Mpx 插件
下载地址: mpx 安装 WebStorm,并且版本不小于 2021.2,然后启动编辑器打开插件设置,搜索 “Mpx” 点击安装。 小程序代码提示插件 Features 特性 Syntax highlighting 代码高亮 Snippet 代码片断 Emmet 代码提示 Linting / Er...
2022-07-07 08:50【前端精髓】
阅读更多Static semantic check of clang tidy in cicd
course ; tools tutorial/ Use clang tidy First, install clang tools Linux Ubuntu System sudo apt install clang tools ...
2022-07-07 10:56【Taylor lance】
阅读更多Cmake learning manual
The official manual cmake 3 5/cmake 3 5 module checkcxxsourcecompiles.html
2022-07-07 10:56【Taylor lance】
阅读更多QT document
entrance 5/qmake variable reference.html
2022-07-07 10:56【Taylor lance】
阅读更多Qtcreator sets multiple qmake
qt Creator Sometimes different settings are required qt The library files , That's different qmake, We can set : 1)Tools KIts, And then choose Manual...
2022-07-07 10:56【Taylor lance】
阅读更多Ffmpeg record a video command from RTSP
ffmpeg rtsp transport tcp y re i rtsp:// vcodec copy t 00:00:10.00 f mp4 output.mp4
2022-07-07 10:56【Taylor lance】
阅读更多Ping tool ICMP message learning
First , Here is a good blog : entrance medium=distribute.pc relevant.none task blog %202~...
2022-07-07 10:56【Taylor lance】
阅读更多The fifth training assignment
1. Basic grammar 1.1 Statements and comments javascript The execution unit of the program is line , That is, line by line execution , In general , ...
2022-07-07 10:56【m0_ sixty-three million five hundred and fifty-two thousand nin】
阅读更多The sixth training assignment
1. Operator Operators are used to perform program code operations . Will operate on one or more operands 2. Control statement We wrote javascrip...
2022-07-07 10:57【m0_ sixty-three million five hundred and fifty-two thousand nin】
阅读更多The seventh training assignment
1. Built-in objects argument Defined only inside the function , Save the arguments of the function Array Array objects date Date object , Used t...
2022-07-07 10:57【m0_ sixty-three million five hundred and fifty-two thousand nin】
阅读更多The eighth training assignment
1.ajax jquery call ajax Method Parameters : type: Request mode url: Request address async: Is it synchronized data: Send server data contentTyp...
2022-07-07 10:57【m0_ sixty-three million five hundred and fifty-two thousand nin】
阅读更多PR Lecture Notes
ntsc The sequence is used in Europe and America ,pal The sequence is used in Asia Generally choose 48hz . Output format contact h.264, Because the ...
2022-07-07 10:57【m0_ sixty-three million five hundred and fifty-two thousand nin】
https://img oss process=image/watermark,type ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow 10,text aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L...
2022-07-07 10:57【hjw1001】
Virtual machine installation process choice Linux https://img oss process=image/watermark,type ZmFuZ3poZW5n...
2022-07-07 10:57【hjw1001】
Preface A cloud development platform , Use familiar js, Easily handle the overall business of the front and back office uni app Official website...
2022-07-07 10:58【wax9092】
阅读更多Rolling puddle Uni_ App (VIII)
Demand scenarios : A very common area scrolls grammar : style .card{ overflow: auto; } /style H5 There is no problem , however App But it doesn't ...
2022-07-07 10:58【wax9092】
阅读更多Poj1821 fence problem solving Report
Portal 1 Title Description A team of $k 1 = K = 100 $workers should paint a fence which contains N 1 = N = 16000 N 1 = N = 16 000 N 1 =N =16000...
2022-07-07 10:58【Aurora_ yxy】
阅读更多Deconstruction and assignment of variables
Preface : Old books never tire of being read again and again , Read carefully, think carefully, and know yourself Reference documents : Deconstr...
2022-07-07 10:58【wax9092】
阅读更多Wallhaven wallpaper desktop version
As a web surfer , If there is not a dazzling wallpaper on the desktop , That was an absolute failure Of course , If you search directly on Baidu “ ...
2022-07-07 10:58【Jiuban blog】
阅读更多Which securities company is the best and safest to open an account for the subscription of new shares
Which securities company is the best and safest to open an account for the subscription of new shares Take the answer 1: Hello! . When you choose ...
2022-07-07 10:58【Koufu Q & A】
- Oracle installation enhancements error
- LeetCode 736. LISP syntax parsing
- Jenkins task grouping
- IIS faked death this morning, various troubleshooting, has been solved
- [detailed explanation of Huawei machine test] tall and short people queue up
- Introduction to abnova's in vitro mRNA transcription workflow and capping method
- 创建一个长度为6的int型数组,要求数组元素的值都在1-30之间,且是随机赋值。同时,要求元素的值各不相同。
- 1142_ SiCp learning notes_ Functions and processes created by functions_ Linear recursion and iteration
- CSAPP bomb lab parsing
- eBPF Cilium实战(2) - 底层网络可观测性
1321:【 example 6.3】 Censoring problem Noip1994 show.php?pid=1321 '1321:【 example 6.3】 Censoring problem Noip1994 ' The time limit : 1000 ms ...
GlusterFS分布式文件系统 一、GlusterFS概述 GlusterFS 1 1、文件系统组成 1 7 2、文件系统的作用 2 13 3、专业术语 3 19 4、模块化堆栈式架构 4 27 5、服务器详解 5 34 二、GFS特点 GFS 43 三、GFS工作原理 GFS 52 四、弹性H...
Jenkins Display the real-time running time : Every time you restart the server ,Jenkins Time will change automatically Jenkins System management ...
指针的进阶 1. 字符指针 1 1 2. 指针数组 2 25 3. 数组指针 3 32 3.1 数组指针的定义 31 33 3.2 数组名VS数组名 32 VS 50 3.3 数组指针的使用 33 88 4. 数组参数、指针参数 4 150 4.1 一维数组传参 41 152 4.2 二维数组传参...
BigDecimal The pit of BigDecimal It is often used by us to calculate some scenes that need accurate calculation , For example, calculation of amount...
艺术设计创造力已成为确保可持续发展的日益重要的因素,提高个人的创造力一直是教育的重要任务之一。为了更好地了解21世纪的创造力是什么,并通过评估其对文化和经济的影响,人们认为有必要改变用于教育个人的教学方法。新技术的发展往往与对教育产生重大影响的潜力有关。 作为该背景下的产物之一的STEAM教育,近年...
传统的教学模式已不能适应现代化社会高速发展的需要,而以科技创新教育为核心的素质教育正在慢慢走进大家的视野,一场从根本上改变中国传统教育模式的革命正在悄然发生,这一场教育的变革,是势在必行的 ”在20世纪30——40年代我国人民教育家陶行知首先倡导创造教育,发表了著名的“创造宣言”提出了“ 处处是创造...
Recommend a free open course of zero sound College , Personally, I think the teacher spoke well , Share with you : Linux,Nginx,ZeroMQ,MySQL,Redis,fas...
上一小节学习了卷积神经网络的卷积层和池化层的实现,趁热打铁继续学习现代卷积神经网络的搭建,欢迎小伙伴们一起学习和交流~ 为了能够应⽤ softmax 回归和多层感知机,我们⾸先将每个⼤小为28 × 28 28 times 2828×28的图像展平为⼀个784维的固定⻓...
Concurrent 、 Unit test course notes Youth Camp notes This is my participation 「 The third youth training camp Back end field 」 The third part ...