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ROS learning (25) rviz plugin

2022-07-07 01:52:00 Ice cream with code


  RVIZ yes ROS One provided 3D Visualization tools , As an extensible view tool , You can use the plug-in mechanism to add rich functional modules .RVIZ Laser data commonly used in 、 The visual display of image data is actually an official plug-in .
   below , By implementing a speed control plug-in , be familiar with rviz plugin The implementation process of plug-ins .
   The source code of this article comes from teacher Hu's book -《ROS Robot development practice 》.

One 、 Function description

The interface is as shown in the figure :
 Insert picture description here
This plug-in uses Qt Development , Contains three input boxes , Topic names 、 Linear velocity and angular velocity .

Two 、 Create Feature Pack

The order is as follows :

catkin_create_pkg rviz_teleop_commander roscpp rviz std_msgs

This feature pack depends on RVIZ, because RVIZ Is based on Qt Developed , So there is no need to list right Qt Dependence .

3、 ... and 、 Code implementation

1、 establish teleop_pad.h file

The contents of the document are as follows :

#ifndef TELEOP_PAD_H
#define TELEOP_PAD_H

// The header file to be included 
#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <ros/console.h>
#include <rviz/panel.h> //plugin Header file of base class 

class QLineEdit;

namespace rviz_teleop_commander
//  be-all plugin It has to be rviz::Panel Subclasses of 
class TeleopPanel: public rviz::Panel
//  You need to use Qt Signals and slots , All are QObject Subclasses of , So you need to declare Q_OBJECT macro 
    //  Constructors , In the class will be used QWidget To achieve GUI Interface , Here, it is initialized to 0 that will do 
    TeleopPanel( QWidget* parent = 0 );

    //  heavy load rviz::Panel Functions in accumulation , Used to hold 、 Load the data in the configuration file , Here we are plugin
    //  in , The data is topic The name of 
    virtual void load( const rviz::Config& config );
    virtual void save( rviz::Config config ) const;

//  Common trough .
public Q_SLOTS:
    //  When user input topic After naming and pressing enter , The callback uses this slot to create a corresponding named topic publisher
    void setTopic( const QString& topic );

//  Internal slot .
protected Q_SLOTS:
    void sendVel();                 //  Release the current speed value 
    void update_Linear_Velocity();  //  Update the linear speed value according to the user's input 
    void update_Angular_Velocity(); //  Update the angular velocity value according to the user's input 
    void updateTopic();             //  Update according to user input topic name

//  Internal variables .
    // topic name Input box 
    QLineEdit* output_topic_editor_;
    QString output_topic_;

    //  Linear velocity value input box 
    QLineEdit* output_topic_editor_1;
    QString output_topic_1;

    //  Angular velocity value input box 
    QLineEdit* output_topic_editor_2;
    QString output_topic_2;

    // ROS Of publisher, Used to release speed topic
    ros::Publisher velocity_publisher_;

    // ROS inode handle 
    ros::NodeHandle nh_;

    //  Current saved linear and angular velocity values 
    float linear_velocity_;
    float angular_velocity_;

} // end namespace rviz_teleop_commander

#endif // TELEOP_PANEL_H

2、 establish teleop_pad.cpp file

The contents of the document are as follows :

#include <stdio.h>

#include <QPainter>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QTimer>

#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
#include <QDebug>

#include "teleop_pad.h"

namespace rviz_teleop_commander

//  Constructors , Initialize variable 
TeleopPanel::TeleopPanel( QWidget* parent )
  : rviz::Panel( parent )
  , linear_velocity_( 0 )
  , angular_velocity_( 0 )
    //  Create an input topic Named window 
    QVBoxLayout* topic_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
    topic_layout->addWidget( new QLabel( "Teleop Topic:" ));
    output_topic_editor_ = new QLineEdit;
    topic_layout->addWidget( output_topic_editor_ );

    //  Create a window for inputting linear velocity 
    topic_layout->addWidget( new QLabel( "Linear Velocity:" ));
    output_topic_editor_1 = new QLineEdit;
    topic_layout->addWidget( output_topic_editor_1 );

    //  Create a window for entering angular velocity 
    topic_layout->addWidget( new QLabel( "Angular Velocity:" ));
    output_topic_editor_2 = new QLineEdit;
    topic_layout->addWidget( output_topic_editor_2 );

    QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout;
    layout->addLayout( topic_layout );
    setLayout( layout );

    //  Create a timer , Used to publish messages regularly 
    QTimer* output_timer = new QTimer( this );

    //  Set the connection between the signal and the slot 
    //  Input topic name , After returning , call updateTopic()
    connect( output_topic_editor_, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( updateTopic() ));    
    //  Enter the linear speed value , After returning , call update_Linear_Velocity()    
    connect( output_topic_editor_1, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( update_Linear_Velocity() )); 
    //  Enter the angular velocity value , After returning , call update_Angular_Velocity()
    connect( output_topic_editor_2, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( update_Angular_Velocity() ));

