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Are the microorganisms in the intestines the same as those on the skin?

2022-07-07 23:02:00 Microbiological examination

   What is microbiota ?

   Whether in vivo or in vitro , There are a large number of microorganisms inhabiting our bodies . Although bacteria are the most important group , But we also have single celled organisms called Archaea , And fungi 、 Viruses and other microorganisms . They are collectively referred to as the human microbiota .


   Are the microorganisms in the intestines the same as those on the skin ?

   No , Different body parts have different microbial communities . Although intestinal microorganisms have received a lot of research attention , But microbes elsewhere are also important : In some recent studies , Scientists have found that common bacteria on the skin may help prevent skin cancer .

   also , The microbiota also varies from person to person . Human microbiota expert at the University of California, San Diego Rob Knight Pointed out that , Even if two equally healthy people live in the same environment , There are also great differences in their overall active microbiota . The differences in gut microbiome explain why people react differently to the same food . He said :“ Are tomatoes good or bad for you , Is rice better or worse than ice cream , All need to be explained by your microbiota .”

   Whether microorganisms will affect our weight 、 Even the brain ?

   When it comes to obesity , Intestinal microorganisms may affect in several ways , Including appetite 、 Produce gas 、 The efficiency of digesting and absorbing food 、 And the effects on the immune system and inflammation .

   There are also several mechanisms for emotional influence , One is through the vagus nerve , This is a two-way road from our brain to all organs of the body, including the intestines .


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