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The most ideal automated testing model, how to achieve layering of automated testing

2022-07-04 10:48:00 weixin_ thirty-four million three hundred and twenty-two thousa

Introduction to automated testing

automated testing (Automated Testing), It refers to the process of transforming human driven test behavior into machine execution . In fact, automated testing often through some testing tools or frameworks , Write automated test cases , To simulate the manual testing process . for instance , During project iteration , Continuous regression testing is a very boring and repetitive task , And the testers work repeatedly every day , There is no growth .

At this point, carrying out automated testing can help testers from repetition 、 Liberated from the boring manual test , Improve test efficiency , Shorten regression test time . Generally speaking , Automated testing is often associated with continuous integration systems ( such as Jenkins) In combination with .

But in the process of automation practice , It is often found that there is a big gap between ideal and reality . The disadvantages of automated testing , Mainly reflected in the following aspects :

1 Relative to manual testing , Automated testing has relatively high requirements for testers ;

2 Test cases need to be updated according to version iterations , There is a certain maintenance cost ;

3 You can't expect automated testing to find more new BUG, Automated testing can find far fewer defects than manual testing ;

4 The output value of automated testing often lies in long-term regression testing , The role may not be obvious in the short term ;


Problems that we hope to solve with the help of automated processes

1 The test time is tight , Manual testing may not cover all , It is easy to miss some boundary conditions ;

2 When there is strong coupling between modules , When testing simply from the page , It is difficult to find problems in depth ;

3 When regression testing , Need to invest a lot of manpower / Working hours ;

4 Implement test tasks that cannot be achieved by manual testing ;

5 By writing test cases , Deepen the understanding of business / Cognition of data , It is helpful to find hidden problems in the next iteration ;


Prerequisites for introducing automated testing

Long project cycle , Demand changes infrequently The stability of test cases determines the maintenance cost of automated testing . If software requirements change too frequently , Testers need to update test cases and related test scripts according to changing requirements , Script maintenance itself is a process of code development , Need modification 、 debugging . If the cost is no less than the test cost saved by using it , So automated testing is a failure .

Some modules in the project are relatively stable , And some module requirements are very variable . We can test relatively stable modules automatically , And the big change is still manual testing .

Automated test scripts are reusable If you take great pains to develop a set of near perfect automated test scripts , But script reuse is very low , As a result, the cost consumed is greater than the economic value created , Automated testing is meaningless .

Manual testing of test tasks is difficult to achieve Like stress testing , Big data or a lot of duplicate data testing , Must be supported by automation tools .


The ability to do automated testing

• Have coding ability At least be familiar with automation tools / Framework code language , It's best to have a certain coding ability , At the same time, the code logic should be clear , Otherwise, not only the logic of the use case cannot be guaranteed 、 Business and robustness , There is no guarantee of efficiency ;

• Be familiar with the tested system ; Familiarity with the system under test is the minimum requirement for any tester ;

• Master an automated testing framework / Tools ; According to the mastered code , Learn a framework for automated testing , Such as Selenium/Appoum/Robot Framework/Nunit/TestNG etc. ;

• Keep on learning , Good at learning , Know what it is, know what it is ; “ To be behind is to be beaten .”


At what stage is the automation use case generally completed

Generally, it lags behind the manual testing stage of new functions , After the manual use case execution is completed or the function is online , Then add the use cases of Automation . Automation does not follow new requirements , It's about measuring the influence of changing things on unchanging things , Never do work that is automated for the sake of Automation .


Layered automated testing

Before understanding tiered Automation , Let's take a look at the classic test pyramid .

