2022 certified surveyors are still at a loss when preparing for the exam? Teach you how to take the exam hand in hand?
Recently, it is the registration time for registered surveyors . There are many partners who are interested in some issues of registered surveyors . ...
2022-07-07 23:31【Direct employment from the ground up】
阅读更多Progress broadcast | all 29 shield machines of Guangzhou Metro Line 7 have been launched
Guangzhou Metro 7 The shield machine for tunneling on the right line of the entrance and exit line of Jitang parking lot of line 2 started smoothly ,...
2022-07-07 23:31【Direct employment from the ground up】
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PS D: web001 vue001 live server live server : Cannot be “live server” Item identified as cmdlet、 function 、 The name of the script file or runnable ...
2022-07-07 23:31【gaojingsong】
阅读更多Understand TCP's three handshakes and four waves with love
One 、TCP/IP The connection of When socket Established TCP/IP After the connection , The server will always listen to the connection request ...
2022-07-07 23:31【Little river god is tangled】
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One 、esp at obtain Use in an available directory git Tools clone the official website of Lexin esp at project git clone https://github....
2022-07-07 23:32【Little river god is tangled】
阅读更多[STM32 + esp-12s connect Tencent cloud IOT development platform 1] creation of cloud platform and burning of at firmware
Tencent cloud IOT development platform creation and ESP 12S Firmware burning of Preface 4 One 、 Creation of Tencent cloud IOT development platfo...
2022-07-07 23:32【Little river god is tangled】
阅读更多[stm32+esp8266 connect Tencent cloud IOT development platform 2] stm32+esp8266-01s connect Tencent cloud
List of articles Preface 6 One 、 Hardware preparation 14 1.ESP8266 01S 1ESP826601S 15 2. STM32F103C8T6 Core board or small development board an...
2022-07-07 23:32【Little river god is tangled】
阅读更多[stm32+esp8266 connects to Tencent cloud IOT development platform 3] stm32+esp8266-01s dynamically registers devices on Tencent cloud (at instruction mode) -- with source code
List of articles Preface 6 One 、 Open the dynamic registration function of the product 10 Two 、STM32 Code changes STM32 16 1. Modify triples ...
2022-07-07 23:32【Little river god is tangled】
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List of articles Preface 4 One 、 Software specifications 9 Two 、 Schematic design 15 1. Lamp bead array 1 16 2.ESP C3 Peripheral circuits 2...
2022-07-07 23:32【Little river god is tangled】
阅读更多Anxin can internally test offline voice module vb-01 to communicate with esp-c3-12f
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2022-07-07 23:32【Little river god is tangled】
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Preface I believe you won't go to your raspberry pie for a long time , Will forget the password , But I don't have a monitor , There is no ...
2022-07-07 23:32【Little river god is tangled】
阅读更多Anxinco esp32-a1s development board is adapted to Baidu dueros routine to realize online voice function
List of articles Preface 7 One 、 preparation 13 1. Hardware preparation 1 14 2. Software preparation 2 21 Two 、 verification ESP ADF If ther...
2022-07-07 23:32【Little river god is tangled】
阅读更多Anxin vb01 offline voice module access intelligent curtain guidance
Preface Anxinco VB A series of offline voice modules will be on sale , Today I will bring you VB01 Access the tutorial of intelligent curta...
2022-07-07 23:33【Little river god is tangled】
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List of articles Preface 3 One 、 Be careful font colorff0000 10 Two 、flash The encryption process flash 14 3、 ... and 、 Encryption mode 33 ...
2022-07-07 23:33【Little river god is tangled】
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2022-07-07 23:33【Little river god is tangled】
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background If because gcc Version restrictions , Cannot use a higher version gcc, And need regex If the library solution is regular ,boost regex L...
2022-07-07 23:33【halem100】
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background If JVM Some molecular modules belong to C++ Written so, You need to check for memory leaks , Provided here ASAN To check this so resol...
2022-07-07 23:33【halem100】
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Hide base class : Law 1 Replace the base member with a new derived member class A { public void fun { Console.WriteLine 'A' ; } } class B : A { / /...
2022-07-07 23:33【Bobo in summer】
阅读更多The for loop realizes 1-100 addition and eliminates the 4-digit tail number
/ /bin/bash i End=4 i Total=0 for i=1;i =100;i++ do i temp= expr $i % 10 if $i temp eq $i End ; then echo ' skip :${i}' continue; fi i Total=$ ${i Tot...
2022-07-07 23:33【Bobo in summer】
The interface itself can inherit from multiple interfaces public interface Ia // Interface Ia Statement , The interface modifier can be new、public、p...
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1.1 前言 随着社会经济和科学技术的飞速发展,人们的生活变得更加智能化、科学化。信息安全逐渐引起人们的关注,信息的应用不断进入人们的视野。普通的身份识别方式并不能有效保证信息安全。生物识别技术以其稳定性、独特性和高效性逐渐成为人们广泛关注和研究的对象。常见的生物识别技术有很多,比如虹膜、指纹、人...
2前首富,沉迷种田 来源:猛犸工作室(ID:MENGMASHENDU) 作者:马欢 编辑:马妮 不再是全球首富的比尔盖茨,在美国头号地主的位置上坐得安稳。 7月7日,据美国媒体报道,比尔·盖茨刚刚获得法院批准,允许他购买北达科他州2100英亩(约8.5平方公里)的农田,价值1350万美元。 不...
Why? Win11 Cannot display seconds ?Win11 How to solve the problem that time does not display seconds ? Many friends want to know why Win11 The number...
文章目录 设置IIS本地服务器 IIS 3 1.iis配置完成,打开web包出错 1iisweb 21 使用Unity开发WebGL功能分类 UnityWebGL 26 1.WebGL打开本地选中文件 1WebGL 27 2.Unity 输入框InputField输入问题 2Unity Input...
Mongodb由浅入深学习 Mongodb简介 MongoDB是一种基于分布式文件存储的数据库。它介于关系数据库和非关系数据库之间的产品。 它支持的数据结构非常松散,是类似Json的Bson格式,因此可以存储比较复杂的数据类型。 Mongo最大的特点是它支持的查询语言非常强大,其语法有点类似于面向...
Link to the original text : Keep learning Java100 Tiandi 024 God Thread pool and singleton mode and file operation rXmpz97x88353puO5g ' Keep l...
安装 Linux Lab # 使用普通用户下载 Cloud Lab,然后再选择 linux lab 仓库: git clone lab.git cd cloud lab/ # 启动 Linux Lab 并根据控制台上打印的用户名和密码登录实验环境 tools/docker/run linux ...
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When the ArcGIS When assigning values to fields in the attribute table of the data loaded in , You can click on the “ Start editing ” Then assign val...
In recent days, , National industrial information security development research center of the Ministry of industry and information technology ( No.1 ...