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In the face of the same complex test task, why can the elder sort out the solution quickly? Ali's ten-year test engineers showed their skills

2022-07-04 20:47:00 Xiaowu knock code

​ This year is the ninth year of entering the testing industry , Looking back on these nine years of career , Come and go, I've also met a lot of people . In the process of working with different people , I often have some confusion , such as :

Facing the same complex test task , Some people can sort out solutions in one day , And some take a long time ? Some people can quickly describe problems at work , And some people hesitate and can't say clearly ? Some people when asked “ What is your basis for saying so ?”“ Are there any specific examples ” when , Often stuck , Some people are able to present facts and reason out. They have an unstable way to say one, two, three ?

But with the in-depth contact of the work , It is not difficult to find that those who can solve problems efficiently and communicate effectively have such a common ground , That is, they have an efficient structured way of thinking .

One 、 What is structured thinking ?

Structured thinking is simply , When facing problems, you can use some kind of structure , Break it up into parts you can solve .

Take a very common example to feel , If you are an interviewer , During the interview , Let the candidate think about a Taobao shopping cart function , How to test ? You may get a lot of answers :

For example, some candidates will answer , Add shopping cart first , Delete after , Check whether the quantity is correct ; Check the shopping cart , See if the price is calculated correctly ; You can add up to a few items and so on . Calculate whether the coupon can be used normally

These answers , Is likely to , Maybe not , But most of the time , It is based on our testing experience to analyze the problem , There is no guarantee that you can think clearly and completely . So how to use structured thinking to analyze such problems more clearly and comprehensively ? As a test engineer , We all know , The classification of tests can be divided into : Interface tests / A functional test / Performance testing / Security testing / Abnormal test / Compatibility test . If we disassemble the test analysis from the test classification , It's just how these tests are classified , Then refine each classification , Until it can no longer be disassembled ( as follows ): Insert picture description here
The above is a simple process of analyzing problems with structured thinking , We can also apply when writing test cases or sorting out test points , By disassembling according to the test category , Not only can you tell the whole story , And the analysis is relatively clear .

thus it can be seen ,** Structured thinking is a thinking process from disorder to order ,** In the process , You can create a three-dimensional analysis first . First look at the key aspects that can solve the problem , Then go on to analyze , So as to achieve a bird's-eye view from the global to the local , Not just stuck in a detail . And this common way of thinking , It's actually a tree view of a pyramid , as follows :
 Insert picture description here

Two 、 Why should test engineers learn structured thinking ?

In the work , Software test engineers need to face more than being able to independently undertake the testing of complex products or modules , We also need to constantly communicate with different roles horizontally or vertically , When faced with complex projects , Even project management across role boundaries , Process control , Customer docking, etc .

For example, facing the same problem , Some people can hit the point with three sentences , And some people may 30min I can't say the core ; Facing a complex business module , Some people can quickly and hierarchically do a test point analysis and organize an efficient test case review , And some people are confused in test analysis , This leads to the continuous delay of use case review …… There are countless examples of such work , What is the difference of thinking in this area ? The most fundamental reason , It depends on whether there is a fast and effective way to process information , As well as the sorting and clear and effective expression of the logical structure of information .

for instance :

In an online accident , A test colleague rushed over and reported :“ There is a problem with the previous code , Some data is pushed to another platform , Now if you change it, it will have a great impact , Whether to find another time to change ?”

When you receive this message , You may have some problems , For example, how big is the impact , How long is it to find a time later ? At the same time, you are the recipient of the message , The information you may get is just that your colleagues have found a problem , But we didn't get the details of the event and the specific treatment plan .

And such scenes are vivid in our life and work , Because there is no effective processing of information and effective expression , Lead to information asymmetry in the process of communication , The increasing cost of communication .

thus it can be seen , Structured thinking is particularly important in our daily work and life Communication , Complex problems are analyzed layer by layer through pyramid model , Can be very clear and organized to show your ideas and thinking logic , So as to improve our efficiency in dealing with problems and reduce the communication cost .

3、 ... and 、 How to improve structured thinking ?

When we gradually uncover structured thinking and understand its role , We will think , Structured thinking can be trained and improved ? Yes, of course ! Of course, we need to further analyze the pyramid model . Pictured : Insert picture description here
In the pyramid structure , In general, there is a logical relationship in two directions , That is, vertical logical relationship and horizontal logical relationship . A good pyramid structure , We need to meet the conclusion first in the vertical relationship 、 Upper system and lower system ; In horizontal relations , Meet the requirements of classification and grouping 、 The four basic principles of logical progression . In a word , Namely “ Argumentation analogy ”.