• UI layer : Interface automation testing . It can be seen that its value is the smallest , It's closest to the user's real scene , It's also easy to find problems , But it's the most expensive to implement and too vulnerable to external dependence , It is easy to affect the success rate of script . On the whole , Proper interface automation testing is necessary , But there is no need to UI Too much investment ;

• Service layer : Interface automation testing . Its value is in the middle , It is appropriate to cover most of the main interfaces . This layer requires testers to be very clear about the structure of the system and the scheduling between systems , At the same time, understand the logical relationship of the interface , Otherwise, the interface test code is easy to miss some abnormal scenarios ;

• Unit layer : unit testing . The most valuable test , But the requirements for testers are relatively high , It's usually done by developers , Otherwise, only pair programming can be used . Generally speaking , Manual testing is the most basic , It can be close to 100%, And for automated testing , It's more like a " Body armor ", Used to protect the main parts of the body . Some people think that the automation rate has improved , You can save manpower , This is actually very one-sided , Because improve the automation rate , It means that more manpower needs to be invested in the cost of maintenance . Because the requirements of the system are constantly changing , Every change will lead to automatic test cases that need to be updated and adjusted .

therefore , What kind of automated testing is good , It should also be analyzed in combination with the above test pyramid . about UI Level of automated testing , Ensure a small amount of necessary mainstream process , Do not use automated testing at this level " Body armor " Become bloated " Spacesuit ";Service Interface automation test at level , Consider covering most of the processes ;Unit Single test at level , Achieve 100% It's the best , Even if there is a change in demand , In general, it rarely affects the existing use cases . Generally speaking , Unit tests can find 80% The defects of .


Principles for designing automated use cases


The basic principle of

• The scope of automated test cases must be relatively core business processes , That is, the core test points that cover the main functions and modules with high repetition rate ;

• When the test script and the tested code remain unchanged , The result of the test case should be stable , This is very important ;

• Unless it is necessary , Otherwise, any use case should avoid persistent operations , To ensure that the environment is always clean ;

• Once Written, Run Anytime as Desired ;

• Not all manual test cases can be implemented using automated testing , Automated testing cannot replace manual testing , The effective combination of the two is the key to ensure the quality of the project .

• Regression test scenario , The selection of test cases is generally positive , Supplemented by reverse ;


Use case design principles

keep Case Independence

Generally speaking , One Test Suite The following contains a group of similar or related Test Cases. And every one Test Case Only one scenario should be tested , according to case Complexity , Different scenes can also be big , It can be a unit test , It can also be end-to-end testing (E2E), Of course, there are also special writing methods, such as workflow testing and data-driven .


Case What are the concerns about the independence of ?

First Test Suite Internal Cases It should not affect each other in execution , It means that when we run one of them randomly Case Or run these in disorder Cases when , The test results should be accurate .Suite level and Directory level We should also pay attention to the issue of Independence . When the system is complex , There may be hundreds of thousands Cases Run together ,Robot It will not stipulate Case Order of execution , So in a way, the same level of Cases It's random .

It's typical , How to run and pass the test case in local debugging , Put it in Server On all the Cases When we run together, we will Fail, It could be accidental , In this case, it is most likely due to other Case It's affected by the traces of the world , It's often time consuming to find the root of a problem .


keep Case The portability of

Case There are three main considerations for the portability of : Case Dependence on execution environment ; Case Dependence on external devices ;Case Dependence on test objects .

Case Dependence on execution environment Minimize dependence on the execution environment . For example , You're local PC Upper use rf Framework preparation 、 After debugging the use case , Upload to Git, Then your leader may pull your use case and run it locally , Then it was deployed to the continuous integration server .

So when you write use cases, try to avoid using libraries of different platforms or shell command .

Another example , If you modify the source code of the test library because of business needs , At this time, whether it is others in the group or CI The server , It will certainly fail , How can we solve this situation ?

Here are two solutions :

1 Make the modified library into a test library , Upload to Git perhaps Pypi, The other party can pass pip Install updates ;

2 Use robotremoteserver Make a shared library and put it on the remote host , For details, please refer to the article of the entomologist ;


Case Dependence on external devices Sometimes for business testing needs , We will introduce some external devices to assist the test , External devices may continue to be upgraded or replaced , When writing use cases, we need to consider how to use a set Case Better compatibility with these test equipment . For example, the operation of external devices can be separated from the test case , Encapsulated into test libraries or keywords ;

Case Dependence on test objects If the test object is a software platform , Software platforms usually need to adapt to a variety of devices , The hardware configuration of the device may be various :CPU、 Memory 、 The performance and quantity of components may vary . The dependence on test objects should not only consider the enforceability on different devices , The key point is also to consider the test coverage . Due to the increase of device components, your use case may not be able to cover these components , Or fail to capture a certain personality bottleneck , In this way, the reliability of the test results is greatly reduced .


promote Case Execution efficiency

Different case The execution time is far apart , It can last for a few seconds or days . There is no comparability between simple function test cases that take seconds and stability test cases that take days . But I think when we look at a certain group or group case when , We need to pay attention to Case Efficiency of execution .

