BTreeMap<K, V>

  • mapping (map) It's a key — It's worth it ( Called entry ) aggregate .

  • HashMap<K, V> Save the keys and values in a hash table allocated on the heap , Therefore, the type of key is required K Implement standard hashing and equality features Hash and Eq.

  • BTreeMap<K, V> Store entries in key order , The overall structure is tree , Therefore, the type of key is required K Realization Ord.

  • Rust Standard library of B Trees , Instead of balancing binary trees . The number of times a binary tree must search , Than B Few trees ; But search B The domain of trees (locality) Better .B Trees can bring together memory accesses , Instead of spreading it all over the heap . such CPU Caching is rarely missed , So as to significantly improve the speed .

  • How to create a map :

    • HashMap::new() and BTreeMap::new() Create a new empty mapping ;
    • iter.collect(): For slave keys — Value pairs create and populate new HashMap or BTreeMap.iter Must be a Iterator<Item=(K, V)> The iterator .
    • HashMap::with_capacity(n): You can create a new empty hash table , At least it can hold n Entries .
    • HashMap Support capacity related methods separately :hash_map.capacity()hash_map.reserve(additional) and hash_map.shrink_to_fit().
  • HashMap



    Jointly support the following core methods :

    • map.len(): Return the number of entries .
    • map.is_empty(): stay map Return when there is no entry true.
    • map.contains_key(&key): In the mapping, the key of another entry is key When to return to true.
    • map.get(&key): Search for map Has given key The entry of . If you find a matching entry , return Some(r), among r Is the corresponding reference . Otherwise return to None.
    • map.get_mut(&key): The function is the same as above , But return a modifiable reference to a value . The value can be modified at will , But the key pike mapping itself , Do not modify .
    • map.insert(key, value): towards map Insert entry in (key, value). If the mapping already exists as key The entry of , Then a new value will be inserted value, Overwrite the original value . If the original value is overwritten , Will return the original value , The return type is Option<V>.
    • map.extend(iterable): iteration iterable Of (K, V) entry , And put each key — Value pair insertion map in .
    • map.append(&mut map2): take map2 All entries of are transferred to map in ,map2 It's going to be empty .
    • map.remove(&key): Find and remove map The middle key is key The entry of . If any value is removed , The removed value is returned . The return type is Option<V>.
    • map.clear(): Remove all entries .
    • map[&key]: Query the mapping with square bracket syntax . If it does not exist, it is key The entry of , Will be surprised , Similar to array access out of bounds .
  • BTreeMap<K, V>

    Because you can sort and store entries by pressing the key , And support


    • Can be btree_map Split in two ;
    • The key is less than key The entry of will be left in btree_map in .
    • Back to the new BTreeMap<K, V> Contains other entries .

14.6.1 - entry

  • Entry Item type : Used to eliminate redundant mapping lookup .

    let record = student_map.entry(name.to_string()).or_insert_with(Student);
    • student_map.entry(name.to_string) Back to Entry Values are similar to modifiable references that point to a location in a map ;

    • If the reference is empty , be .or_insert_with() Method will insert a new Student.

    • Entry Is an enumerated type :

      // std::collections::hash_map
      pub enum Entry<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> {
        Occupied(OccupiedEntry<'a, K, V>),
        Vacant(VacantEntry<'a, K, V>)
  • establish Entry The method of value :map.entry(key).

    • Return key is key Of Entry.

    • If there is no , Then return an empty Entry.

    • Receive your own modifiable references , Return life matched Entry

      pub fn entry<'a>(&'a mut self, key: K) -> Entry<'a, K, V>
    • If the mapped key is String type , This method cannot be passed &str Type references . At this point, give .entry() Method to pass in the real String.

  • Method of filling in empty entries :

    • map.entry(key).or_insert(value): Must ensure map The containing key is key The entry of , Default will be given if necessary value Insert new entry . Returns a modifiable reference to a new or existing value .

      //  give an example : Count the votes 
      let mut vote_counts: HashMap<String, usize> = HashMap::new();
      for name in ballots {
        let count = vote_counts.entry(name).or_insert(0);
        *count += 1;   // count The type of &mut usize.
    • map.entry(key).or_insert_with(default_fn): The function is the same as above , But it will be called when a new entry needs to be created default_fn() function , To produce default values . If map Already exists in for key The entry of , Will not be used default_fn().

      let mut word_occurrence: HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> = Hashmap::new();
      for file in files {
        for word in read_words(file)? {
          let set = word_occurrence

14.6.2 - Mapping iteration

  • HashMap Iterators support accessing mapped entries in any order ;BTreeMap iterator , Entries must be accessed in key sequence .
  • The iteration of mapping has the following ways :
    • Iterate by value (for (k, v) in map): produce (K, V) Yes . This will consume mapping .
    • Iterate by shared reference (for (k, v) in &map): produce (&K, &V) Yes .
    • Press to modify the reference iteration (for (k, v) in &mut map): produce (&K, &mut v) Yes .
  • The iteration of mapping has the following common methods :
    • .iter() and .iter_mut(): Methods that return iterators and generate value references ;
    • map.keys(): Returns the iterator that generates the key reference .
    • map.values(): Returns the iterator that generates the value reference .
    • map.values_mut(): Returns an iterator that produces a modifiable value reference .

