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Tencent's one-day life

2022-07-07 07:30:00 Cover code rice, no code

Many friends are curious about Tencent's work rhythm , This is indeed an important indicator for choosing a company or department .

In order to let everyone have a bottom , Today, let's introduce Niuniu's life in Tencent .

One day's plan is in the morning

Geese usually have 3 Ways of planting : transit 、 Shuttle Bus 、 drive .

The bus will be crowded , Stressed out ; If the shuttle bus , Because it is timed , It takes getting up early to catch up ; drive , Probably there will be a traffic jam .

To avoid terrible commuting , Niuniu has been renting a house near the company , So rent is also a big expense , Spent so much money , Of course, enjoy the saved commuting time .

Generally speaking , Niuniu will wake up naturally , Probably 7、8 spot , Get up and make breakfast , Wake up your girlfriend who is still in bed , Eat breakfast and watch TV together . Yes , Niuniu chasing drama time is in the morning .

Sometimes I get up late , Just go directly to the company for breakfast . Tencent breakfast is free , There are many choices , Niuniu prefers fried dumplings and wonton .



Daily work schedule


On the way to the office :
On the left side of the way to work is Lixiang Park , On the right is deep , So the scenery is good .

But Niuniu usually goes to Lixiang , Because the air is cleaner , You can also hear the uncle and aunt practicing music in the park .

With a little song , Dreaming of a happy old life , Come to the company .

There is a husky on Niuniu station , Supervise Niuniu's office every day .


10:00-10:30 Arrive at the company , Turn on the computer , Pick up water and make tea , Handling mail .
10:30-11:30 Write about Bug, Mainly do some daily work with stable output , Take a shit with pay by the way
11:30-12:30 lunchtime , Go for a walk after dinner
12:30-14:30 lunch break , Usually sleep for a while , Then brush to know , Stroll around B Standing or something , Eat a fruit occasionally
14:30-17:30 These three hours are the essence of the day , Crazy output , If interrupted , Niuniu will be very irritable
17:30-19:00 Dinner time , Take a walk after dinner , Return to the station
19:00-21:00 work , Continuous output , If there is any spare power , Do more work later , Make the later days easier

Small tips: The wrong meal will make the lunch time more enjoyable ~

This is the ideal schedule , If there is an emergency , Or just during the rush , Of course, the schedule is much fuller .

24H On call

The background and development , need 24 Hours on call, So even if you leave the company , It doesn't mean getting off work .


Let's stay at home on call Why , It is mainly divided into several aspects :

  • 1. Colleagues who don't leave work find : There are always colleagues more involved than you who are still burning the midnight oil , We can't roll , Home? , They may not let us go , Enterprise wechat @ , No more direct lethal serial call.
  • 2. There was an accident online : Online problems after the business is stable , In fact, there are few , But when it comes to , It is highly urgent , Don't get off work if you can't find a problem . So we must do a good job in disaster recovery as much as possible , And the coping strategies after the accident .
  • 3. Customer consultation :To C Our business is better , Generally, they don't face customers directly , do to B Words , Technicians have to work part-time to connect with customers . Niuniu started with a customer base , Now it has been upgraded to dozens of customer groups . This is also to B The shortcomings of , Mind little buddy , Don't go
    CSIG 了 .

You can see , One of the most urgent , It's an online accident , If there is an accident , In order to avoid expanding the impact , We must deal with it as soon as possible , Nerves are very tense .

So in order to reduce accidents , We must ensure the quality of the code everyday 、 Specification of process 、 And take disaster recovery measures .

such , We have improved our technology , And make life happy , There is still time for the country Contribution consumption , Stimulate the economy ! Time from work , The ease with which , Why not do it !

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A few small discussions

Differences between departments

Tencent is divided into business groups , There are many departments under the business group . But externally , Most of the time , Said department , Business group .

  • WXG( Wechat business group ): More money , Doggerel , But the work pressure is quite high .
  • IEG( Interactive entertainment business group ): Needless to say , Very tired, , More than 996, But moving is 10 The Year-end of more than months is also really fragrant .
  • CSIG( Cloud and smart industry business group ): The intensity is not big but the time is long , Money in general , Need to connect with customers .
  • PCG( Platform and content business group ): Mainly responsible for traffic platform and QQ social contact , Don't go. , Recently engaged in R & D efficiency , voices of discontent .
  • TEG( Technical engineering business group ): Infrastructure Department , Follow other departments to drink soup , Technology is OK , No money is true .
  • **CDG( Enterprise development business group ):** Responsible for some financial capabilities , Such as bottom payment , It is one of Tencent's main revenue businesses .

About overtime work

as everyone knows , The overtime culture of the Internet is very serious .

Niuniu was in a department of byte , Every day with 4 Hours to arrange your work , During that time, I was really caught up by work every minute in the company , You can't leave before eleven or twelve .

Speak from the heart , On the whole, the overtime intensity of Tencent is not serious in the industry , Work arrangements will also be left Buffer.

What we need to do is to improve our work efficiency , Fish moderately in the environment of overtime .

Fish guide

Work efficiency and fishing happiness complement each other . Fish properly between jobs , Can improve work efficiency .

Many students can't touch fish , Now let's analyze how to fish , It is mainly divided into four modules :

  • Content consumption : On the Forum , Go to Zhihu , Take a look at the glory of Kings tutorial , Study the skills of leading girls .
  • broaden one's horizon : Get up and walk , Relieve your sedentary body , Stretch your limbs .
  • Emotional communication : Chat with female ticket , Bragging with my brother .
  • Content output : You can study what you are interested in , summarizing , Improve yourself .

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About benefits

Tencent is in 2018 In, it was proposed that science and technology should be good , It also means that it is seeking a benign development .

Employee benefits can be said to cover all aspects of daily life , Let's give some examples :

Shuttle bus transfer 、 Health physiotherapy 、 Perfect insurance system 、 Complimentary breakfast and dinner 、 Once a year, a one week paid League Construction 、90 Interest free loan 、 If the work is full 15 year , It's almost equivalent to 21 A monthly salary pension .

Big and small , Zero is always , This is also one of the reasons why Tencent has a good reputation in the industry . What we have done now may not be good enough , But we can also see its little effort .


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