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Sentinel overall workflow

2022-07-06 14:23:00 Keep walking

One , Sentinel Inside ProcessorSlot Responsibility chain

In the last article, we introduced Sentinel Seven kinds in ProcessorSlot, They fall into two categories , One is data statistics , One is to realize the degradation function .Sentinel The overall workflow is to use the responsibility chain model to integrate all ProcessorSlot Form a one-way linked list in a certain order to assist in the statistics of resource index data ProcessorSlot Must be in the realization of the degradation function ProcessorSlot In front of , The reason is simple , The degradation function needs to be judged according to the indicator data of resources , Of course , If a ProcessorSlot Do not rely on index data to realize the degradation function , So this one ProcessorSlot There is no constraint on the position of .

The implementation will ProcessorSlot String into a one-way linked list is ProcessorSlotChain, This ProcessorSlotChain By SlotChainBuilder Tectonic , Default SlotChainBuilder Tectonic ProcessorSlotChain Registered ProcessorSlot And the sequence is shown in the following code .

public class DefaultSlotChainBuilder implements SlotChainBuilder {
    public ProcessorSlotChain build() {
        ProcessorSlotChain chain = new DefaultProcessorSlotChain();
        chain.addLast(new NodeSelectorSlot());
        chain.addLast(new ClusterBuilderSlot());
        chain.addLast(new LogSlot());
        chain.addLast(new StatisticSlot());
        chain.addLast(new AuthoritySlot());
        chain.addLast(new SystemSlot());
        chain.addLast(new FlowSlot());
        chain.addLast(new DegradeSlot());
        return chain;

If it's custom ProcessorSlot Can pass AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot Build

public abstract class AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<T> implements ProcessorSlot<T> {
    //  The next node of the current node 
    private AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<?> next = null;

    public void setNext(AbstractLinkedProcessorSlot<?> next) {
        this.next = next;

    public void fireEntry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, Object obj, int count, boolean prioritized, Object... args)
        throws Throwable {
        if (next != null) {
            T t = (T) obj; 
            //  Call the next  ProcessorSlot  Of  entry  Method 

    public void fireExit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args) {
        if (next != null) {
            //  Call the next  ProcessorSlot  Of  exit  Method 
            next.exit(context, resourceWrapper, count, args);

ProcessorSlot The interface is defined as follows :

public interface ProcessorSlot<T> {
    //  Entry method 
    void entry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, T param, int count, boolean prioritized,Object... args) throws Throwable;
    //  Call the next  ProcessorSlot#entry  Method 
    void fireEntry(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, Object obj, int count, boolean prioritized,Object... args) throws Throwable;
    //  Export method 
    void exit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args);
    //  Call the next  ProcessorSlot#exit  Method 
    void fireExit(Context context, ResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, int count, Object... args);

Main method parameters :

  • context: Current call link context .
  • resourceWrapper: resources ID.
  • param: The generic parameter , Generally used to transmit DefaultNode.
  • count:Sentinel Package the resources that need to be protected , This is the same as the implementation of locks , You need to acquire the lock before proceeding . and count And concurrent programming AQS in tryAcquire Method parameters work the same ,count Indicates the number of shared resources occupied by the application , Only when enough shared resources are applied for can the execution continue . for example , Thread pool has 200 Threads , The current method requires application 3 Threads can execute , that count Namely 3.count The value of is usually 1, When the current limit threshold configured by the current limit rule is threads when , Indicates that you need to apply for a thread , When the current limit threshold configured by the current limit rule is qps when , Indicates that you need to apply 1 token ( Suppose you use the token bucket algorithm ).
  • prioritized: Indicates whether to prioritize requests ,SphU#entry The value passed is false.
  • args: Call the parameters passed by the method , It is used to realize hot spot parameter current limiting .

Two ,Sentinel The overall workflow

1, Don't use Sentinel Provided adapter example

ContextUtil.enter(" Context name , for example :sentinel_spring_web_context");
Entry entry = null;
try {
     entry = SphU.entry(" Resource name , for example :/rpc/openfein/demo", EntryType.IN ( perhaps  EntryType.OUT));
     //  Execute business methods 
       return doBusiness();
} catch (Exception e) {
     if (!(e instanceof BlockException)) {
     throw e;
} finally {
     if (entry != null) {

The process for 5 Step :

  1. call ContextUtil#enter Method . Responsible for creating Context, Save after creation ThreadLocal, As well as Conetxt establish EntranceNode
  2. call SphU#entry Method . Here is the core call in the overall link ,CtSph Responsible for creating ResourceWrapper Object and construct a globally unique ProcessorSlotChain、 Create for resources CtEntry And will CtEntry Assigned to the current call link Context.curEntry、 Last call ProcessorSlotChain#entry Method to complete a one-way linked list entry Method call .
  3. If an exception is thrown , And the exception type is not BlockException abnormal , Call Tracer#trace Method record exception , For the current resource DefaultNode Autoincrement constant
  4. call Entry#exit Method ;
  5. call ContextUtil#exit Method .

Reference article :
06 Sentinel The responsibility chain model in Sentinel The overall workflow of


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