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Thoroughly understand LRU algorithm - explain 146 questions in detail and eliminate LRU cache in redis

2022-07-06 13:36:00 Li bohuan

LRU(Least Recently Used, Most recently unused ) Is a common page replacement algorithm , His thought is very simple : It thinks that the data that has just been accessed , It will definitely be visited again , Data that has not been accessed for a long time , I'm sure I won't be interviewed again , When the cache is full , Delete it first .

This is a data structure problem Splicing with simple data structures Here we use Double linked list Add Hashtable (key Data storage key value Storage node ( data key and value Packaged as a node )) Guarantee put get The time complexity of O(1). Use a hash table and a bidirectional linked list to maintain all key value pairs in the cache . The bidirectional list stores these key value pairs in the order they are used , The key value pairs near the tail are recently used , The key value pair near the head is the longest unused .


Code implementation :

First, we write the node class of the bidirectional linked list : Include key,value( The default is int type ), And the precursor node and the successor node

public static class Node{
        public int key;
        public int value;
        public Node pre;
        public Node next;
        public Node(int key, int value){
            this.key = key;
            this.value = value;

  Then build a two-way linked list according to the node class :

 public static class NodeDoubleLinkedList{
        private Node head;
        private Node tail;
        public NodeDoubleLinkedList(){
            // No arguments structure 
            head = null;
            tail = null;
        //LRU There are three ways to cache   Add a node to the tail   One updates the node to the tail ( Adjust priorities )  A way to delete the header node ( It corresponds to driving out the keywords that have not been used for the longest time )
        public void addNode(Node node){
            if(node == null){
            if(head == null){
                // That is, the bidirectional linked list has no nodes 
                head = node;
                tail = node;
                // Otherwise, put it in the tail    On the left is the head , On the right is the tail 
                tail.next = node;
                node.pre = tail;
                tail = node;
        //node Enter the reference    Guaranteed node In a double linked list 
        //node Reconnect the left and right sides of the original position, and then node Separate it and hang it on your tail   
        // Here we need to adjust the priority according to the topic   because get After the operation   This node is operated   Then he will put it on the tail of the two-way linked list to represent the recently operated node 
        public void moveNodeTotail(Node node){
            // Separate 
            if(node == tail){
            if(head == node){
                // The adjustment of the head node and the middle node are different   There are nodes before and after the intermediate nodes 
                head = head.next;// The head is going to move to the tail   So the head is moved one after another 
                head.pre = null;// Then point to empty , Disconnect point head The pointer to 
                // Will point to node The pointer of is disconnected !!  
                node.pre.next = node.next;
                node.next.pre = node.pre;
            // add to 
            node.pre = tail;
            node.next = null;
            tail.next = node;
            tail = node;
        public Node removeHead(){
            if(head == null){
                return null;
            Node res = head;
            if(head == tail){
                head = null;
                tail = null;
                head = res.next;
                // Talk about the separation of header nodes 
                res.next = null;
                head.pre = null;
            return res;

With the realization of two-way linked list , All we need to do is LRU In the algorithm, it can be combined with hash table :

    private HashMap<Integer,Node> map;
    private NodeDoubleLinkedList nodelist;
    int cap;
    public LRUCache(int capacity) {
        map = new HashMap<>();
        nodelist = new NodeDoubleLinkedList();
        cap = capacity;
    public int get(int key) {
            Node res = map.get(key);
            return res.value;
        return -1;
    public void put(int key, int value) {
        // meanwhile put Into the map And two-way linked list 
        if(map.containsKey(key)){// to update 
            Node node = map.get(key);
            node.value = value;
            // Recently operated   Put it in the tail 
            // New operation 
            Node newNode = new Node(key,value);
            if(map.size() == cap + 1){
                // Beyond capacity   Delete the header 
                Node remove = nodelist.removeHead();
                // The hash table will also be deleted 

Execution results :

          So let's see Redis Medium lru cache !!

Redis 4.0 It's been realized before 6 Memory elimination strategy , stay 4.0 after , added 2 Strategies . We can divide them into two categories according to whether they will be eliminated : No data culling strategy , Only noeviction This kind of . There will be elimination 7 Two other strategies . There will be elimination 7 Strategies , We can further classify the candidate datasets into two categories according to the scope of the elimination candidate datasets : stay Set expiration time Of the data , Include volatile-random、volatile-ttl、volatile-lru、volatile-lfu(Redis 4.0 Then add ) Four kinds of . stay All data ranges To eliminate , Include allkeys-lru、allkeys-random、allkeys-lfu(Redis 4.0 Then add ) Three .

You can see ,redis There are two cache obsolescence strategies used LRU Algorithm , however ,LRU In the actual implementation of the algorithm , Need to use linked list to manage all cache data , This will bring Extra space overhead . and , When data is accessed , You need to move the data to the end of the linked list , If there's a lot of data being accessed , Will bring a lot of linked list mobile operation , It's time consuming , And then it reduces Redis Cache performance .

therefore , stay Redis in ,LRU The algorithm has been simplified , To reduce the impact of data obsolescence on cache performance . say concretely ,Redis Record by default Timestamp of the last access of each data ( By the key value of the data structure RedisObject Medium lru Field records ). then ,Redis When deciding on the data to be eliminated , First meeting Randomly choose N Data , Take them as a candidate set . Next ,Redis I'll compare this N Data lru Field , hold lru The data with the smallest field value Out of the cache .

Redis A configuration parameter is provided maxmemory-samples, This parameter is Redis The number of selected data N. for example , We execute the following order , It can make Redis elect 100 Data as candidate data sets :

CONFIG SET maxmemory-samples 100

When data needs to be eliminated again ,Redis You need to pick the candidate set created when the data goes into the first elimination . The selection criteria at this time is : Data that can enter the candidate set lru The field value must be less than the smallest... In the candidate set lru value . When new data enters the candidate dataset , If the number of data in the candidate data set reaches maxmemory-samples,Redis Just put the candidate data set lru The data with the smallest field value is eliminated .

thus ,Redis Cache does not need to maintain a large linked list for all data , You don't have to move linked list items every time you access data , Improved cache performance .


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