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How to plan the career of a programmer?

2022-07-05 10:13:00 People mail asynchronous community

Define success anyway , In order to enjoy a successful career , Every technician needs to have two distinct but overlapping groups 、 Complementary skills .

The first set of skills is “ Hard skills ”, That is, the technical skills that enable you to complete your daily work , Including programming skills 、 System management skills 、 Network engineering skills 、 Safety skills, etc . They may be the ones you paid most attention to when you were in school 、 The content introduced most when applying for a job .

The second group of skills is “ Soft skills ”. These skills refer more to interpersonal skills , Including communication skills 、 Teamwork ability 、 Conflict handling ability 、 leadership etc. .

Browse the recruitment notice on the recruitment website , You will see these common technical requirements :JavaScript、HTML、Linux、 Penetration test 、Tableau、Cisco etc. . But dig deep and you will find , What the company really cares about seems to be its interpersonal skills , such as The team cooperation Ability and communication skills . These abilities of candidates are usually more difficult to evaluate , But they are key to building a healthy and effective team .

stay 《 Programmer soft skills 》 in , The author shows more than a dozen such “ Soft skills ”.

《 Programmer soft skills 》

1. A practical career guide for technicians , Detailed introduction to communication skills 、 Teamwork ability 、 Conflict handling ability 、 Leadership, etc 14 Soft skills , Targeted help new or dissatisfied technicians easily get on the right track .

2. author The tang dynasty . Jones Microsoft's MVP、 The success of IT The coach 、 Speaker conference 、 Professional tutor , He led 10 Science and technology professionals from more than occupations and vocational seminars , have 20 Technical people for more than years Occupation planning practical experience .

3. Chapter end setting “ Practice suggestions ” link , Help readers always review and test what they have learned ; Set up “ Expanding reading ” link , Encourage readers to extend the knowledge base .

In the book , The author also introduces several non-technical aspects “ Hard skills ”, The author believes that mastering these skills is very important for anyone's career . Because they are quantifiable and repeatable, they are called “ Hard skills ”, But they have nothing to do with technology —— such as , How to understand the financial situation of the company by reading the income statement , Or how to read Recruitment notice Subtext in . these years , These skills have greatly benefited the author's career .

First , This book introduces how to define your life —— No matter what you want is a high salary , Is good Work / Life balance , Or something else , Only know where to go , You can start the journey of success . Adopt the career plan proposed in this book 、 Personal brand marketing 、 time management 、 Adaptability suggestions such as remote work , You will get twice the result with half the effort . secondly , This book delves into the writing that technical experts should pay attention to / Oral communication 、 Conflict Skills such as solving and teamwork , So as to help you get on the right track in your daily exercise . Besides , This book will also guide you to master critical thinking , And understand how the enterprise operates and how to become a better decision-maker , At the same time, guide you to help others and prepare for anything . Last , This book introduces the financial knowledge that technicians tend to ignore , Help you understand the business architecture , And give pertinent suggestions on job hunting strategies .

This book is suitable for anyone who is seeking or has started a technical career —— Developer 、 Data Engineer 、 Network architect 、 System administrator 、 Safety team members, etc . The benefits of this book for Industry novices may be **、 The most obvious , But even if you are engaged in Technical work For a long time , The ideas in this book will also effectively guide your future career .

Master your career

1、 Work 、 Career 、 Success and self

Let's start by quickly defining some terms , So that you and I can reach an agreement . I define work as a set of tasks , These tasks constitute your role in getting paid : Software developer 、 Data Analyst 、 System administrator 、 Network Engineer 、 Safety team members, etc . Work is a form of remuneration provided by employers 、 Agreement of employees to perform tasks . If you don't do this job , Others will do it . let me put it another way , Your employer has the job . This means that your employer has a lot of responsibility for the job : They must provide the tools you need , They must tell you what tasks need to be performed , They will also define the standards you must follow when performing these tasks .

But at the same time , Your career belongs to you . Your career includes getting 、 Retain and complete all the skills you need to do the job you choose , With the development of career , You may do different types of work . You should be responsible for your career : You can decide its development direction , You must also pay for its maintenance beyond your current scope of work cost .

therefore , Your employer controls your job , You control your career . Suppose you are a software developer , Being developed for C++ Internal applications written . You have been working like this for some time , You desire change . You are a little worried , Good at C++ It doesn't bring you many job opportunities , You are also anxious ( It is wise ) I will fall into the bottom of my career because I use a less common programming language at work .

