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Rainbow version 5.6 was released, adding a variety of installation methods and optimizing the topology operation experience

2022-07-07 08:18:00 Rainbond

Rainbond 5.6 edition , It is mainly committed to improving the topology diagram operation efficiency and fast installation experience , Lower the threshold of users .

Interpretation of main function points :

Support stand-alone quick experience

To facilitate a quick installation experience on a stand-alone computer Rainbond, The current version supports installation and experience through one command , The supported platforms now include :

  • Linux
  • Linux(ARM)
  • Mac(Intel)
  • Mac(M1)
  • Windows

Fast installation

Support Helm Installation mode

Helm Provides a simple set of commands , With the help of developers Charts The package completes the installation of the application 、 to update 、 upgrade 、 Rollback and other operations . The current version passes Helm As a package management tool, it adapts to most of the Kubernetes type , These types include :

  • Use different installation tools ( Such as kubeadm、sealos) Various versions of standards deployed Kubernetes colony ;

  • Launched by major cloud service providers Kubernetes As a service cloud product , Such as ali cloud ACK、 Tencent cloud TKE、 Hua Wei Yun CCE;

  • be based on Kubernetes Other container infrastructure implemented by the specification , Such as Rancher、 K3s 、Kubedge;

Helm install

Optimize the topology map operation experience

In the previous version , because Rainbond There are many levels of presentation , When a user operates on a single component , It is often necessary to switch to the component view , This makes user operations more hierarchical , We can't get the information we need at the first time . This time, we optimized the display information of the topology map , So that it can give more information at the application level , And operate . Reduce the burden of entering the component view .

The information displayed in the new version is as follows :

In the new version , A row of component operation buttons are shown in the topology diagram display information , Access components 、 Get into Web terminal 、 Update components 、 Close the component 、 Delete component . Users can quickly operate components according to these buttons , At the same time, the container information in the component is shown below . It greatly improves the operation efficiency of users .

Add topology graph aggregation mode

In the actual use of the enterprise , Components under an application , Often rely on components under other applications , At this time, the topology information seen by the user will be large and messy , The application to which other components belong cannot be quickly identified . At this time, for users , The dependency between multiple applications is not clear . To solve this problem , We have added a new topology graph aggregation pattern . under these circumstances , It can more clearly show the dependencies between multiple applications .

In normal mode , You can see that the application depends on multiple components , But we are not clear about the relationship between these components .


We switch to aggregation mode , You can see , The relationship between components and other applications is clear .


It opens at Gitlab The topology of this application , We can know the running status of the application , And dependent component information .


Gateway path rewriting is supported

Before Rainbond The gateway only implements simple location agent , It does not provide functions related to route rewriting . When there is such a need :

To set the target service http://{upstream}/index.html Of path Add an extra layer of virtual directories to access :http://example/abc/index.html. achieve http://example/abc/index.html => http://{upstream-1}/index.html The effect of . The corresponding gateway configuration is as follows .

location / {    rewrite /abc(/|$)(.*) /$2 last;    proxy_pass;}

Now we need to implement this complex rewrite To configure , Just in UI Fill in the corresponding fields on the , As shown in the figure below :


Detailed change points

New function

  • 【 Application management 】 Promote the topology diagram to display information ;

  • 【 Application management 】 Support topology graph aggregation mode ;

  • 【 gateway administration 】 Gateway path rewriting is supported ;@pescox

Optimize features

  • 【 Component management 】 Optimize the process of adding components ;

  • 【 install 】 Support arm64 edition ;

  • 【 install 】 Support helm install ;

  • 【 install 】 Support docker in docker Mode to start the test environment ;

BUG Repair

  • 【 Component management 】 Fix the problem that the gateway policy cannot be accessed after the component is built

  • 【 Component management 】 Repair stateful components ( Such as Mysql colony ) Can't start problem

  • 【 performance 】 Repair rbd-worker There is a memory leak problem @pescox

  • 【 install 】 Fix the problem of incomplete display of error information during installation

  • 【 Component management 】 Repair helm The information of the third-party component associated with the application is incorrect

thank @pescox stay #1125#1139#1143 Contributions made

thank @xixinlove stay #1141 Contributions made

About Rainbond

Rainbond It is an open source cloud native application management platform , Easy to use , You don't need to understand containers and Kubernetes, Support management of multiple Kubernetes colony , Provide full lifecycle management for enterprise applications , Functions include application development environment 、 Application market 、 Microservice architecture 、 Application continuous delivery 、 Application operation and maintenance 、 Application level multi cloud management, etc .


Official website :https://www.rainbond.com?channel=oschina

Wechat group : Focus on Rainbond The official account is joined by the technical exchange group.

Nail group : Please search for nail group number 31096419

