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Ijcai2022 collection of papers (continuously updated)

2022-07-06 08:56:00 Aminer academic search and scientific and technological informa

International Joint Conference on artificial intelligence (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Referred to as IJCAI) It is one of the top international academic conferences in the field of artificial intelligence . It was held in odd years , since 2016 It has been changed to be held every year . This year is the 31 The International Joint Conference on artificial intelligence and the 25 The European Conference on artificial intelligence (ECAI), Will be in 2022 year 7 month 23-29 Held in Vienna, Austria .

In this year's 4535 Of the papers submitted , There are about 15% Your paper was accepted , There are other papers to be decided . As low as... Compared with the previous two years 12.6%(2020 year ) and 13.9%(2021 year ) Compared with the acceptance rate of , The acceptance rate has increased slightly this year .
List of papers :
1、Investigating and Explaining the Frequency Bias in Image Classification
2、Function-words Enhanced Attention Networks for Few-Shot Inverse Relation Classification
3、Self-supervised Graph Neural Networks for Multi-behavior Recommendation
4、RoSA: A Robust Self-Aligned Framework for Node-Node Graph Contrastive Learning
5、Neural Re-ranking in Multi-stage Recommender Systems: A Review
6、Deep Video Harmonization with Color Mapping Consistency

Ongoing update …

IJCAI2022 Conference Links :https://www.aminer.cn/conf/61a9949bdcb6d249681bd4f4/papers

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