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2022 Android interview essential knowledge points, a comprehensive summary

2022-07-07 06:25:00 Big fish SS


All the knowledge points of this article are summarized after personal experience of more than ten first and second tier Internet enterprises , Including the application Android Develop high-frequency knowledge points in all aspects of the post , Mainly for but not limited to Android Fresh interview . All the following knowledge points are sorted and published in Github/Gitbook, It is convenient for everyone to organize and study , Link at the end of the article .

author :Ruheng
link :https://www.jianshu.com/p/3df3d2974234

1 Java

1.1Java Basics

  • Java Collections framework
  • Java aggregate ——ArrayList
  • Java aggregate ——LinkedList
  • Java aggregate ——HashMap
  • Java aggregate ——TreeMap
  • Java aggregate ——LinkedHashMap
  • Java Generic
  • Java Reflection
  • Java annotation
  • Java IO
  • RandomAccessFile
  • Java NIO
  • Java Unusual details
  • Java The difference between abstract classes and interfaces
  • Java Deep copy and light copy
  • Java transient keyword
  • Java finally And return Execution order
  • Java 8 New characteristics

1.2Java Concurrent

  • Java There are three ways to create a thread
  • Java Thread pool
  • Deadlock
  • Synchronized/ReentrantLock
  • producer / Consumer model
  • volatile keyword
  • CAS Atomic manipulation
  • AbstractQueuedSynchronizer Detailed explanation
  • In depth understanding of ReentrantLock
  • Java Concurrent sets ——ArrayBlockingQueue
  • Java Concurrent sets ——LinkedBlockingQueue
  • Java Concurrent sets ——ConcurrentHashMap

1.3Java virtual machine

  • Object creation 、 Memory layout and access location
  • Java Memory area and memory model
  • Java Class loading mechanism and class loader details
  • JVM Garbage collection algorithm and garbage collector details
  • JVM How to judge whether the object is dead ?

2 Android

2.1Android Basics

  • Activity All round analysis
  • Service All round analysis
  • BroadcastReceiver All round analysis
  • ContentProvider All round analysis
  • Fragment Detailed explanation
  • Android Message mechanism
  • Android Event distribution mechanism
  • AsyncTask Detailed explanation
  • HandlerThread Detailed explanation
  • IntentService Detailed explanation
  • LruCache Principle analysis
  • Window、Activity、DecorView as well as ViewRoot The relationship between
  • View measurement 、 Layout and drawing principle
  • Android Virtual machine and compiling process
  • Android Interprocess communication mode
  • Android Bitmap Compression strategy
  • Android Animation summary
  • Android Process priority
  • Android Context Detailed explanation

2.2Android Advanced

  • Android Multi thread breakpoint continuation
  • Android Global exception handling
  • Android MVP Model details
  • Android Binder Mechanism and AIDL Use
  • Android Parcelable and Serializable The difference between
  • One APP From Startup to main page, it shows the process that has gone through ?
  • Android Performance optimization summary
  • Android Summary of memory leaks
  • Android Layout optimization include、merge、ViewStub Use
  • Android Authority handling
  • Android Principle of thermal repair
  • Android Getting started with plug-in
  • VirtualApk analysis
  • Android Push technology analysis
  • Android Apk setup script
  • PopupWindow and Dialog difference

2.3 Open source framework

  • OkHttp analysis
  • Retrofit analysis
  • EventBus analysis

3 data structure

  • The linear table
  • Stacks and teams
  • Trees

The foundation of the tree
Other common trees
Union checking set
B- Trees ,B+ Trees ,B* Trees

  • chart

The foundation of the picture
A topological sort
Kruskal Algorithm
Prim Algorithm
Dijkstra Algorithm
Floyd Algorithm

  • Hash lookup
  • Sort
  • Massive data processing

4 Algorithm

  • The finger of the sword offer
  • LeetCode

5 Design patterns

  • Create pattern

Simple factory model
Factory method model
Abstract factory pattern
The singleton pattern
Builder pattern

  • Structural mode

Adapter mode appearance mode
Decorator mode
The proxy pattern

  • Behavioral patterns

Command mode
Iterator pattern
Observer mode
The strategy pattern
Template method pattern

6 computer network

  • TCP/IP
  • HTTP

7 operating system

  • summary
  • Processes and threads
  • memory management

8 database

  • SQL sentence
    Github Address :https://github.com/LRH1993/android_interview


This is the end of it , Put a little benefit at the end of the article , The following is a story about Flutter Learning ideas and direction , Engaged in Internet development , The most important thing is to learn technology well , And learning technology is a slow and hard road , You can't rely on a moment of passion , It's not like you can learn it in a few days and nights , We must form the habit of studying hard at ordinary times , More effective learning needs to be achieved .

Because of the large amount of content, I only put a general outline , If you need to learn mind mapping in more detail, you can scan the QR code below for free .


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