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Niuke cold training camp 6B (Freund has no green name level)
2022-07-07 01:02:00 【Find a derivative first】
The question : Given length is n Array of a, Find out how many subsequences have the same value as the whole array .( Are positive integers )
value : Sigma 1 To n-1 |a[i] - a[i+1]|. The length is 1 The value of the subsequence of is specified as 0.
Ideas : The example gives many hints . For an interval of the same number , It doesn't matter to delete . But be careful , Can you delete it all ?
Suppose he is not a peak or trough , Cannot delete all .Cn0 + Cn1 + … Cnn - 1 = 2^n - 1.
Otherwise, it doesn't hurt to delete it all .
If it is a crest or trough , And b irrelevant .
Time complexity : O(n)
Code :
// Problem: Value sequence
// Contest: NowCoder
// URL: https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/23481/B
// Memory Limit: 524288 MB
// Time Limit: 2000 ms
// Powered by CP Editor (https://cpeditor.org)
#define OldTomato ios::sync_with_stdio(false),cin.tie(nullptr),cout.tie(nullptr)
#define fir(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;++i)
#define mem(a,x) memset(a,x,sizeof(a))
#define p_ priority_queue
// round() rounding ceil() Rounding up floor() Rounding down
// lower_bound(a.begin(),a.end(),tmp,greater<ll>()) First less than or equal to
// #define int long long //QAQ
using namespace std;
typedef complex<double> CP;
typedef pair<int,int> PII;
typedef long long ll;
// typedef __int128 it;
const double pi = acos(-1.0);
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const ll inf = 1e18;
const int N = 2e5+10;
const int M = 1e6+10;
const int mod = 998244353;
const double eps = 1e-6;
inline int lowbit(int x){
return x&(-x);}
template<typename T>void write(T x)
template<typename T> void read(T &x)
x = 0;char ch = getchar();ll f = 1;
if(ch == '-')f*=-1;ch=getchar();}
x = x*10+ch-48;ch=getchar();}x*=f;
int n,m,k,T;
ll qpow(int a,int k)
ll res = 1;
if(k&1) res = res * a % mod;
a = a * a % mod;
k >>= 1;
return res;
void solve()
vector<int> a(n+2);
vector<PII> va;
for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)
for(int i=1;i<=n;)
int j = i;
while(j+1<=n&&a[i]==a[j+1]) j++;
i = j+1;
int ans = 1;
for(int i=0;i<va.size();++i)
// cout<<i<<":"<<va[i].second<<endl;
ans = ( ans * (qpow(2,va[i].second)-1) ) % mod;
ans = ( ans * qpow(2,va[i].second) ) % mod;
ans = (ans + mod) % mod;
write(ans); puts("");
signed main(void)
// T = 1;
// OldTomato; cin>>T;
return 0;
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