[email protected] 6 month 10 Japan ,Twitter Jack, co-founder of · Dorsey (Jack Dorsey) ...">

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Inftnews | web5 vs Web3: the future is a process, not a destination

2022-07-07 23:12:00 iNFTnews

source | cointelegraph

author | Tatiana Revoredo

compile | [email protected]

6 month 10 Japan ,Twitter Jack, co-founder of · Dorsey (Jack Dorsey) Subsidiary company TBD Announce launch Web5 platform .

TBD adopt 16 page PPT It explains Web5 The definition of the concept of 、 Key content and implementation path .

In Dorsey's view ,Web3 It doesn't really return the data to the user .

Because almost all decentralized applications run on blockchain development platforms Infura Or encryption infrastructure service provider Alchemy On the centralized infrastructure .

in other words , User data is provided by Google 、Facebook Wait for Internet companies to control and become venture capitalists of the invested blockchain 、 Centralized API Owned and controlled by infrastructure companies .

This is what Dorsey has been attacking Web3 Why . He tweeted that ,“ The user does not actually own Web3 product ,Web3 The actual owner of the project is the venture capital organization behind the project (VC) And its limited partners (LP)”

As for why not “Web4” And directly “Web5”, Dorsey's team gave the reason :Web5 yes Web2 and Web3 Set , namely Web2+Web3=Web5.

Although the answer looks a little “ be perfunctory ”, But it also reflects Web5 And Web2 and Web3 The characteristics of homology .

6 month 10 Japan ,Web5 Once raised, it shocked everyone .

In the eyes of most people ,Web3 Are still in the moment far from coming ,Web5 The concept is too advanced , However, we can sort out Web Development history of , have a look Web5 Ideas under the concept .

From the static network Web1 To the collaboration network Web2

In limine , There is what we now call Web1 Things that are , At that time, it was abbreviated as Web.

At this stage , Developed the first batch of websites , Portals and online services , Users can only read information , There is no opportunity for direct interaction .

Because it is impossible for users to interact , Those who access the network only consume the content provided in the one-way communication network , therefore ,Web1 Also known as “ Static networks ”.

Web2 With social networks 、 Blog 、 With the emergence and proliferation of applications such as forums and podcasts , These applications make new participatory communication possible .

Due to the development of these new tools , Users begin to communicate with each other and share content .

In this step , Users who used to be passive actors , Become the owner of the creation and management of online content , Build new processes and interactions , That's why Web 2 go by the name of “ Collaboration Web”.

Web3 When did it appear ?

It's like Web Like other stages of , It's hard to be sure Web3 Occurrence time of . This is because Web Development is a process , Therefore, there is no fixed start date .

Even though Web3 The term is Gavin Wood stay 2014 It was created in , But many people think Web3 The idea is to 2006 Around the year .

This should be the next step of the Internet . It's still in its infancy , I'm not sure Web What will the next stage of be like , But it must be called Web3.

source :Electric capital

Web3 There is no single creator , It is being established by different individuals and organizations 、 Development .

however , in general , structure Web3 People who , Also those in Ethereum 、EOS and TRON And others who are in the leading position of the smart contract platform on the blockchain .

In a broad sense ,Web3 The main goal of is to try to solve Web2 The biggest problem : Collect personal data through private networks , So as to realize monitoring capitalism . The correction of this deficiency is the real market of the Internet in the future .

So ,Web3 The main innovation focus is to become a decentralized network , Not controlled by any entity , Formed by a consensus mechanism platform trusted by everyone .

In which the , Distributed applications (DApps) Will be built on an open network , No entity can collect data without the consent of the user , Nor can anyone's access be restricted or censored .

in other words , just as Web3 Name yourself the same :Web3 Our mission is to create “ A decentralized and fair Internet , Users control their data 、 Identity and destiny ”.

