

2022-07-06 15:24:00 Hu Da jinshengyu


The experiment purpose

  • Learn about kernel thread creation / Management process implemented
  • Understand the switching and basic scheduling process of kernel threads

Experimental content

experiment 2/3 Completed physical and virtual memory management , This creates a kernel thread ( Kernel thread is a special process ) Laid the foundation for providing memory management . When a program is loaded into memory to run , First, through ucore OS The memory management subsystem allocates appropriate space , Then you need to think about how to use time-sharing CPU Come on “ Concurrent ” Execute multiple programs , Let each program run ( Here, thread or process is used to represent )“ feel ” They each have “ own ” Of CPU.

This experiment will first touch the management of kernel threads . Kernel thread is a special process , There are two differences between kernel threads and user processes :

  • Kernel thread only runs in kernel state
  • User processes run alternately in user mode and kernel mode
  • All kernel threads share ucore Kernel memory space , There is no need to maintain separate memory space for each kernel thread
  • User processes need to maintain their own user memory space

See the appendix for the introduction of relevant principles B:【 principle 】 process / Thread properties and characteristics analysis .

practice 0: Fill in the existing experiment

This experiment relies on experiments 1/2/3. Please take your experiment 1/2/3 Fill in the code in this experiment. There are “LAB1”,“LAB2”,“LAB3” The corresponding part of the notes .

Use meld Will experiment 1/2/3 Fill the corresponding part of the code in Experiment 4 :

 Insert picture description here
among , The part to be modified is :


practice 1: Allocate and initialize a process control block ( Need to code )

alloc_proc function ( be located kern/process/proc.c in ) Assign and return a new struct proc_struct structure , Used to store the management information of the newly established kernel thread .ucore This structure needs to be initialized at the most basic level , You need to complete this initialization process .

【 Tips 】 stay alloc_proc Function implementation , Need to initialize proc_struct The member variables in the structure include at least :state/pid/runs/kstack/need_resched/parent/mm/context/tf/cr3/flags/name.

Please briefly describe your design and implementation process in the experimental report . Please answer the following questions :

  • Please explain proc_struct in struct context context and struct trapframe *tf What is the meaning of member variables and their role in this experiment ?( Tip: you can tell by looking at the code and programming debugging )
Prepare knowledge
Some knowledge about the process

The process includes all the status information of a running program , Including code 、 data 、 Register, etc .

Some characteristics of the process :

  • dynamic : You can create... Dynamically 、 The end of the process

  • And issued : The process can be called independently and occupy the processor to run

  • independence : The work between different processes is not affected

  • conditionality : Multiple processes access shared data 、 Constraints arising from synchronization between resources or processes

Process control block (PCB) It is a collection of information used to manage and control the operation of processes .PCB Is the only sign that a process exists , Each process has a corresponding PCB, For the operating system PCB To describe the basic information of the process and the running changes .PCB Usually contains the process identifier 、 Processor information 、 Process scheduling information 、 Process control information .

Process switching ( Context switch ): Pause the current process , Change from running state to other state , Call another process to change from ready state to running state . In the process , You need to save the process context before switching , So that the process can be resumed later , And switch as quickly as possible ( Therefore, the code of process switching process is usually written in assembly ).CPU Give each task a certain service time , When the time goes round , You need to save the current state , Load the next task at the same time , At this time, context switching is performed .

Classic process five state model (new,ready,waitting,running,terminated):

 Insert picture description here

process was suspended : The process image in the suspended state is on disk , The purpose is to reduce the memory occupied by the process . In contrast, it becomes process activation , Activate the process in the suspended state , Transfer the process from external memory to memory .


The operating system is process centric , So its first task is to establish archives for the process , The process file is used to represent 、 Identify or describe the process , Process control block . What needs to be done here is the initialization of a process control block .

