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A simple example of delegate usage
2022-07-07 10:48:00 【HCC2017】
public delegate void LogDelegate(string log); // Definition The delegate name is LogDelegate, With a string Parametric Delegate type
public static LogDelegate LogEvent; // Declare the delegate object , The delegate instance is LogEvent
public static void OnLogEvent(string log)
if (LogEvent != null)
/// <summary>
/// Add call event , The delegate
/// </summary>
class TextDelegate : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
TextDelegate2.LogEvent += Cat;
TextDelegate2.LogEvent += Dog;
TextDelegate2.OnLogEvent(" Feed the small animals ");// Send callback information to the function
void Cat(string log)
Debug.Log(" cat :" + log);
void Dog(string log)
Debug.Log(" Wang Wang Wang :" + log);
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