这里写目录标题 前言 1 事务是什么 4 事务的性质 9 并发事务问题 15 事务隔离级别 24 事务原理 27 1.原子性实现原理 undo log 1undo log 28 2.持久性实现原理 redo log 2redo log 32 3.隔离性原理(锁和MVCC) 3MVCC 45 隐藏列...
2022-07-07 06:28【白蝶丶】
阅读更多Pytest+request+allure+excel interface automatic construction from 0 to 1 [five nails / flying Book notice]
Preface obtain Jenkins Report record Jenkins 3 Flybook notice 40 Create nail swarm robots 44 obtain Allure Execution data Allure 70 Nail ...
2022-07-07 09:08【Song_ Lun】
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Interview questions First level directory 1 Two level directory 2 Three level directory 3 First level directory Two level directory Thre...
2022-07-07 09:08【Song_ Lun】
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This blog records personal learning jvm The process of , If there is a mistake , Please correct me List of articles One 、 Program counter 8 1. I...
2022-07-07 09:09【White butterfly】
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pytest Framework pytest brief introduction pytest 1 fixture And fixtureconftestpy 8 pytest brief introduction 1. pytest yes...
2022-07-07 09:09【Song_ Lun】
阅读更多Pytest+request+allure+excel interface automatic construction from 0 to 1 [familiar with framework structure]
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2022-07-07 09:10【Song_ Lun】
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One 、 The reason for the error : This problem , as a result of UTF 8 The code may be 2 4 Bytes .Emoji Expressions or some special characters are 4 ...
2022-07-07 09:10【Stick to this persistence】
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2022-07-07 09:10【Stick to this persistence】
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One 、 Preface When developing tests , It is often necessary to change the server time according to the business scenario ,Java The current server ...
2022-07-07 09:10【Stick to this persistence】
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30 A year old female programmer ,Java Development 、 graduation 3 More years , marry 4 More years , Not pregnant . Just graduated 2 year , Full of amb...
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2022-07-07 09:10【Stick to this persistence】
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Vector data introduction stay GIS in , For the classification of data formats , We generally divide it into two types: raster data and vector data...
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2022-07-07 09:11【FOR. GET】
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2022-07-07 09:11【FOR. GET】
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2022-07-07 09:11【FOR. GET】
阅读更多DRF authentication, permissions, and flow restrictions (only for views in DRF)
One 、 authentication Authentication Authentication needs to be used in combination with permissions Authentication Official configuration file ...
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Let's talk about our situation first . Junior college students ,18 In, he entered a software company in Hunan through school recruitment , It's close...
Test rabbit 43134049/85896092 https://img / /user/bin/env Python3 / / coding:utf 8 / import ...
brief introduction Jacoco Is an open source coverage tool . Jacoco Can be embedded into Ant 、 Maven in , And provides EclEmma Eclipse plug-in...
List of articles One 、 brief introduction 2 Two 、 Implementation code 19 3、 ... and 、 Realization effect 81 Reference material 87 One 、 br...
本文为明德扬原创文章,转载请注明出处 明德扬的JESD204B采集卡项目综合上板后,可以使用上位机通过千兆网来配置AD9144和AD9516板卡,实现高速ad采集。最终可以在示波器和上位机上采集到设定频率的正弦波。本文重点介绍JESD204B时钟网络。 一,JESD204B时钟网络原理概述 本文以...
Preface Today's testing industry , Various test platforms are popular , For example, there is an interface automation platform for Automation 、UI A...
我们可以通过在应用中集成认证服务SDK来轻松快速地向用户推出注册、登录等相关功能。下面来介绍如何在HarmonyOS平台集成使用AGC认证服务。 集成内容 通过harmony sdk插件集成AGC 验证服务,在AGC上开启认证服务,并添加手机验证与邮箱验证两种方式,同时端侧集成SDK调用后由AG...
Panel display technology (FPD) There are roughly three stages : CRT( crt ) 、 LCD Liquid crystal display 、 OLED( Organic light emitting semiconductor...
内部类是定义在另一个类中的类。为什么需要使用内部类呢? 其主要原因有以下三点: 内部类方法可以访问该类定义所在的作用域中的数据,包括 私有 的数据。 内部类可以对同一个包中的其他类隐藏起来。 当想要定义一个回调函数且不想编写大量代码时,使用匿名内部类比较便捷。 那么接下来直接上代码来举例 publi...
指针的进阶 1. 字符指针 1 1 2. 指针数组 2 25 3. 数组指针 3 32 3.1 数组指针的定义 31 33 3.2 数组名VS数组名 32 VS 50 3.3 数组指针的使用 33 88 4. 数组参数、指针参数 4 150 4.1 一维数组传参 41 152 4.2 二维数组传参...