Here we allocate a kernel thread PCB, It is usually just a small piece of code or function in the kernel , No user space . And because after the operating system starts , The entire core memory space has been managed , The core virtual space is established by setting the page table ( namely boot_cr3 The space described by the secondary page table pointed to ). Therefore, all threads in the kernel no longer need to establish their own page tables , Just share this core virtual space to access the entire physical memory .

First, in the kern/process/proc.h It defines PCB, That is, the structure of the process control block proc_struct, as follows :

struct proc_struct {
                 // Process control block 
    enum proc_state state;       // Process status 
    int pid;                     // process ID
    int runs;                    // The elapsed time 
    uintptr_t kstack;            // Kernel stack location 
    volatile bool need_resched;  // Whether it needs to be scheduled 
    struct proc_struct *parent;  // The parent process 
    struct mm_struct *mm;        // Virtual memory of the process 
    struct context context;      // Process context 
    struct trapframe *tf;        // Pointer to the current interrupt frame 
    uintptr_t cr3;               // Current page table address 
    uint32_t flags;              // process 
    char name[PROC_NAME_LEN + 1];// Process name 
    list_entry_t list_link;      // Process linked list  
    list_entry_t hash_link;      // Process hash table  

Combined with the experimental instructions to analyze PCB Meaning of parameters :

  • state: The state of the process .
    • PROC_UNINIT // No initial state
    • PROC_SLEEPING // sleep ( Blocking ) state
    • PROC_RUNNABLE // Running and ready
    • PROC_ZOMBIE // A dead state
  • pid: process id Number .
  • kstack: Records the assigned to the process / The location of the kernel of the thread .
  • need_resched: Whether it needs to be scheduled
  • parent: The parent process of the user process .
  • mm: That is, the structure describing the process virtual memory in Experiment 3
  • context: The context of the process , For process switching .
  • tf: Pointer to the interrupt frame , Always point to a location on the kernel stack . The interrupt frame records the status of the process before it is interrupted .
  • cr3: The address of the currently used page table is recorded

see alloc_proc function , This function is responsible for creating and initializing a new proc_struct Structure stores kernel thread information , adopt kmalloc Function can apply for memory space for related data information , Then initialize . There is a trick in the initial process , For member variables that contain more variables or variables that occupy a larger space , have access to memset To initialize . Pay attention to the reasonable initialization of each variable ( Initialize to 0 Or some special values ). Initialize the variables one by one according to the prompt of the code comment , Generally speaking, it is relatively easy .

// alloc_proc - Responsible for creating and initializing a new proc_struct Structure stores kernel thread information 
static struct proc_struct *
    // Apply for space for the created thread 
    struct proc_struct *proc = kmalloc(sizeof(struct proc_struct));
    if (proc != NULL) 
    // Because there is no physical page allocated , Therefore, the thread state is initially set to the initial state 
     proc->pid=-1; //id Initialize to -1
     proc->runs=0; // Run at 0
     proc->need_resched=0; // No need to release CPU, Because it has not been allocated 
     proc->parent=NULL;  // There is currently no parent process , For the initial null
     proc->mm=NULL;     // Currently unallocated memory , For the initial null
     // use memset It's very convenient to context All member variables in the variable are set to 0
     // Avoid the trouble of assigning values one by one ..
     memset(&(proc -> context), 0, sizeof(struct context)); 
     proc->tf=NULL;   		// There are currently no interrupt frames , For the initial null
     proc->cr3=boot_cr3;    // Kernel thread ,cr3  be equal to boot_cr3
     memset(proc -> name, 0, PROC_NAME_LEN);
    return proc;

The running process of the entire allocation initialization function is :

  1. Allocate a memory space on the heap to store process control blocks
  2. Initialize the parameters in the process control block
  3. Return the allocated process control block
Question 1 :struct context context and struct trapframe *tf member Meaning and function of variables

According to the prompt, we check the relevant code ( By looking up definitions tf as well as context Function of ):

First we found kernel_thread Functions and copy_thread function , It is known that this function is right tf Set up , Also on context Of esp and eip Set up ( The specific setting process is given in the code comments ):

