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10 minutes to help you get ZABBIX monitoring platform alarm pushed to nail group

2022-07-05 16:09:00 yuanfan2012

10 Minutes Zabbix The monitoring platform alarm is pushed to the nail group

Zabbix For the installation and deployment of, please refer to the previous article

And the creation of nail robot is no longer described in detail

1、 Download and install PrometheusAlert


mkdir /opt/PrometheusAlert
unzip PrometheusAlertLinux.zip -d /opt/PrometheusAlert/
cd /opt/PrometheusAlert/
cp zabbix /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/zabbixclient
chmod 755 /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/zabbixclient 
chown zabbix:zabbix /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/zabbixclient
/usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/zabbixclient -h

( Click to enlarge the picture )

Set up PrometheusAlert Boot up

vi /etc/rc.local
 Add the following line 
nohup /opt/PrometheusAlert/PrometheusAlert &
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local

 Then start it manually PrometheusAlert
nohup /opt/PrometheusAlert/PrometheusAlert &
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

( Click to enlarge the picture )

2、 Modify trigger display options

Show with emoticons , To make the alarm more intuitive

( Click to enlarge the picture )

3、Zabbix Create alarm media types on

The type is script

Refer to for relevant parameters PrometheusAlert Fill in the official documents

( Click to enlarge the picture )

( Click to enlarge the picture )

After creation, you can test the robot

4、 Add users

for example yuanfan

( Click to enlarge the picture )

The alarm media is created in the previous step PrometheusAlert type

( Click to enlarge the picture )

5、 Configure the message template in the trigger action

  • First configure the trigger action

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( Click to enlarge the picture )

  • operation —— Operation details —— The message template is as follows
## [Zabbix Platform alarm information ](https://zabbix.walkingcloud.cn)
##### <font color="#FF0000">{TRIGGER.NAME} </font>
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Time of failure 】</font>:{EVENT.DATE} {EVENT.TIME}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Alarm level 】</font>:{TRIGGER.SEVERITY}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Pre fault status 】</font>:{ITEM.LASTVALUE}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Fault events ID】</font>:{EVENT.ID}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Faulty host IP】</font>:{HOST.IP}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Failed host name 】</font>:{HOST.NAME}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Failure duration 】</font>:{EVENT.AGE}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Whether the fault is confirmed 】</font>:{EVENT.ACK.STATUS}
#####  <font color="#F56C6C"> Event status :{EVENT.STATUS}</font>

( Click to enlarge the picture )

  • Recovery operation —— Operation details —— The message template is as follows
## [Zabbix Monitoring platform alarm information ](https://zabbix.walkingcloud.cn)
##### <font color="#67C23A">{TRIGGER.NAME}  It has been restored  </font>
##### <font color="#02b340">【 Recovery time 】</font>:{EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE} {EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME}
##### <font color="#02b340">【 Alarm level 】</font>:{TRIGGER.SEVERITY}
##### <font color="#02b340">【 Pre fault status 】</font>:{ITEM.LASTVALUE}
##### <font color="#02b340">【 Faulty host IP】</font>:{HOST.IP}
##### <font color="#02b340">【 Failed host name 】</font>:{HOST.NAME}
##### <font color="#02b340">【 Failure duration 】</font>:{EVENT.AGE}
##### <font color="#02b340">【 Whether the fault is confirmed 】</font>:{EVENT.ACK.STATUS}
#####  <font color="#F56C6C"> Event status :{EVENT.STATUS}</font>

( Click to enlarge the picture )

  • update operation —— Operation details —— The message template is as follows
## [Zabbix Monitoring platform alarm information ](https://zabbix.walkingcloud.cn)
##### <font color="#67C23A"> {USER.FULLNAME}  The cause of the failure has been confirmed  </font>
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Fault confirmation time 】</font>:{ACK.DATE} {ACK.TIME}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Alarm level 】</font>:{TRIGGER.SEVERITY} 
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Pre fault status 】</font>:{ITEM.LASTVALUE}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Faulty host IP】</font>:{HOST.IP}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Failed host name 】</font>:{HOST.NAME}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Failure duration 】</font>:{EVENT.AGE}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 The cause of the problem 】</font>:{ACK.MESSAGE}
##### <font color="#FF0000">【 Whether the fault is confirmed 】</font>:{EVENT.ACK.STATUS}
#####  <font color="#F56C6C"> Event status :{EVENT.STATUS}</font>

( Click to enlarge the picture )

6、 Trigger alarm and effect display

for example On /boot Partition full test

dd if=/dev/zero of=/boot/test.iso count=1 bs=1024M
df -PTh

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web The effect of confirming the fault on the interface

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Nail the alarm effect when the alarm recovers