Web3 The second innovation focus that developers promise is , These decentralized networks will make the value of the Internet or “ money ” Transfer directly between users' accounts , Without mediation .

and , These two functions —— Decentralization and internet currency —— Still in its early stages , Is to understand Web3 The key to .

However , Many critics of the current Web3 Expressing concern , For example, it relies on venture capitalists ( Such as A16Z,Andreessen Horowitz) Capital of , This will undermine its main innovation focus —— Provide users with a truly decentralized network . Dorsey is also worried about this .

Web4 Be missing ?

stay Web3 after —— This term covers all blockchains and decentralized technologies being built around the world ,Web The next phase of is not really a new version , But we already have (Web2) Or has been built (Web3) An alternative version of .

Web4, Also known as “ Move Web”, It is a with the necessary infrastructure to adapt to the mobile environment Web4. You can imagine , This is a real-time network connecting all mobile devices in the real world and the virtual world .

Web4 It realizes the mobility and voice interaction between users and robots .

In the past, the focus of the website was that users interact with the Internet through desktop and computer , that Web4 The focus of is to enable users to use and distribute information through robots , Connect the real world and the virtual world , No matter where you are .

therefore ,Web4 Changed the relationship between man and robot . In the fourth stage of the network , Humans will continue to contact robots , Daily life will increasingly rely on machines .

Tim · Berners's “Web5” And Dorsey's “Web5”

Although many people first heard about Dorsey in the recent news report Web5, But in fact , The word is not new .

2009 year ,Web The inventor of Tim · berners - Li (Tim Berners-Lee) stay TED Talks Delivered a speech on , He thinks that Web5 yes “ to open up , Connect , intelligence Web”, Call it emotional network (Emotional Web).

actually ,Web5 The real form of is still forming , According to the current signs , This network is also called symbiotic network , It will be an interconnected network , When we communicate with others , It will communicate with us ( Like a personal assistant ).

source :cointelegraph Research Terminal

This network will be very powerful , It depends entirely on the relationship between people and computers ( emotional ) Run interactively . Based on neural technology , Interaction will become a daily habit of many people .

It's worth mentioning here , Despite the current prevalence of surveillance capitalism , But at the moment, Web2“ In itself ” stay “ emotional ” It's neutral , This means that it doesn't perceive users' feelings and emotions .

Now? , With the symbolic emotional network Web5 The proposed , This situation may change in the future . such as WeFeelFine, This is a system that maps people's emotions through headphones .

Follow these ideas , At Tim · Berners's Web5 in , Users will interact with their emotions or content that interacts through facial recognition changes .

Tim · Berners is 2009 The idea of emotional or symbiotic networks in... And Jack · Dorsey announced “Web5” Seems irrelevant , jack · Dorsey wants to let users own the data rights , Don't let it fall into the hands of big companies .

In Dorsey's view ,Web5 The path to achieve the goal is based on the bitcoin network , Not like Web3 Ethereum and other blockchains based on smart contracts, which are widely used in .

Web5 It is a set of decentralization Web platform , Allow developers to leverage decentralized identifiers 、 Verifiable credentials and decentralization Web node , Write out and centralize Web Applications , So as to return the ownership and control of identity and data to the individual .

in other words ,Web5 Only identities are stored on the blockchain , Everything else is stored on the node where the user is running .

and Web2 comparison , Progressive type Web The application collects user related information through caching , And then transfer the whole to the centralized server , but Web5 Will utilize decentralization Web Nodes replace these centralized servers , Ensure that user data does not fall into the hands of third parties .

This idea looks like Web3 equally , But Dorsey's team believes that the premise is that all this is based on the bitcoin network .


Of course , Whether it's Web3 still Web5, To ensure the security of users on the Internet . The more initiatives focused on decentralized networks , The better for users .

In the process of development , These initiatives will bring all technologies 、 Financial resources and the work and people needed to commit to a decentralized network .

So it looks like , This ideal future is a process , Not the destination .

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