/* kernel_thread Function uses local variables tf To place a temporary interrupt frame that holds the kernel thread , And pass the pointer of the interrupt frame to do_fork function , and do_fork Function will call copy_thread Function to allocate a space on the newly created process kernel stack for the interrupt frame of the process  */
int kernel_thread(int (*fn)(void *), void *arg, uint32_t clone_flags) {
    struct trapframe tf;
    memset(&tf, 0, sizeof(struct trapframe));
    //kernel_cs and kernel_ds The code and data segments representing the kernel thread are in the kernel 
    tf.tf_cs = KERNEL_CS;
    tf.tf_ds = tf.tf_es = tf.tf_ss = KERNEL_DS;
    //fn Refers to the actual thread entry address 
    tf.tf_regs.reg_ebx = (uint32_t)fn;
    tf.tf_regs.reg_edx = (uint32_t)arg;
    //kernel_thread_entry Used to do some initialization work 
    tf.tf_eip = (uint32_t)kernel_thread_entry;
    return do_fork(clone_flags | CLONE_VM, 0, &tf);
static void
copy_thread(struct proc_struct *proc, uintptr_t esp, struct trapframe *tf) 
    // take tf To initialize 
    proc->tf = (struct trapframe *)(proc->kstack + KSTACKSIZE) - 1;
    *(proc->tf) = *tf;
    proc->tf->tf_regs.reg_eax = 0;
    // Set up tf Of esp, Information indicating interrupt stack 
    proc->tf->tf_esp = esp;
    proc->tf->tf_eflags |= FL_IF;
    // Yes context Set it up 
    //forkret It mainly deals with the returned interrupt , Basically, it can be regarded as an interrupt processing and recovery 
    proc->context.eip = (uintptr_t)forkret;
    proc->context.esp = (uintptr_t)(proc->tf);

By combining the above functions switch.S Chinese vs context The operation of , Save the values of various registers to context in . We can know context It is related to context switching , and tf It is related to the processing of interrupts .

Specific answer :

context effect :

The context of the process , For process switching . It mainly saves the site of the previous process ( Status of each register ). stay uCore in , All processes are relatively independent in the kernel . Use context The purpose of saving registers is to switch between contexts in kernel mode . The actual use of context The function for context switching is in kern/process/switch.S In the definition of switch_to.

tf effect :

Pointer to the interrupt frame , Always point to a location on the kernel stack : When a process jumps from user space to kernel space , The interrupt frame records the status of the process before it is interrupted . When the kernel needs to jump back into user space , The interrupt frame needs to be adjusted to recover the values of each register that allows the process to continue execution . besides ,uCore The kernel allows nested interrupts . Therefore, to ensure that nested interrupts occur tf Always able to point to the current trapframe,uCore Maintained on the kernel stack tf Chain .

practice 2: Allocate resources for newly created kernel threads ( Need to code )

Creating a kernel thread requires a lot of resources to be allocated and set up .kernel_thread Function by calling do_fork Function to complete the creation of specific kernel threads .do_kernel Function will call alloc_proc Function to allocate and initialize a process control block , but alloc_proc Just found a small piece of memory to record the necessary information of the process , These resources are not actually allocated .ucore Usually by do_fork Actually create a new kernel thread .do_fork The role of is , Create a copy of the current kernel thread , Their execution context 、 Code 、 The data are the same , But the storage location is different . In the process , New kernel threads need to be allocated resources , And copy the state of the original process . You need to finish in kern/process/proc.c Medium do_fork Processing procedure in function . Its general execution steps include :

  • call alloc_proc, First, get a block of user information .
  • Assign a kernel stack to the process .
  • Copy the memory management information of the original process to the new process ( But kernel threads don't have to do this )
  • Copy the original process context to the new process
  • Add a new process to the process list
  • Wake up a new process
  • Return the new process number