14.7-HashSet<T> and BTreeSet<T>

  • Set Set : Support rapid testing of membership and organization of values . A set will never contain multiple copies of the same value .

    let b1 = large_vector.contains("needle");  //  Finding elements in vectors is slow , You need to check each element 
    let b2 = large_hash_set.contains("needle"); //  It is faster to find elements in the set , Support hash lookup 
  • Sets are similar to key only mappings .HashSet<T> and BTreeSet<T> Are implemented in the form of packaging types :

    • HashSet::new() and BTreeSet::new() Create a new set .
    • iter.collect() Can be used to create a new set from any iterator . If duplicate values are generated , Then the duplicate value will be cleared .
    • HashSet::with_capacity(n) Create empty HashSet, At least n It's worth .
  • HashSet<T> and BTreeSet<T> The common method :

    • set.len(): return set The number of median .
    • set.is_empty(): Return without element value in the set true.
    • set.contains(&value): Include the given value in the set value When to return to true.
    • set.insert(value): Add... To the set value. If the addition is successful, it will return true, If the same value already exists in the set, it returns false.
    • set.remove(&value): Remove from the set value. If the removal is successful, return true. If it's not worth it , Then return to false.
  • Similar to mapping , The method of querying values by reference is also general , As long as you can T Borrow to this type .

14.7.1 - Set iteration

  • There are two ways to iterate a set :
    • Iterate by value :for v in set Generate members of the set , And consumption set .
    • Iterate by shared reference :for v in &set Generate shared references to set members .
  • Modifiable reference iteration sets are not supported . That is, modifiable references that cannot get values from the set .set.iter() Return iterator , produce set References to members .
  • HashSet Iterators support accessing mapped entries in any order ;BTreeSet iterator , Entries must be accessed in key sequence .

14.7.2 - Equal values are different —— Store different locations in memory

The method of getting the actual value stored in the set : These methods all return Option, If set Does not contain matching values , Then return to None.

  • set.get(&value): return set Medium is equal to value Shared references of members of , The return type is Option<&T>.
  • set.take(&value): Be similar to set.remove(&value), But return the removed value , The return type is Option<T>.
  • set.replace(value): Be similar to set.insert(value), But if set It already contains equal to value Value , Then return the original value . The return type is Option<T>

14.7.3 - Whole set operation

  • Methods of operating on the entire set :
    • set1.intersection(&set2): The return is also contained in set1 and set2 Iterators for all values in .
    • &set1 & &set2: return set1 and set2 Intersection .
    • set1.union(&set2): The return is also contained in set1 and set2 Kind of , Or only in set1 or set2 Iterator of the value of .
    • &set1 | &set2: Returns a new set containing all the values in these two sets .
    • set1.difference(&set2): The return is contained in set1 But not included in set2 Iterator of values in .
    • &set1 - &set2: The return is contained in set1 But not included in set2 A new set of all these values .
    • set1.symmetric_difference(&set2): The return is only contained in set1 in , Or only included in set2 in , But iterators that do not contain values in both sets .
    • &set1 ^ &set2: The return is only contained in set1 in , Or only included in set2 in , But a new set of values that are not included in both sets .
  • Test the relationship between sets 3 Methods :
    • set1.is_disjoint(set2): If the intersection is empty , Then return to true.
    • set1.is_subset(set2): If set1 yes set2 Subset , Then return to true.
    • set1.is_superset(set2): If set1 yes set2 Superset , Then return to true.
  • Set also supports == and != Equality test of : The two packages have the same value , Then they are equal .

14.8 - hash

14.8.1 - summary

  • std::hash::Hash It is a special type of hashable type in the standard library .

  • No matter where a value is saved , Or how to point to it , All should have the same hash code .

    • The reference has the same hash code as the value it points to ;
    • Box The same hash code as the boxed value ;
    • vector vec With slices that contain all their data &ved[..] Have the same hash code ;
    • String With the same character as the reference &str Have the same hash code .
  • Structure and enumeration are not implemented by default Hash, But you can derive an implementation :

    #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    enum MN {
  • If you manually implement for a type PartialEq, Then it must be realized Hash.

14.8.2 - Use a custom hash algorithm

  • hash Methods are generic .

  • Complete protocol for computing hash codes :

    use std::hash::{
          Hash, Hasher, BuildHasher};
    fn compute_hash<B, T>(builder: &B, value: &T) -> u64
        where B: BuildHasher, T: Hash
      let mut hasher = builder.build_hasher(); //  Algorithm start 
      value.hash(&mut hasher);                 //  Incoming data 
      hasher.finish()                          //  Algorithm complete , produce u64 value .
  • Rust By default SipHash-1-3 Algorithm as hash algorithm . As long as there are differences , Every hash table uses unpredictable keys . So it can prevent HashDoS Denial of service attacks on , That is, the attacker deliberately uses hash conflict to start the worst performance in the server .

  • If you want faster hash implementation , At the expense of security , Then you can use fnv Package implementation Fowler-Noll-Vo Hash algorithm .

    //  stay Cargo.toml Add :
    fnv = "1.0"
    //  Import mapping and hash types 
    extern crate fnv;
    use fnv::{
          FnvHashMap, FnvHashSet}; //  Instead of HashMap and HashSet.

14.9 - Other sets

Rust Support in unsafe Implementation in block C++ Data structure of : Original pointer 、 Manual memory management 、 place new、 Show call destructors .

See 《Rust Programming 》( Jim - Brandy 、 Jason, - By orendov , Translated by lisongfeng ) Chapter 16
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