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Unity C function notes

2022-07-07 07:10:00 Shallot man

Find a component of a child object

	public T FindTransform<T>(string name, Transform trans) where T : Component
    	foreach (T c in trans.GetComponentsInChildren<T>())
        	if (c.name == name)
            	return c;

    	return null;

obtain RenderFeature

	private static readonly Dictionary<ScriptableRenderer, Dictionary<string, ScriptableRendererFeature>> s_renderFeatures = new Dictionary<ScriptableRenderer, Dictionary<string, ScriptableRendererFeature>>();

	public static ScriptableRendererFeature GetRendererFeature(this ScriptableRenderer renderer, string name)
    	if (!s_renderFeatures.TryGetValue(renderer, out var innerFeatures))
        	var propertyInfo = renderer.GetType().GetProperty("rendererFeatures", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        	List<ScriptableRendererFeature> rendererFeatures = (List<ScriptableRendererFeature>)propertyInfo?.GetValue(renderer);
        	if (rendererFeatures == null)
            	s_renderFeatures[renderer] = null;
            	innerFeatures = new Dictionary<string, ScriptableRendererFeature>();
            	for (var i = 0; i < rendererFeatures.Count; i++)
                	var feature = rendererFeatures[i];
                	innerFeatures[feature.name] = feature;
            	s_renderFeatures[renderer] = innerFeatures;
    	if (innerFeatures != null)
        	innerFeatures.TryGetValue(name, out var result);
        	return result;
    	return null;

Get all subclass types that inherit a parent class

	TypeCache.TypeCollection types = TypeCache.GetTypesDerivedFrom<ScriptableRendererFeature>();
	foreach (Type type in types)

OnValidate Detailed explanation

	/// Timeline  Not trigger  OnValidate()

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