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Library function -- (continuous update)
2022-07-06 11:24:00 【%xiao Q】
isdigit(): Judge whether the input characters are composed of numbers
char ch;
Random function
srand((unsinged)(time(0))); // Random seeds
int x = rand() % 100 // 0 ~ 100 Number of numbers
Dichotomous function
// Return is greater than the val The address of the value of
upper_bound(a.begin(), a.end(), val);
upper_bound(a, a + n, val, val);
// Return greater than or equal to val The address of the value of
upper_lower(a.begin(), a.end(), val);
upper_lower(a, a + n, val);
Integer to string
int num;
string s = to_string(nmu);
Copy function ( Copy an array to another array )
// vector<> Exchange of containers
vector<int> a, b;
a.assign(b.begin(), b.end()); // hold b Copy to a
// a[] The exchange of arrays
int a[N], b[N];
memcpy(a, b, sizeof b); // hold b Copy to a
sqrt() and log() The return value of the function is floating point
All permutation functions
// n by a The length of the array
next_permutataion(a, a + n) // Next in ascending order , namely 1 2 3 -> 1 3 2 -> 2 1 3 ... , 3 2 1 , And the next if there is a return 1, Otherwise return to 0
prev_permutation(a, a + n) // Next in descending order , namely 3 2 1 -> 3 1 2 ... 1 2 3, And the next if there is a return 1, Otherwise return to 0
Subsequences and substrings
Substring : Successive
Subsequence : It can be discontinuous
Definition of small root heap and large root heap
priority_queue<int> q; // Big root pile
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> q; // Heap
sort From big to small (2 Methods )
int a[N];
sort(a, a + n, greater<int>()) // The in angle brackets are defined according to the array type
bool cmp(int x, y)
return x >= y;
int main()
int a[N];
sort(a, a + n, cmp);
All permutation functions (c++)
int a[N];
}next_permutation(a, a + n); // Achieve ascending order
}prev_permutation(a, a + n) // Achieve descending order
Dichotomous function
- lower_bound(): Return greater than or equal to x Array subscript Address
- upper_bound(): Return is greater than the x Array subscript Address
If this number does not exist in the array , Then the array length will be returned .
int t = lower_bound(a, a + n, x) - a; // Because the return is the address , So we need to -a, That is, subtract the array name
int t = upper_bound(a, a + n, x);
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