The longitudinal : Vertical is hierarchical , The thought of the upper level is the generalization of the thought of the lower level , The next level is the explanation and support of the previous level .

The transverse : Horizontal is the relationship , The ideas in each group must belong to the same logical category , It has to be organized in logical order .
After further combing the pyramid structure , We can summarize structured thinking ability into the following three points :

1. Ability to summarize information – Horizontal analogy ability

The collection of massive information can not completely help us analyze and solve problems , Inductive information helps our brain remember , Sort out logic and ideas .

Here is a classification rule :

MECE The laws of (Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive), That is, they are independent of each other 、 Completely exhausted . Use... When resolving problems MECE Principles ensure the clearest point of view 、 The most complete , No weight, no leakage .

The common methods are 6 Kind of , In fact, we often use... In our work :

1、 Dichotomy

This classification is common in daily life , In fact, it is to divide information into A He Fei A Two parts . such as :

At home 、 Abroad , Others 、 own , married 、 unmarried , adults 、 minors , about , men and women , Income and expenses , Professional and amateur and so on .

2、 Process method

That is, according to the time when things develop 、 technological process 、 Program , Classify the information one by one . such as :

A schedule made in daily life , Solve the problem 6 A step , Achieve the goal 3 Stages , In fact, they all belong to the classification process . The process classification method is particularly suitable for reporting on the progress and stages of the project .

3、 The element method

We often use the element method in our life , This classification method is used to describe the characteristics of all aspects of things . such as :

Talking about excellent employees 7 Seed quality 、 The organization chart of the company, etc , In fact, they all divide a whole into different components . It can be from top to bottom , From the outside to the inside , From the whole to the part .

4、 Formula method

Formula method can be classified according to the elements of formula design , As long as the formula holds , Then this classification is in line with MECE principle . such as :

Price = The unit price * Number , According to the publicity , Unit price and quantity are elements

5、 Matrix method

For example, when we arrange work , There is a way to classify , Is to divide your work into the following four categories :1) Important emergency ,(2) Important but not urgent ,(3) Not important but urgent ,(4) It's not important or urgent .

Then you can fill them in 4 Go in one quadrant , this 4 The first quadrant is 2×2 matrix . This classification method is called matrix method .

6. Classification rules for specific scenes
For the most part ,MECE Rule is a general classification rule , But in some scenarios, we have more direct models , You can put the existing information , Put the classification into some classification models .

​ 3C( Market strategy model ): The company (Company)、 customer (Customer)、 competitors (Competitor) The initials of three English words . When classifying strategies according to these three elements , It can prevent the company from ignoring the needs of users 、 Market situation , Develop your own products , A situation that leads to the loss of money . ​ “7S”( Think about the organizational strategy model ): Business strategy (Strategy)、 Organizational structure (Structure)、 Operating system (System)、 Business style (Style)、 staff member (Staff)、 Organizational skills (Skill) And shared values (Shared value). ​ SWOT Model ( Competitiveness model ):SWOT Analysis represents the analysis of enterprise advantages (Strengths)、 Inferiority (Weakness)、 The opportunity to (Opportunity) And threats (Threats). ​ SMART( A model for setting goals ): That is, setting goals to meet certainty (Specific) 、 Measurability (Measurable)、 Realizability (Attainable)、 The correlation (Relevant) And timeliness (Time-based) wait .
For the above classification methods, we will not cite them one by one , How can we apply these classification rules in our workplace ?

for instance , The system has been unstable recently , There have been some serious P1 fault , The boss asked you to organize a general meeting , Improve everyone's quality awareness . You're going to send out a meeting notice :

In order to improve quality awareness , Gather everyone in 10 month 22 On the afternoon of Sunday 3 The point is 3 building 205 The training room held a general meeting of all staff . The agenda of the meeting is to first review the causes of the recent failure , Then develop strategies to prevent similar failures from happening again . The goal is to stop appearing in the second half of the year P1 fault , Ensure the stability of online system .

However , This content is not clear enough , A better approach is to use 5W2H The model expresses the content structurally :

The goal is : Improve the quality awareness of all staff , No more in the second half of the year P1 fault . Time :10 month 22 On the afternoon of Sunday 3 spot . place :3 building 205. agenda :1) Trouble shooting .2) Formulate fault prevention and control strategy .

Compare two meeting notices , It's not hard to find out , Under specific scenarios ,5W2H The structure of makes our expression more organized , More clarity .

