redis的持久化方式-RDB和AOF 两种持久化机制
redis的持久化方式 RDB和AOF 两种持久化机制 Redis是基于内存的非关系型K V数据库,既然它是基于内存的,如果Redis服务器挂了,数据就会丢失。为了避免数据丢失了,Redis提供了 持久化 ,即把数据保存到磁盘。 持久化文件加载流程如下: 请添加图片描述 https://img b...
2022-07-07 23:21【beginnerDZ】
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Source of question bank : Safety production simulation test, a little public official account. Pass the safety production simulation exam at one po...
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Source of question bank : Safety production simulation test, a little public official account. Pass the safety production simulation exam at one po...
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2022-07-08 01:22【You roll, I don't roll】
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2022-07-08 01:22【You roll, I don't roll】
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2022-07-08 01:22【You roll, I don't roll】
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2022-07-08 01:22【You roll, I don't roll】
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2022-07-08 01:22【You roll, I don't roll】
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Source of question bank : Safety production simulation test, a little public official account. Pass the safety production simulation exam at one po...
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