Please briefly describe your design and implementation process in the experimental report . Please answer the following questions :

  • Please explain ucore Whether to give each new fork A unique thread id? Please explain your analysis and reasons .
Prepare knowledge

According to the notes, we know the purpose and usage of several functions :

// Create a proc And initialize all member variables 
void alloc_proc(void) 
// Allocate physical pages for a kernel thread 
static int setup_kstack(struct proc_struct *proc)
// I haven't seen its use for the time being , Maybe later lab use 
static int copy_mm(uint32_t clone_flags, struct proc_struct *proc)
// Copy the original process context to the new process 
static void copy_thread(struct proc_struct *proc, uintptr_t esp, struct trapframe *tf)
// Return to one pid
static int get_pid(void)
// take proc Add to hash_list
static void hash_proc(struct proc_struct *proc)
//  Wake up the thread , Set the status of this thread to be able to run 
void wakeup_proc(struct proc_struct *proc);

 Picture description here

Above, eflags register

Macro definition :

#define local_intr_save(x) \ do {
       x = __intr_save(); } while (0)
#define FL_IF 0x00000200 
#define local_intr_restore(x) __intr_restore(x);

The following is the specific implementation process :

According to the requirements ,do_fork() The implementation steps of the function include seven steps , Then, according to the comments, the general implementation process is as follows :
① call alloc_proc() Function request memory block , If you fail , Directly return to processing .alloc_proc() The function was implemented in exercise 1 , If the allocation process PCB Failure , in other words , The process starts with NULL, Then it will be if(proc!=NULL) Judged as no , Then initialization resources will not be allocated , There are no initialization resources , So it's going to return NULL.
② call setup_kstack() Function to allocate a kernel stack for the process . You can see from the function code below , If the page is not empty , Meeting return 0, That is to say, the allocation of kernel stack is successful ( The basis for this speculation is , the last one return -E_NO_MEM, Presumably, it is an initialized or wrong state , Because in the first part of this function, you don't need to implement , This value is assigned to ret), So it's going to return 0, Otherwise, it returns a strange thing . therefore , We call this function to allocate a kernel stack space , And judge whether the allocation is successful .

static int
setup_kstack(struct proc_struct *proc) {
    struct Page *page = alloc_pages(KSTACKPAGE);
    if (page != NULL) {
        proc->kstack = (uintptr_t)page2kva(page);
        return 0;
    return -E_NO_MEM;

③ call copy_mm() function , Copy the memory information of the parent process to the child process . For this function, you can see , process proc Copy or share the current process current, It's based on clone_flags To decide , If it is clone_flags & CLONE_VM( It's true ), Then you can copy . Nothing seems to be done in this function , Just make sure current Whether the virtual memory of the current process is empty , Then the specific operation , Just pass in what it needs clone_flag Can , We don't need to do the rest .

static int
copy_mm(uint32_t clone_flags, struct proc_struct *proc) {
    assert(current->mm == NULL);
    /* do nothing in this project */
    return 0;

④ call copy_thread() Function copies the interrupt frame and context information of the parent process .copy_thread() The function requires three parameters passed in , The first is more familiar , What has been achieved in exercise 1 PCB modular proc The object of the structure , The second parameter , It's a stack , The basis of judgment is its data type , In exercise one PCB Module , The data type defined for the stack is uintptr_t, The third parameter is also familiar , It is practice one PCB Pointer to the interrupt frame in .

static void
copy_thread(struct proc_struct *proc, uintptr_t esp, struct trapframe *tf) {
    proc->tf = (struct trapframe *)(proc->kstack + KSTACKSIZE) - 1;
    *(proc->tf) = *tf;
    proc->tf->tf_regs.reg_eax = 0;
    proc->tf->tf_esp = esp;
    proc->tf->tf_eflags |= FL_IF;

    proc->context.eip = (uintptr_t)forkret;
    proc->context.esp = (uintptr_t)(proc->tf);

