当前位置:网站首页>Wei Shen of Peking University revealed the current situation: his class is not very good, and there are only 5 or 6 middle-term students left after leaving class

Wei Shen of Peking University revealed the current situation: his class is not very good, and there are only 5 or 6 middle-term students left after leaving class

2022-07-06 13:59:00 Passerby a Java

Reprinted from : Muge Academy |  Reference material : Nine school news Tiktok

Remember that because of a bottle of water 、 A bag of steamed bread is hot Peking University “ Sweeping monk ” Wei Dongyi Do you ?


He College entrance examination exemption was escorted to Peking University 、27 After reading a doctorate, I stayed in school to teach , Now I am a math teacher in Peking University , Some time ago , Wei Dongyi was also selected into the list of winners of the fourth green orange award of Dharma academy , get 100 A bonus of ten thousand yuan .

But that's one of them “ Math bull ” Level of the great God , Also have their own troubles .

Wei Shen revealed the current situation

Teaching is troublesome , Many students have dropped out

12 month 24 Japan , According to the jiupai news video report , Wei Dongyi revealed more about his life and work , He admitted that his troubles were related to class , So far no solution has been found .

Wei Dongyi said : The number of people who choose courses and listen to courses taught by themselves is relatively small , There may be a dozen students at first , After the mid-term withdrawal , Basically, there is only 5、6 Personal .


He didn't ask himself much about the reason for leaving class , But Wei Dongyi said , Maybe because I didn't speak well in class , There is not much interaction , I teach almost according to the textbook , Sometimes there may be other ways to talk about .



Finally, Wei Shen said , Also have to find out the reason , Sum up why this happens ....

Actually, about Wei Shen's lecture , In the past, there were two interesting stories in the Jianghu .

One is the article The magic cows of Peking University Academy of Mathematics 》 I mentioned :

It is said that freshman year has just begun , There was an exercise class taught by Wei Shen .

“ All self-study under the stage , Because I have no idea what he is talking about , Later, the teacher asked , Everyone should understand ?”

Students from several colleges answered ,“ Teacher, you'd better say it again .”

The teacher smiled ,“ no way , I didn't understand either ...”


Another is :

It is said that there is a semester , Wei Shen is the assistant teacher of a certain course , The teacher smiled and introduced Wei Shen to the students :

“ This is your teaching assistant this semester , If you have exercises that you can't do, you can ask me , If I can't, I can ask the TA , If you can't even teach as a teaching assistant, it's estimated that the topic is wrong .”

thus it can be seen , Although Wei Shen has full skills in Mathematics , Basically, students can solve all math problems , But in teaching , Maybe it also needs a little skill ~

The net friend comment on

Doing scientific research and lecturing are two abilities

Regarding this , Netizens also have different opinions .

Many people say , Wei Shen may be more suitable for scientific research , He is not good at communication , Why bother him to come to class .



Also expressed , The reason why so many students quit classes , Maybe it's because it's too abstruse , Most people don't understand .




Others say , Teaching and learning are two abilities , People who do well in scientific research may not be able to take good classes .


Reuse mineral water bottled water

Frankly, I don't want to have a girlfriend

In the latest interview , Wei Shen also responded by making himself “ Popular network ” Of “ One A bottle of water , A bag of steamed bread head ” In the video .

at that time , A lot of people didn't think , This simple dressed person who only drinks mineral water bottles , It turned out to be a math teacher at Peking University , And it was all the way Mathematics recommended to Peking University “ genius ”.


Wei Shen said , I just feel that it is convenient to hold the mineral water bottle , You can change it after a month's use , I think this kind of bottle is very useful , I like big bottles ~


later , Someone mailed him a large drinking kettle , At that time, I was worried about whether It involves teachers' morality and style The problem of 2b9bb7b86cb622353cb5e00be4b011c8.png.


Actually , Wei Dongyi's living space is very fixed , dormitory 、 The office 、 Water house , Sometimes I go to another water room because the water room I often go to has no water , Personal life is very simple .


Asked how “ too section ” when , Wei Dongyi said he had no holiday experience , There is no special way , Even Saturday and Sunday are usually spent in the office , Doing research is the only thing he is interested in .

In the face of questions from reporters , Wei Shen said , I don't have a girlfriend now , The parents didn't urge the blind date . I have also received some love letters that I think are scrawled before , I have no intention of finding a girlfriend for the time being .


The reporter said again : Is math your girlfriend ?

Wei Shen : You can't say so ee08e4bb5c646ec42bfaee201a61c71b.pnge1e934a44170d6679c00b02b1fbc7f3f.png

Introduction to Wei Shen

Wei Dongyi 1991 Born in a senior intellectual family , Both parents are professors , As a professor of mathematics, my father , It has a far-reaching impact on him , Today's love of Mathematics , Mainly from his father's influence .

14 At the age of , Wei Dongyi was exceptionally admitted to the Olympic mathematics class of the attached high school , With mathematical talent , Skip the high school entrance examination directly , A be “ Escort ” To key high school . This is the beginning of his genius .

15 year , He was selected into the national training team of the Mathematical Olympiad , He is strong in Mathematics , Make teammates 、 The coach sighed . Wei Dongyi created 24 The problem is finished 23 Dao ban The record of , The only half problem that hasn't been solved , Teammates are even more annihilated .

Need to know , There are 8 A big exam , Every time 4 Solution within hours 3 Problem , common 24 topic , And the best record of the gold medal winner of the National Olympic Games at that time , yes 4 Within hours 2 Avenue .

2008 year , In the 49 the IMO( Mathematics Olympics International ) In the competition , Gathered from all over the world 500 More than one player , They need to complete 6 A big question , The game lasts two days , Every day 4 One and a half hours .

Final ,17 Year old Wei Dongyi 6 All questions are right , To obtain the IMO Full Score gold medal .

More unexpected is , At that time, there was the most difficult plane geometry problem , Cost the national team coach 3 Hours , And Wei Dongyi used the method of pure algebra , Only 2 I solved it in an hour .


Wei Dongyi ( Second from the rear left )

A year later , Wei Dongyi fought with all the players , He won full marks in all the competitions he participated in : Chinese Mathematics Olympics (CMO),IMO. He is also 09 year IMO Only one out of two in the world .

The difference between Wei Shen and other masters in the competition world is , He has never attended any training , Before that, he was an unborn genius , Many problem-solving methods are self created , Often more concise than standard solutions , Known as the “ Wayne's method ”.

2014 year , Wei Dongyi received a bachelor's degree from Peking University , said “ Master Wei ”, The God of mathematics in Peking University .

2018 year , He won the Doctor degree of Peking University .

2019 year , He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Beijing International Mathematical Research Center and left the station ,2019 year 12 Stay in school after months , As an assistant professor .


once , There is also a legend in the Jianghu , in order to “ rob ” Wei Dongyi , Harvard offers a series of exciting benefits , Even willing to break the school rules for Wei Dongyi —— As long as Wei Dongyi is willing to study at Harvard , You can get rid of the English test .

But in the end , Wei Dongyi still chose to stay in China .

simple 、 Incommunicative 、 Mathematical genius , Such Wei Dongyi , It has aroused the admiration of countless netizens . Someone said : Such a school bully , We must protect it !

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