2. The ability to extract information and conclusions ---- Vertical demonstration ability

When we sum up all the information , How can we strengthen our ability to extract information and conclusions ? This actually shows the ability of vertical demonstration in the pyramid model .

In the ability to extract information and conclusions , There are two methods most commonly used , These two methods are introduced in many books , Let's briefly introduce these two methods .

1. Deductive method

Deduction is a linear way of reasoning , Finally, it is to get a logical word “ therefore ” Draw a conclusion . In the pyramid structure , The thought at the upper level of the deductive argumentation process is the generalization of the deductive process , The focus is on the last step in the deductive reasoning process , namely “ therefore ” Draw a conclusion . The most classic is Aristotle's Syllogism :

The big premise : Everyone will die . ​ Little premise : Socrates is a man . ​ Conclusion : Socrates will die .
In our daily work, we often use deductive method to summarize the conclusion , such as :

Known rules : Frequent changes in demand can easily lead to bug Specific events : It's almost online , The business side needs more , Add do not add Conclusion : No addition

With deduction, what we need to pay attention to is :

Often skeptical about the rules ( Rules change , If the rules are wrong, the conclusion is not tenable ) .
Need to increase the amount of knowledge , Keep it “ Available status ”( The more rules you know , The easier it is to draw a conclusion ).

2. Induction

Inductive logic is more difficult than deductive logic , Because induction requires us to have good abstract ability , Abstract out new concepts , To command the following sub concepts . In Induction , The brain is going to find things ( thought 、 event 、 The facts ) They have something in common 、 Common ground , Then classify them into the same group , And explain their commonalities . Inductive logic is not linear , It needs to be based on the existing information , Raise a level of abstraction , Get a new concept . such as :

The next level of abstraction of apples and oranges is “ Fruits ”, This level of abstraction , It can make “ Fruits ” Lead apples and oranges in vertical relationship .“ Fruits ” The abstraction of this new concept requires us to have relevant knowledge background .

After understanding the logic of Induction , We need to pay attention to :

Abandon the mindset , Carefully select samples ( Whether the sample is representative , Whether the quantity is enough )
Need more experience , Expand your sphere of influence , See more , Absorb more , Add facts .

3. The ability to express information ---- From top to bottom

Thinking is an invisible process , Finally, we have to show the conclusion , This reflects the ability to express information in structured thinking .

We often have the following misunderstandings in our daily communication , Many people will pass their thinking process directly to each other without realizing it , for instance :

In a meeting , You tell your leader that :“ I found that there are a lot of inquiries about login issues raised by technical support recently , I guess there may be a problem with the login function , Then I asked my colleagues to check , Found to be xx iteration ,xx Misoperation leads to interface login error . Because this problem affects the user experience , Therefore, we need to make xx To solve the ."

At first glance, there seems to be no problem , Describe all the details of the process clearly to you , However, in the process of reporting, it seems reasonable from basis to conclusion to output , Makes the analytical framework relatively thin , The key conclusion is not prominent , The recipient of the information cannot effectively identify your important information immediately .

If we report this with structured thinking , Will become :

1. Draw a conclusion first : There is a problem with the current login interface , Lead to online bug, The reason has been found , need xx Solve as soon as possible 2. Then elaborate : The reason for the problem is xxx, This problem has continued xx God , Very affecting the user experience , In recent days, the technical support has produced several consultation on similar problems . 3. The final summary : So we must solve it quickly , Try to solve the problem today .

by comparison , From top to bottom , Structured expression , The process from conclusion to re strengthening conclusion can make the recipient of information get the information you want to express quickly , And make your conclusion more convincing .

How to train top-down thinking and communication ? Here are some small tips:

We can flexibly use some existing model frameworks , Like the question - reason - Solution /SWTO wait , A quick set of frameworks for logical thinking and communication .
You can visualize your own expression logic , For example, one sentence description and so on continue to strengthen their own language and logic output , Improve your communication skills .

Four 、 Summary

Structured thinking will not only show your ability to deliver information efficiently , It also reflects our ability to analyze and solve problems in the workplace .

I hope this summary and sharing can help everyone in the workplace , Bring some inspiration and thinking .

Finally, thank everyone who reads my article carefully , The following online link is also a very comprehensive one that I spent a few days sorting out , I hope it can also help you in need !

 Insert picture description here

These materials , For those who want to change careers 【 software test 】 For our friends, it should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you ! Everything should be done as soon as possible , Especially in the technology industry , We must improve our technical skills . I hope that's helpful ……

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