⑤ Add a new process to the process's (hash) In the list . call hash_proc This function can add the current new process to the Hash list of the process , analysis hash Features of functions , Call directly hash(proc) that will do .

hash_proc(struct proc_struct *proc) {
    list_add(hash_list + pid_hashfn(proc->pid), &(proc->hash_link));

⑥ Wake up a new process .
⑦ Return to the new process pid.

do_fork Implementation of function :
do_fork(uint32_t clone_flags, uintptr_t stack, struct trapframe *tf) {
    int ret = -E_NO_FREE_PROC;
    struct proc_struct *proc;
    if (nr_process >= MAX_PROCESS) {
        goto fork_out;
    ret = -E_NO_MEM;
    //1: call alloc_proc() Function request memory block , If you fail , Directly return to processing 
    if ((proc = alloc_proc()) == NULL) {
        goto fork_out;
    //2. Set the parent node of the child process as the current process 
    proc->parent = current;
    //3. call setup_stack() Function to allocate a kernel stack for the process 
    if (setup_kstack(proc) != 0) {
        goto bad_fork_cleanup_proc;
    //4. call copy_mm() Function copies the memory information of the parent process to the child process 
    if (copy_mm(clone_flags, proc) != 0) {
        goto bad_fork_cleanup_kstack;
    //5. call copy_thread() Function copies the interrupt frame and context information of the parent process 
    copy_thread(proc, stack, tf);
    //6. Add a new process to the process's hash In the list 
    bool intr_flag;
        proc->pid = get_pid();
        hash_proc(proc); // Building mapping 
        nr_process ++;  // Number of processes plus 1
        list_add(&proc_list, &(proc->list_link));// Add the process to the linked list of the process 
    // 7. Everything is ready. , Wake up subprocess 
    // 8. Returns the pid
    ret = proc->pid;
    return ret;

    goto fork_out;
Question 1 :ucore Whether to give each new fork A unique thread id?

uCore in , Every new fork There is only one thread ID, For the following reasons :

  • In function get_pid in , If static member last_pid Less than next_safe, The currently allocated last_pid It must be safe , The only one PID.
  • But if last_pid Greater than or equal to next_safe, perhaps last_pid The value of exceeds MAX_PID, Then the current last_pid Is not necessarily the only PID, At this point, you need to traverse proc_list, Back to the last_pid and next_safe Set it up , For the next time get_pid Call to lay the foundation .
 Next, you may want to analyze the content of this function :

 Two static local variables are used in this function  next_safe  and  last_pid, According to the naming conjecture , Every time you enter  get_pid  Function , The values between the values of these two variables are legal  pid( That is to say, it has not been used ), In this case , If there are strict  next_safe > last_pid + 1, Then you can directly take  last_pid + 1  As new  pid( need  last_pid  Not beyond  MAX_PID  To become  1);

 If you enter the function , There is no legal value after these two variables , in other words  next_safe > last_pid + 1  Don't set up , Then enter the cycle , Pass first in the cycle  if (proc->pid == last_pid)  This branch ensures that there are no processes  pid  And  last_pid  coincidence , And then through  if (proc->pid > last_pid && next_safe > proc->pid)  This judgment statement ensures that there is no existing  pid  Satisfy :last_pid < pid < next_safe, This ensures that such a conditional interval can be found in the end , Get legal  pid;

 The reason why such a tortuous method is used in this function , Maintain a legal  pid  The range of , To optimize time efficiency , If it's simple violence , Every time you need to enumerate all  pid, And traverse all threads , This makes the cost of time too high , And different calls  get_pid  When calling this function, you cannot use the intermediate result of the previous call to this function ;

getpid Function as follows :

