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How to get started and improve test development?

2022-07-07 00:44:00 Testerhome official

About functional testing, transformation and test opening , How does Xiaobai conduct test development , There is also the topic of how to take the road of test development , The popularity in the industry has not decreased . stay TesterHome Community From time to time, I was asked by different partners .

today , The author combines everyone's discussion in the community , As well as the sharing of predecessors , Organized the article . There are shortcomings , Welcome to add .

One 、 introduction

Related questions :

“ How to transition from business testing to test development ”

“ I'm a little test , But I don't want to be a test all the time , Or do you want to do a test drive , But what? , There is no specific guidance about test drive on the Internet . To interview , Others ask if there is any self-made tool platform , But I think many platforms are open source , Just deploy yourself , What do I need to measure ?”

stay 《Google The way to test 》 In a Book , About test development engineers (SDET,Software Development Engineer in Testing) There is a more detailed explanation of the job responsibilities , When it comes to test development, it should first be the development role , Just compared with business development engineers , The target users of beta are more internal testers ( It also includes project team members in other positions ), Its core work is to provide general testing technology solutions , Develop and implement test tools or platforms , Assist testers to better complete the testing work and project delivery .

Under this premise , It will be easier to understand your suggestions on how to start test development :

  1. The most important : Get started with the code ! Test development should have “ Development ” The ability of , Code capability is the foundation .

  2. Don't worry too much about which language to learn (python、java And so on. ), A better choice is to learn according to the mainstream development language in the company's projects .

  3. Don't rush to have the development ability of the test platform immediately , You can start with “ copy ” Open source project 、 Write the script 、 Start by writing gadgets , Step by step .

  4. Study in work in combination with practice : Apply the learning content to existing projects , Solve the actual test pain points .

Two 、 Develop and improve

Related questions :

As a self-taught test development engineer , How to continue the advanced road of skills ?

Will the development of test development encounter bottlenecks ?

First quote a passage : What can help others is useful , Cool cow breaking technology is floating clouds before it is used , It's the same for both small and large companies , You know their pain points and can solve them , Just break it .

Summarize your suggestions :

  1. Don't lose your keen test thinking

  2. Learn and understand development technology more deeply . For example, learn how the tested system is developed , Write a small and complete system by yourself .

  3. Implement and practice in combination with business scenarios that require higher technology : Explore opportunities in your current job , Deepening and development / Operation and maintenance cooperation ; Even to find new, bigger and better teams or platforms (tips: Pay attention to combining your own work experience , Not advocating job hopping ).

  4. Communicate more with peers , Look up at the road . The more go up , More than vision and way of thinking . If you only focus on doing the work in front of you , Don't understand and pay attention to industry hotspots and technical requirements for practitioners , Don't build certain relationships , It's easy to narrow your path .

  5. Higher order development , Comprehensive ability is required —— This is not just for test development , All positions are , Only the comprehensive ability required by each position is slightly different . The higher the position, the less the proportion in the team , The higher the requirements for practitioners ; With the increase of working years , And the growth of age ,“ Age anxiety ” More often, it comes from working ability and age growth 、 Mismatch of high-level positions . At the same time, have testing thinking 、 Develop ability and have a deep understanding of business test development , You can definitely go higher and farther .

Summarize several common keywords from entry to advanced : Write code 、 Combined with practical work 、 Solve the test pain points 、 Communicate more with peers .

3、 ... and 、 At the end :

Network and information are extremely developed today , You can learn online even if you stay at home 、 communication . Of course , One drawback of developed information is : Too much information , We need to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages by ourselves . Visit more technical forums , Take part in more offline activities , Learn the nourishment of knowledge that suits you . Growth is persistence every day !

About testing 、 Test Development 、 Test management and quality assurance ? Come on TesterHome Look for ideas and answers .

There are also industry Masters 、 Thousands of test developers from the industry elite :MTSC The conference , Extension circle 、 Study 、 Improving one's ability can accomplish more with one stroke .


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