    //  Set the timer's callback function , Call by cycle sendVel()
    connect( output_timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( sendVel() ));

    //  Set the period of the timer ,100ms
    output_timer->start( 100 );

//  Update the linear speed value 
void TeleopPanel::update_Linear_Velocity()
    //  Get the data in the input box 
    QString temp_string = output_topic_editor_1->text();
    //  Convert a string to a floating-point number 
    float lin = temp_string.toFloat();  
    //  Save the current input value 
    linear_velocity_ = lin;

//  Update the angular velocity value 
void TeleopPanel::update_Angular_Velocity()
    QString temp_string = output_topic_editor_2->text();
    float ang = temp_string.toFloat() ;  
    angular_velocity_ = ang;

//  to update topic name 
void TeleopPanel::updateTopic()
    setTopic( output_topic_editor_->text() );

//  Set up topic name 
void TeleopPanel::setTopic( const QString& new_topic )
    //  Check topic Change or not .
    if( new_topic != output_topic_ )
        output_topic_ = new_topic;

        //  If the name is empty , Do not publish any information 
        if( output_topic_ == "" )
        //  otherwise , initialization publisher
            velocity_publisher_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>( output_topic_.toStdString(), 1 );

        Q_EMIT configChanged();

//  Release the news 
void TeleopPanel::sendVel()
    if( ros::ok() && velocity_publisher_ )
        geometry_msgs::Twist msg;
        msg.linear.x = linear_velocity_;
        msg.linear.y = 0;
        msg.linear.z = 0;
        msg.angular.x = 0;
        msg.angular.y = 0;
        msg.angular.z = angular_velocity_;
        velocity_publisher_.publish( msg );

//  Overload the function of the parent class 
void TeleopPanel::save( rviz::Config config ) const
    rviz::Panel::save( config );
    config.mapSetValue( "Topic", output_topic_ );

//  Overload the function of the parent class , Load configuration data 
void TeleopPanel::load( const rviz::Config& config )
    rviz::Panel::load( config );
    QString topic;
    if( config.mapGetString( "Topic", &topic ))
        output_topic_editor_->setText( topic );

} // end namespace rviz_teleop_commander

//  Declare that this class is a rviz Plug in for 
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(rviz_teleop_commander::TeleopPanel,rviz::Panel )

Four 、 Compile the plug-in

1、 establish plugin Description file for

Under the root directory of the function package , establish plugin Description file for , The file named plugin_description.xml, The contents are as follows :

<library path="lib/librviz_teleop_commander">
    <class name="rviz_teleop_commander/TeleopPanel"
            A panel widget allowing simple diff-drive style robot base control.

2、 modify package.xml file

stay package.xml Add... To the file plugin_description.xml File path , The contents are as follows :

      <rviz plugin="${prefix}/plugin_description.xml"/>

3、 modify CMakeLists.txt file

Add Compilation Rules , The contents are as follows :

## This plugin includes Qt widgets, so we must include Qt like so:
find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Widgets REQUIRED)
set(QT_LIBRARIES Qt5::Widgets)

## I prefer the Qt signals and slots to avoid defining "emit", "slots",
## etc because they can conflict with boost signals, so define QT_NO_KEYWORDS here.

## Here we specify which header files need to be run through "moc",
## Qt's meta-object compiler.

## Here we specify the list of source files, including the output of
## the previous command which is stored in ``${MOC_FILES}``.

## An rviz plugin is just a shared library, so here we declare the
## library to be called ``${PROJECT_NAME}`` (which is
## "rviz_plugin_tutorials", or whatever your version of this project
## is called) and specify the list of source files we collected above
## in ``${SOURCE_FILES}``.

## Link the library with whatever Qt libraries have been defined by
## the ``find_package(Qt4 ...)`` line above, and with whatever libraries
## catkin has included.
## Although this puts "rviz_plugin_tutorials" (or whatever you have
## called the project) as the name of the library, cmake knows it is a
## library and names the actual file something like
## "librviz_plugin_tutorials.so", or whatever is appropriate for your
## particular OS.

## Install rules



After making the above changes , You can compile the function package , The order is as follows :

catkin_make --pkg rviz_teleop_commander

5、 ... and 、 Running plug-ins

The first run roscore, The order is as follows :


function RVIZ, The order is as follows :

rosrun rviz rviz

Click on the Panels Options , choice Add New Panel, You can see the plug-in just created in the plug-in list , Pictured :

 Insert picture description here
Click on OK after , You can see that , The interface of the plug-in , Enter the parameter value , as follows :
 Insert picture description here
Run the command :

rostopic echo /cmd_vel

The effect is as follows :
 Insert picture description here
You can see ROS There are already nodes in the release /cmd_vel The news of the topic .


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