// get_pid - alloc a unique pid for process
static int
get_pid(void) {
    // actually , It was defined before MAX_PID=2*MAX_PROCESS, signify ID The total number of is greater than PROCESS The total number of 
    // So there will be no part PROCESS nothing ID Separable situation 
    static_assert(MAX_PID > MAX_PROCESS);
    struct proc_struct *proc;
    list_entry_t *list = &proc_list, *le;
    //next_safe and last_pid Two variables , Here we need to pay attention to !  They are static Global variables !!!
    static int next_safe = MAX_PID, last_pid = MAX_PID;
    //++last_pid>-MAX_PID, explain pid And to the end , We need to start all over again 
    if (++ last_pid >= MAX_PID) 
        last_pid = 1;
        goto inside;
    if (last_pid >= next_safe) 
        next_safe = MAX_PID;
        //le Equal to the chain header of the thread 
        le = list;
        // Go through the list 
        // Cycle through each current process : When an existing process number and last_pid When equal , Will last_pid+1;
            // When the existing process number is greater than last_pid when , This means that in the process of scanning 
          //[last_pid,min(next_safe, proc->pid)]  This process number has not been occupied , Continue scanning .
        while ((le = list_next(le)) != list) 
            proc = le2proc(le, list_link);
            // If proc Of pid And last_pid equal , Will last_pid Add 1
            // Of course , If last_pid>=MAX_PID,then  Turn it into 1
            // Ensure that there is no process pid And last_pid coincidence 
            if (proc->pid == last_pid) 
                if (++ last_pid >= next_safe) 
                    if (last_pid >= MAX_PID) 
                        last_pid = 1;
                    next_safe = MAX_PID;
                    goto repeat;
            //last_pid<pid<next_safe, Make sure you can finally find such a qualified interval , Get legal pid;
            else if (proc->pid > last_pid && next_safe > proc->pid) 
                next_safe = proc->pid;
    return last_pid;

practice 3: Reading the code , understand proc_run Function and the function it calls how to complete process switching .( No coding work )

Please briefly explain your understanding of proc_run Analysis of functions . And answer the following questions :

  • During the execution of this experiment , Several kernel threads were created and run ?
  • sentence local_intr_save(intr_flag);....local_intr_restore(intr_flag); What is the role here ? Please give reasons

After the code is written , Compile and run the code :make qemu

If you can get something like appendix A As shown in ( For reference only , Not standard answer output ), Is basically correct .

Prepare knowledge

The experimental instruction is based on ,uCore in , The first process of the kernel idleproc Will execute cpu_idle function , And call... From it schedule function , Ready to start scheduling process , Complete process scheduling and process switching .

void cpu_idle(void) {
    while (1)
        if (current->need_resched)

schedule Function code analysis :

/*  Macro definition : #define le2proc(le, member) \ to_struct((le), struct proc_struct, member)*/
schedule(void) {
    bool intr_flag; // Define interrupt variables 
    list_entry_t *le, *last; // At present list, Next list
    struct proc_struct *next = NULL; // Next process 
    local_intr_save(intr_flag); // Interrupt inhibit function 
        current->need_resched = 0; // Setting the current process does not require scheduling 
      //last Whether it is idle process ( The first process created ), If it is , Search from the header 
      // Otherwise, get the next linked list 
        last = (current == idleproc) ? &proc_list : &(current->list_link);
        le = last; 
        do {
     // Cycle all the time , Until you find a process that can be scheduled 
            if ((le = list_next(le)) != &proc_list) {
                next = le2proc(le, list_link);// Get the next process 
                if (next->state == PROC_RUNNABLE) {
                    break; // Find a process that can be scheduled ,break
        } while (le != last); // Cycle through the entire linked list 
        if (next == NULL || next->state != PROC_RUNNABLE) {
            next = idleproc; // No process can be scheduled 
        next->runs ++; // Number of runs plus one 
        if (next != current) {
            proc_run(next); // Run new process , call proc_run function 
    local_intr_restore(intr_flag); // Allow the interrupt 

You can see ucore What we achieve is FIFO Scheduling algorithm :

1 When scheduling starts , Mask the interrupt first .

2 In the process linked list , Find the first program that can be scheduled

3 Run new process , Allow the interrupt

chedule Function will clear the scheduling flag first , And start from the position of the current process in the linked list , Traverse the process control block , Until you find the process in the ready state .

