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Force deduction 152 question multiplier maximum subarray

2022-07-06 13:54:00 AI is actually very simple

152. The largest subarray of multipliers

Problem description : Give you an array of integers nums , Please find the non empty continuous subarray with the largest product in the array ( The subarray contains at least one number ), And returns the product of the subarray .
The answer to the test case is 32- position Integers .
Subarray Is a continuous subsequence of an array .

Strategy : This topic is the topic of dynamic programming , You can solve the answer from the bottom up , Traverse the entire array to calculate the current maximum value with imax For recording , Constantly update and finally solve the answer . Because there are negative numbers in the array , Will change the maximum value to the minimum value , The minimum becomes the maximum , So we need to imin Record the minimum value . When seeking the first i Number of hours : If the value of this point is positive , Then the maximum value of this point may be the maximum value of the previous number multiplied by the value of this point , Or the value of this point (imax=fmax(imaxnums[i],nums[i])) The minimum value is (imin=fmin(iminnums[i],nums[i]);); If the value of this point is negative , Exchange the maximum value with the minimum value , Then solve .

Code :

int maxProduct(int* nums, int numsSize){
    int imax=1,imin=1,max=INT_MIN;
    for(int i=0;i<numsSize;i++){
      // When a negative number is encountered, the maximum value will become the minimum value , The minimum becomes the maximum   Exchange position at this time 
            int temp=imin;
        max=fmax(max,imax); // Compare the past maximum with the maximum at this point 
    return max;

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