After careful consideration , I think I am very interested in website development , Want to learn JavaScript Advanced programming Course . You also want to attend seminars on website development , In this way, you can master more and web pages Applications Related technologies . But your employer refuses to pay for your study courses and seminars . You should angry Do you ? I don't think so , You should not . These courses and seminars have nothing to do with your work , They can't make you a better C++ The programmer , And become a better C++ Programmers are the reason your employer pays you . And you want to take this course , For your own career , To meet personal interests 、 Increase employment opportunities , You want to expand the scope of your career Skill set . therefore , You are the one who should pay for courses and seminars , Not your employer .

There is a drawback in mastering a skill , That is, it costs a lot . But mastering a skill also has a definite benefit : It can serve your needs . Your skills can provide a powerful means , Help you get almost anything you want !

2  Start from scratch : Walk with yourself

There are too many such people : After graduation , Try your best in your first job . We try to make a good impression on our employers , And get promoted at the right time , Or find another job after enough experience , Get higher Salary 、 Better titles or other improvements .

We began to equate success with salary without thinking 、 title 、 Leadership team size and other criteria . However, we seldom stop to think “ What is all this for ”. This is what I want you to do now : stop , Think about it , What is all this for .

What kind of life do you want ? How do you want to arrange your work and In my spare time ? What contribution do you want to make to the world ? What kind of passion and experience do you want to pursue ?

I hope you will not only stop and think about these problems , And write down your thoughts . Record with a pen on paper , It helps you think carefully and remember your answers .

Your answers to these questions clarify and Definition The life you want , So I call these contents your definition of life . Different from other definitions , Your definition of life may enter a new stage as you 、 Discover new goals and value , And change . My definition of life now is different from what I used to be . With age , I formed a family , My interests have changed , My definition of life has also changed . That's what it means to be alive . But I will carefully record in writing what I want from life Get something from . I revisit this definition every year , It's for my life , It's like inputting GPS Destination in application . When we get to our destination , I just want to stay there , Unless something happens that makes me rethink what I want from life .

Before you start thinking and recording , I hope you can take your life “ outsiders ” visual angle , Write this definition of life . I didn't mean to upset you , But please take this definition of life as some kind of extended obituary . When you look back , It should represent the life you expect . Such records can help you extract the most important dreams for you 、 Goals and aspirations .

3  In your eyes success What does it look like

In my case , The definition of success is simple : Live the life I want . Success is a list of projects , It covers my life in order to realize my imagination and definition , What needs to be done . If my definition of life is compared to “ life GPS” In application Destination , The success list item is all the parts needed to build the car that can take me to the destination .

therefore , Success is not something I pursue endlessly , It's a set of specific and measurable small targets , Can gradually achieve . When I achieve these goals, I will know , All I need to do is maintain my current success , Instead of trying to continue expand it . I never feel like I'm in a rat race , Keep chasing a bigger piece of cheese . Instead, I'm looking for some specific 、 Achievable goals , these The goal is Can let me live the life I want .

from 《 Programmer soft skills 》 You will also learn about a practical guide to the career of technicians :

  • Master your career
  • Establish and maintain personal brand
  • Networks
  • Become part of the technology community
  • Keep your skills fresh and relevant
  • Appear as a professional
  • Manage your time
  • Working remotely
  • Become a team player
  • Become a team leader
  • solve the problem
  • Conquer written communication
  • Conquer verbal communication
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Become data Driven people with critical thinking
  • Understand how the company operates
  • Be a better decision maker
  • Helping others
  • Be prepared for anything
  • Of a technician Business Mathematics And terminology popularization

Related to recommend :

Soft skills : A survival guide beyond the code

This is a real book from “ people ”( Not technology, not management ) From the perspective of Software The book of developers' own development . The book deals with both living habits and customs , It also includes the way of thinking , In technology “ people ” Factors , A comprehensive explanation of all that software industry practitioners need to know “ Soft skills ”.

This book focuses on all aspects of the life of software developers , From revealing the interview process to elaborating a killer resume , From creating popular Blog To build you , From improving your work efficiency to how to communicate with “ Procrastination ” Fight , Even how investment The real estate , How to pay attention to your health .

This book is divided into career sections 、 Self marketing 、 Study 、 Productivity 、 conduct financial transactions piece 、 Fitness 、 Seven chapters on spirit , It summarizes the needs of software industry practitioners “ Soft skills ”. By reading this book , Software Engineering personnel 、 Programmers and other technicians can think positively about their careers , Enrich your life , Bring yourself closer to success .


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