After performing proc_run function , Switch the environment to the context of the process and continue execution .

Mention context switching , You need to use switch_to function :

switch_to:                      # switch_to(from, to)
    # save from's registers
    movl 4(%esp), %eax          # preservation from The first address 
    popl 0(%eax)                # Save the return value to context Of eip
    movl %esp, 4(%eax)          # preservation esp Value to context Of esp
    movl %ebx, 8(%eax)          # preservation ebx Value to context Of ebx
    movl %ecx, 12(%eax)         # preservation ecx Value to context Of ecx
    movl %edx, 16(%eax)         # preservation edx Value to context Of edx
    movl %esi, 20(%eax)         # preservation esi Value to context Of esi
    movl %edi, 24(%eax)         # preservation edi Value to context Of edi
    movl %ebp, 28(%eax)         # preservation ebp Value to context Of ebp

    # restore to's registers
    movl 4(%esp), %eax          # preservation to First address to eax
    movl 28(%eax), %ebp         # preservation context Of ebp To ebp register 
    movl 24(%eax), %edi         # preservation context Of ebp To ebp register 
    movl 20(%eax), %esi         # preservation context Of esi To esi register 
    movl 16(%eax), %edx         # preservation context Of edx To edx register 
    movl 12(%eax), %ecx         # preservation context Of ecx To ecx register 
    movl 8(%eax), %ebx          # preservation context Of ebx To ebx register 
    movl 4(%eax), %esp          # preservation context Of esp To esp register 
    pushl 0(%eax)               # take context Of eip Pressure into the stack 

therefore switch_to The function mainly completes the context switching of the process , First save the value of the current register , Then save the context information of the next process to the corresponding register .

proc_run function
proc_run(struct proc_struct *proc) {
    if (proc != current) {
        bool intr_flag;// Define interrupt variables 
        struct proc_struct *prev = current, *next = proc;
        local_intr_save(intr_flag); // Mask interrupt 
            current = proc;// Modify the current process as a new process 
            load_esp0(next->kstack + KSTACKSIZE);// modify esp
            lcr3(next->cr3);// Modify page table entry , Complete the page table switching between processes 
            switch_to(&(prev->context), &(next->context));// Context switch 
        local_intr_restore(intr_flag); // Allow the interrupt 

Realize the idea :

  • Give Way current Point to next Kernel thread initproc;
  • Set the task status segment ts Medium privileged state 0 Top of stack pointer under esp0 by next Kernel thread initproc The top of the kernel stack , namely next->kstack + KSTACKSIZE ;
  • Set up CR3 The value of the register is next Kernel thread initproc The starting address of the page table of contents next->cr3, This actually completes the page table switching between processes ;
  • from switch_to Function to switch between two threads , That is, switch each register , When switch_to Function execution finished “ret” After the instruction , Just switch to initproc Yes
Question 1 : During the execution of this experiment , Several kernel threads were created and run ?

Two , Namely idleproc and initproc.

  • idleproc: The first kernel process , Complete the initialization of each subsystem in the kernel , Then dispatch immediately , Perform other processes .
  • initproc: The kernel process scheduled to complete the function of the experiment .
Question two : sentence A What is the role here ? Please give reasons .

The functions are shielding interrupt and opening interrupt , To prevent other processes from scheduling when the process switches . That is to protect the process switching from being interrupted , To prevent other processes from scheduling when the process switches , It's equivalent to a mutex . This operation is also required when adding processes to the list in step 6 , Because when the process enters the list , A series of scheduling events may occur , For example, we are familiar with steals and so on , Adding such a protection mechanism can ensure that the process execution is not disrupted .

experimental result

Input make qemu Compare with the experimental instruction :

 Insert picture description here

Found the same , It shows that the experiment is successful .

