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Play with grpc - go deep into concepts and principles
2022-07-04 22:08:00 【InfoQ】
- 《 Get along well with gRPC—Go Use gRPC Communication practice 》
- 《 Get along well with gRPC— Communication between different programming languages 》
- 《 I'll take you to understand HTTP and RPC The similarities and differences of the agreement 》
- 《 from 1 Start , Expand Go Language backend business system RPC function 》
1 Use gRPC Basic architecture
- Service: Services provided
- Client:gRPC client
- gRPC Server:gRPC Server interface
- gRPC Stub:gRPC Client interface
- Proto Request/Proto Response(s): Intermediate document ( Code / agreement )
2 Protocol Buffers
2.1 What is? Protocol Buffers?
- Support for multiple programming languages
- Serialized data is small
- Fast deserialization
- Serialization and deserialization code are automatically generated
2.2 Protocol Buffers and gRPC What is the relationship ?
2.3 Protocol Buffers Basic grammar
message Person {
string name = 1;
int32 id = 2;
bool has_ponycopter = 3;
// The greeter service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
3 gRPC Four service delivery methods
3.1 Unary RPC
rpc SayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);
3.2 Server streaming RPC
rpc LotsOfReplies(HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse);
3.3 Client streaming RPC
rpc LotsOfGreetings(stream HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);
3.4 Bidirectional streaming RPC
rpc BidiHello(stream HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse)
4 gRPC Life cycle of
4.1 Service delivery
4.2 Closing date / Overtime
4.3 RPC End
4.4 Cancel RPC
5 gRPC Communication principle
5.1 HTTP2
- HTTP/2 The specification of 2015 year 5 Published in , It aims to solve some scalability problems of its predecessor , Improved in many ways HTTP/1.1 The design of the , The most important thing is to provide semantic mapping on connections .
- establish HTTP The cost of connection is great . You must establish TCP Connect 、 Use TLS Protect the connection 、 Exchange headers and settings .HTTP/1.1 By treating connections as long-term 、 Reusable objects to simplify this process .HTTP/1.1 The connection remains idle , So that new requests can be sent to the same destination through existing idle connections . Although connection reuse alleviates this problem , But a connection can only process one request at a time —— They are 1:1 Coupled . If you want to send a big message , A new request must either wait for it to complete ( Lead to Queue blocking ), Or pay the price of starting another connection more often .
- HTTP/2 By providing a semantic layer above the connection :flow, This further extends the concept of persistent connections . A stream can be thought of as a series of semantically connected messages , be calledframe. The flow may be short , For example, a unary flow requesting user status ( stay HTTP/1.1 in , This may be equivalent to
GET /users/1234/status
). As the frequency increases , It has a long life . The recipient may establish a long-term flow , So as to receive user status messages continuously in real time , Not to /users/1234/status The endpoint makes a separate request .The main advantage of flow is connection concurrency , That is, the ability to interleave messages on a single connection .
- flow control
- However , Concurrent flows contain some subtle pitfalls . Consider the following : Two streams on the same connection A and B. flow A Receive a lot of data , Far more than the data it can process in a short time . Final , The recipient's buffer is filled ,TCP The receiving window limits the sender . This is for TCP It's quite standard behavior , But this situation is unfavorable for flow , Because neither stream will receive more data . Ideally , flow B It should be free from flow A The impact of slow processing .
- HTTP/2 By providingflow controlThe mechanism solves this problem as part of the flow specification . Flow control is used to limit each flow ( And each connection ) Amount of unfinished data . It operates as a credit system , The receiver assigns a certain “ The budget ”, The sender “ cost ” This budget . More specifically , The receiver allocates some buffer size (“ The budget ”), The sender fills (“ cost ”) buffer . The receiver uses WINDOW_UPDATE The frame notifies the sender of the available additional buffer . When the receiver stops broadcasting additional buffers , The sender must be in the buffer ( Its “ The budget ”) Stop sending messages when exhausted .
- Use flow control , Concurrent streams can guarantee independent buffer allocation .Plus polling request sending , All sizes 、 The flow of processing speed and duration can be carried out on a single connectionMultiplexing, There is no need to care about cross flow issues .
- Smarter agents
- HTTP/2 The concurrency attribute of allows agents to have higher performance . for example , Consider a method of accepting and forwarding peak traffic HTTP/1.1 Load balancer : When there is a spike , The agent will start more connections to handle the load or queue the request . The former —— new connection —— Usually the first choice is ( In a way ); The disadvantage of these new connections is not only the time waiting for system calls and sockets , Still in happen TCP The connection time is not fully utilized during slow startup .
- by comparison , Consider a configuration for multiplexing each connection 100 A stream of HTTP/2 agent . Some peak requests will still cause new connections to be started , But with HTTP/1.1 The corresponding number of connections is only 1/100 A connection . More generally : Ifn individualHTTP/1.1 The request is sent to a proxy , ben individualHTTP/1.1 Request must go out ; Each request is a meaningful data request / Payload , The request is 1:1 The connection of . contrary , Use HTTP/2 Sent to the agentn Request needs n individualflow, but Unwantedn individualConnect !
5.2 gRPC And HTTP2
6 summary
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