优雅的 Controller 层代码
一个完整的后端请求由 4 部分组成: 接口地址(也就是 URL 地址) 请求方式(一般就是 get、set,当然还有 put、delete) 请求数据(request,有 head 跟 body) 响应数据(response) 当前解决以下 3 个问题: 当接收到请求时,如何优雅的校验参数 返回响应...
2022-07-07 08:19【IT Wolf】
阅读更多施努卡:机器视觉定位技术 机器视觉定位原理
如今,我们的身边已然充斥着各种类型的机器人,在制造、运输、生活等各领域起着非常重要的作用。比如机器人代步车,扫地机器人等。而让这些机器人拥有一双“智慧”双眼的正是机器视觉技术,得益于机器人产业的规划发展,机器视觉技术的应用就有非常广阔的空间。 机器视觉的定义 机器视觉是人工智能正在快速发展的一个分支...
2022-07-07 08:20【施努卡机器视觉】
gym安装踩坑记录 使用pip install gym all 安装gym时box2d安装失败,会出现Building wheel for box2d.py setup.py … error的问题 终端显示 error trying to exec ‘cc1plus’: execvp: 没有那个文...
2022-07-07 08:21【岁笑三古】
文章目录 1、ThreadLocal 简介 1ThreadLocal 2 2、ThreadLocal 基本使用 2ThreadLocal 28 3、ThreadLocal 与 synchronized的区别 3ThreadLocal synchronized 70 4、ThreadLocal 阿里...
2022-07-07 08:22【HGW689】
阅读更多[homework] 2022.7.6 write your own cal function
stay linux of use vim Write calendar function , The basic functions are : 1. Enter month and year , Output calendar 1. If you do not enter the mon...
2022-07-07 10:27【Sprite. Nym】
阅读更多Leetcode-303: region and retrieval - array immutable
leetcode 303: Area and retrieval The array is immutable subject 2 Problem solving 30 Method 1 : The prefix and 32 subject Topic linking ...
2022-07-07 10:27【Chrysanthemum headed bat】
阅读更多Leetcode-560: subarray with sum K
leetcode 560: And for K Subarray subject 2 Problem solving 20 Method 1 : The prefix and ( Overtime ) 22 Method 2 : The prefix and + Hashtabl...
2022-07-07 10:27【Chrysanthemum headed bat】
阅读更多Leetcode-304: two dimensional area and retrieval - matrix immutable
leetcode 304: Two dimensional region and retrieval The matrix is immutable subject 2 Problem solving 32 Method 1 : The prefix and 34 subjec...
2022-07-07 10:27【Chrysanthemum headed bat】
阅读更多Common shortcut keys in IDA
ALT+T: Search string ( Text search ) ALT+B: Search for opcode( binary data ), Search for 16 Base number ALT+L: Mark (Lable) ALT+M: Set the label (mar...
2022-07-07 10:27【015646】
阅读更多I'd rather say simple problems a hundred times than do complex problems once
Current status of the Forum : 90% Selling classes of 5% Upload packaged DB Information also 5% Take it as a handy note Simple question 100 All o...
2022-07-07 10:27【JokerYourMemory】
阅读更多Using U2 net deep network to realize -- certificate photo generation program
Results the preview : Use to : 1.pytorch Load split model 2.PIL More convenient to operate images 2.U2 net The network separates the contou...
2022-07-07 10:29【Happy border town】
阅读更多Five simple and practical daily development functions of chrome are explained in detail. Unlock quickly to improve your efficiency!
outside default.png default.png as everyone knows , chrome At present, there is no such thing in the market , Browser with absolute leadership . ...
2022-07-07 10:29【Front end technology station】
阅读更多Application of OpenGL gllightfv function and related knowledge of light source
First introduced OpenGL Simple lighting model , Its reflected light can be divided into three components : Ambient reflected light , Diffuse light , ...
2022-07-07 10:29【my_ angle2016】
阅读更多Pre knowledge reserve of TS type gymnastics to become an excellent TS gymnastics master
TS Type gymnastics pre knowledge reserve If you are learning TS, But like me, I just stay in defining types , Definition interface / type At ...
2022-07-07 10:29【Front end technology station】
阅读更多Some superficial understanding of word2vec
Recently, a friend asked word2vec What's the matter , So I reviewed the relevant knowledge again , Record some of your thoughts , Prevent forgetting ...
2022-07-07 10:29【strawberry47】
阅读更多[daiy5] jz77 print binary tree in zigzag order
subject : Given a binary tree , Returns the zigzag of the binary tree ,( The first floor is from left to right , The next floor is from right to le...
2022-07-07 10:29【strawberry47】
阅读更多[dai6] mirror image of JZ27 binary tree
subject : Operate a given binary tree , Transform it into a mirror image of the source binary tree . Ideas What returns is a tree , That has to ...
2022-07-07 10:29【strawberry47】
阅读更多Trajectory planning for multi robot systems: methods and Applications Overview reading notes
Catalog 1.Introduction 1Introduction 1 2.Multi robots systems 2Multirobots systems 9 3.Path Planning 3Path Planning 26 3.1. Decomposition graph bas...
2022-07-07 10:29【strawberry47】
阅读更多IIC Basics
Simply record IIC Related knowledge . Always forget . First IIC It's two wires ,SDA and SCL,SDA For data transfer ,SCL It's a clock pulse .IIC It is...
2022-07-07 10:29【L7256】
阅读更多Multisim -- software related skills
One 、 Introduction to common shortcut keys (1) Slide the rheostat adjustment shortcut key A—— Resistance increases sift+A—— Resistance reduction ...
2022-07-07 10:29【541 brother ban】
- External interrupt to realize key experiment
- Port multiplexing and re imaging
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- 正则匹配以XXX开头的,XXX结束的
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- CONDA creates virtual environment offline
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- The principle and implementation of buffer playback of large video files
- Esxi attaching mobile (Mechanical) hard disk detailed tutorial
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*作者: 一只大喵咪1201 63726869?spm=1000.2115.3001.5343 *专栏:《C语言学习》 *格言:你只管努力,剩下的交给时间 图 https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/d1a39f67897c4e32844e44c89f7dd167.jpeg C语...
webrtc Taux d'acquisition obs C'est beaucoup plus confortable à utiliser Diversoptions Très bien. Et encorefull screenAcquisition? localstream https...
edit Z KBU1510 stay KBU 4 In the package 4 A chip , It's all in size 120MIL, It is dedicated to a thin flat bridge power supply 15A Rectifier bridge...
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UnityHub2.5.8 Patch以及UnityPro探究 前言说教 2 使用的工具 5 安装Node.js工具 Nodejs 11 安装UnityHub以及Unity UnityHubUnity 14 部分代码修改 26 破解后的效果 29 总结 32 前言说教 没啥可以说教的东西,换新工作...
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SUCTF 2019 Game 题目地址 : SUCTF%202019 Game %5BSUCTF%202019%5DGame https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/f384c30007bd41b48ae1f8cf6fec3944.png 题目一共两个附件,先把src.z...
Electronic engineers all know , Semiconductor technology is developing rapidly , It has driven the continuous upgrading of various chip technologies...
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