Whether agile process or sequel, Chengdu pays attention to rapid feedback , Developers can quickly get feedback on test results after submitting code , Testers can perform a wider range of test coverage in the shortest time , It can not only improve the work efficiency of the team , It can also enhance the confidence of the team .

To use the rf For example , When writing use cases, we can improve the execution efficiency of use cases through the following aspects .

1. If there is an inspection of the execution conditions , If the check fails , Exit the execution as soon as possible ; 2. Extract data preparation or environment cleaning into keywords and put them at a higher level ,, You may need to make some combinations when extracting , However, duplicate create and delete operations are not allowed ; 3. Use cases appear as little as possible sleep, Suggest using "wait until ..." Instead of ; 4. You can use the method of executing use cases concurrently to improve efficiency ;


Automation use case writing specification


Naming specification

Keyword name

The first word should start with a lowercase letter , The following words begin with a capital letter . Such as :getProjectId, connectDB


Constant naming

Constant names should be in uppercase letters , The complete meaning of the constant is pointed out . If a constant name consists of multiple words , You should separate these words with underscores . Such as :MAX_CHAR_LENGTH


Parameter named

The naming standard of parameters is the same as that of methods , Please make the parameter name as clear as possible under the condition that the parameter name is one word .


Such as :{investorName}

Use Tags

RF Provided by Settings Set in tags To manage use cases .Tag The application of is very extensive and flexible , For example, it can be used for use case screening 、 version management 、 Statistical strategies, etc .


How to fight tag It looks more convenient ?

• You can type the folder name under each folder tag, In this way, it can be based on tag Run the use cases under this folder separately , It's better to check the test report ;

• Mark some important use cases tag, You can run key use cases alone ;

• If you don't want to execute some use cases , You can type tag, Set not to execute .


Give Way case Documented

In considering Coding Style We can set some fixed rules , Everyone just follow this rule , After several practice Coding Style Will tend to be unified . And consider Case Writing like a document requires more subjective initiative .


agile development (Agile Development) The development in China has become more and more perfect , With it comes agile testing (Agile Testing). Agile thinking emphasizes human centered , Throughout the development process , Write only the necessary documents or write as few documents as possible , This is also the difference between it and the traditional waterfall model .


In order not to cause misunderstanding , It is necessary to insert several features of agile testing :

• Agile testing should be part of agile development ;

• Agile testing has distinct characteristics of agile development , Such as test driven development (TDD), Acceptance test driven development (ATDD). in other words , Unit testing is the foundation of agile testing , If there are not enough unit tests , Can't cope with the rapid iteration of future requirements , Nor can we achieve rapid and stable continuous delivery ;

• Excellent agile testing is based on automated testing ;

• Agile testing happens all the time , Everywhere .

Requirements design is constantly updated , And documents often can't be updated in time , In this case, how can testers quickly master the requirements and current status of a function or product ?


Clear and understandable use case name

In practical engineering , We may create a new directory to store test cases with similar test points . every last Case Each corresponds to a test point , The use case name should summarize the core content of the corresponding test point , So when we are browsing a set of use cases , You can get a general idea of the test content just by using the name of the use case , It is also convenient to find someone Case.

In practical engineering , We may create a new directory to store test cases with similar test points . every last Case Each corresponds to a test point , The use case name should summarize the core content of the corresponding test point , So when we are browsing a set of use cases , You can get a general idea of the test content just by using the name of the use case , It is also convenient to find someone Case.


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