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Web components series (VII) -- life cycle of custom components

2022-07-05 03:40:00 Programming samadhi

 Life cycle .001


What is meant by ” Life cycle “? seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function , The life cycle refers to the whole process of an object from its birth to its death , Of course , The specific stage division of the life cycle of different objects may be different .

When we use the front-end component framework , We all know that each component has its own life cycle , After defining the component life cycle , Developers can execute different code logic in different life cycles of components , So as to achieve the role of management components .

In order to make Custom Elements More flexible in use , It also has the ” Life cycle “ Callback function , It allows developers to define methods that can be executed at different stages of the component's life .

Custom Elements Life cycle division

stay Custom Elements In the constructor of , You can specify multiple different callback functions , They will be called at different times of the element's life :

  • connectedCallback: When Custom Elements First inserted into document DOM when , Called .
  • disconnectedCallback: When Custom Elements From the document DOM When deleted in , Called .
  • adoptedCallback: When Custom Elements When moved to a new document , Called .
  • attributeChangedCallback: When Custom Elements increase 、 Delete 、 When modifying its properties , Called .

Be careful : The lifecycle callback function of a custom element is used in its constructor .

Use of lifecycle callback function

First look at the effect :

2022-02-12 23.43.06

What needs to be noted here is :adoptedCallback The callback is only available when the custom element is moved to a new document ( It's usually iframe) It will be triggered only when it is in .

The code is as follows :

    <style> body {
       padding: 50px; } custom-square {
       margin: 15px; } iframe {
       width: 100%; height: 250px; overflow: hidden; } </style>

    <h1>Custom Elements  Life cycle </h1>
        <button class="add"> Additional  Square  To  DOM</button>
        <button class="update"> change  Square  Properties of </button>
        <button class="remove"> remove  Square  Elements </button>
        <button class="move"> Move  Square  To  Iframe</button>
    <iframe src="./other.html"></iframe>
    <script src="./square.js"></script>
    <script src="./index.js"></script>

    <h1> This is a  other.html</h1>

// square.js
function updateStyle(elem) {
    const shadow = elem.shadowRoot;
    shadow.querySelector("style").textContent = ` div { width: ${
      elem.getAttribute("l")}px; height: ${
      elem.getAttribute("l")}px; background-color: ${
      elem.getAttribute("c")}; } `;

class Square extends HTMLElement {
    static get observedAttributes() {
        return ["c", "l"];

    constructor() {

        const shadow = this.attachShadow({
     mode: "open" });

        const div = document.createElement("div");
        const style = document.createElement("style");

    connectedCallback() {
        console.log("custom-square  Be mounted to the page ");

    disconnectedCallback() {
        console.log("custom-square  Removed from page ");

    adoptedCallback() {
        console.log("custom-square  Moved to a new page ");

    attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
        console.log("custom-square  The attribute value is changed ");

customElements.define("custom-square", Square);

// index.js
const add = document.querySelector(".add");
const update = document.querySelector(".update");
const remove = document.querySelector(".remove");
const move = document.querySelector(".move");
let square;

update.disabled = true;
remove.disabled = true;

function random(min, max) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);

add.onclick = function () {
    // Create a custom square element
    square = document.createElement("custom-square");
    square.setAttribute("l", "100");
    square.setAttribute("c", "red");

    update.disabled = false;
    remove.disabled = false;
    add.disabled = true;

update.onclick = function () {
    // Randomly update square's attributes
    square.setAttribute("l", random(50, 200));
    square.setAttribute("c", `rgb(${
      random(0, 255)}, ${
      random(0, 255)}, ${
      random(0, 255)})`);

remove.onclick = function () {
    // Remove the square

    update.disabled = true;
    remove.disabled = true;
    add.disabled = false;

update.onclick = function () {
    // Randomly update square's attributes
    square.setAttribute("l", random(50, 200));
    square.setAttribute("c", `rgb(${
      random(0, 255)}, ${
      random(0, 255)}, ${
      random(0, 255)})`);

move.onclick = function () {


That's all Custom Elements A simple example of using the lifecycle callback function , I hope it helped you !

Custom Elements In the callback function of ,adoptedCallback There are few usage scenarios , This needs attention .

The end of this paper , Thank you for reading !


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Hello everyone , I am a 〖 The samadhi of programming 〗 The author of Hermit King , My official account is 『 The samadhi of programming 』, Welcome to your attention , I hope you can give me more advice !


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