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Numpy download and installation

2022-07-06 21:30:00 Hu Gang 2016

In the installation numpy Before , It must be installed first python, and numpy And python The version of is corresponding to .

numpy And python Version correspondence link

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1. Download and install python 3.10

If your computer is already installed python3.4 Later versions , Then you can use it pip Tools

python Official website

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Remember to select Add To PATH
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Verify the installation is successful

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2. to update pip

( No updates pip To the latest version , It is likely to cause download and installation numpy after ,import I can't find the wrong report numpy)

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

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3. Use pip3 Download and install numpy

pip3 install numpy==1.22.4 scipy matplotlib -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

Be careful : Here we want to specify the download our python The version corresponds to the version numpy, The version we downloaded here is 1.22.4

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Be careful : If it gets stuck when downloading , Remember to press enter , In this way, the download speed will be restored immediately .
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4. verification numpy Installation successful

Reopen the terminal

import numpy

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Just type in import numpy Not reported, not found modul numpy Error of , That means it's installed


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