Next , Input make grade The following results can be obtained :

 Insert picture description here

Extended exercises Challenge: The implementation supports memory allocation algorithms of any size

This is not the content of this experiment , In fact, it is the expansion of memory in the last experiment , But considering the present slab The algorithm is complex , It is necessary to implement a relatively simple arbitrary size memory allocation algorithm . Refer to slab How to call the page based memory allocation algorithm ( Be careful , Not for your attention slab The concrete realization of ) To achieve first-fit/best-fit/worst-fit/buddy Support memory allocation algorithm of any size .

Implementation process

With a few modifications , You can use the experiment 2 Extended exercises achieve Slub Algorithm .

  • initialization Slub Algorithm : Initialize at the end of initializing physical memory Slub ;
void pmm_init(void) {
  • stay vmm.c Use in Slub Algorithm :

In order to use Slub Algorithm , You need to declare the pointer of the warehouse .

struct kmem_cache_t *vma_cache = NULL;
struct kmem_cache_t *mm_cache = NULL;

Create a warehouse when the virtual memory is initialized .

void vmm_init(void) {
    mm_cache = kmem_cache_create("mm", sizeof(struct mm_struct), NULL, NULL);
    vma_cache = kmem_cache_create("vma", sizeof(struct vma_struct), NULL, NULL);

stay mm_create and vma_create Use in Slub Algorithm .

struct mm_struct *mm_create(void) {
    struct mm_struct *mm = kmem_cache_alloc(mm_cache);

struct vma_struct *vma_create(uintptr_t vm_start, uintptr_t vm_end, uint32_t vm_flags) {
    struct vma_struct *vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vma_cache);

stay mm_destroy Free memory in .

mm_destroy(struct mm_struct *mm) {
    while ((le = list_next(list)) != list) {
        kmem_cache_free(mm_cache, le2vma(le, list_link));  //kfree vma 
    kmem_cache_free(mm_cache, mm); //kfree mm
  • stay proc.c Use in Slub Algorithm :

Declare warehouse pointer .

struct kmem_cache_t *proc_cache = NULL;

Create a warehouse in the initialization function .

void proc_init(void) {
    proc_cache = kmem_cache_create("proc", sizeof(struct proc_struct), NULL, NULL);

stay alloc_proc Use in Slub Algorithm .

static struct proc_struct *alloc_proc(void) {
    struct proc_struct *proc = kmem_cache_alloc(proc_cache);

Refer to the answer analysis :

It is almost the same as the reference answer .

The knowledge points involved in the experiment are listed :

  1. process
  • Process control block
  • Process status
  • process was suspended
  1. Threads
  • Concept
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • User thread and kernel thread
  1. Comparison between thread and process

Experience and experience :

This experiment is compared with lab1、lab2 as well as lab3 experiment , Generally speaking, the content of the experiment is less , But the knowledge needed is more in-depth . Learned more knowledge .

kmem_cache_free(mm_cache, mm); //kfree mm


-  stay  proc.c  Use in  Slub  Algorithm :

 Declare warehouse pointer .

struct kmem_cache_t *proc_cache = NULL;

Create a warehouse in the initialization function .

void proc_init(void) {
    proc_cache = kmem_cache_create("proc", sizeof(struct proc_struct), NULL, NULL);

stay alloc_proc Use in Slub Algorithm .

static struct proc_struct *alloc_proc(void) {
    struct proc_struct *proc = kmem_cache_alloc(proc_cache);

Refer to the answer analysis :

It is almost the same as the reference answer .

The knowledge points involved in the experiment are listed :

  1. process
  • Process control block
  • Process status
  • process was suspended
  1. Threads
  • Concept
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • User thread and kernel thread
  1. Comparison between thread and process

Experience and experience :

This experiment is compared with lab1、lab2 as well as lab3 experiment , Generally speaking, the content of the experiment is less , But the knowledge needed is more in-depth . Learned more knowledge .


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