2022-07-06 11:23:00 【小菜鸟码住】
<el-table :data="zdlxList" border style="width: 100%" max-height="250">
<el-table-column prop="zdlb" label="字段列表">
<template #default="scope">
<el-input v-model="scope.row.zdlb" type="textarea" placeholder="请输入字段列表" />
<el-table-column prop="zdsm" label="字段说明">
<template #default="scope">
<el-input v-model="scope.row.zdsm" type="textarea" placeholder="请输入字段说明" />
<el-table-column prop="zdlx" label="字段类型">
<template #default="scope">
<el-select v-model="scope.row.zdlx" :style="{ width: '100%' }" placeholder="请选择">
v-for="item in zdlxTpye"
<el-table-column label="操作" width="100">
<template #default="scope">
<el-button link type="primary" size="small" @click.prevent="deleteRow(scope.$index)">
const aa = zdlxList.value.map(a => {
return a.zdlx
const bb = zdlxList.value.map(a => {
return a.zdlb
const cc = zdlxList.value.map(a => {
return a.zdsm
data.form.fieldTypeList = aa.join(',')
data.form.fieldList = bb.join(',')
data.form.fieldDescList = cc.join(',')
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