2022-07-07 23:12:00 【eachanm】
50Mhz 对应一个计数为0.02us,也就是20纳秒,计数到1us要50个计数,其他可自己算,下面是产生1us、1ms、1s的方法
module count_time
parameter CNT_1US_MAX = 6'd49,
parameter CNT_1MS_MAX = 10'd999,
parameter CNT_1S_MAX = 10'd999
input wire sys_clk,
input wire sys_rst_n,
output reg led_out
reg [9:0]cnt_1s; //让1ms计数到1000
reg [9:0]cnt_1ms; //让1us计数到1000
reg [5:0]cnt_1us; //计数到50
reg cnt_en;
[email protected] (posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
cnt_1us <= 6'd0;
else if(cnt_1us == CNT_1US_MAX)
cnt_1us <= 6'd0;
cnt_1us <= cnt_1us +6'd1;
[email protected] (posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
cnt_1ms <= 10'd0;
else if(cnt_1ms == CNT_1MS_MAX && cnt_1us == CNT_1US_MAX)
cnt_1ms <= 10'd0;
else if(cnt_1us == CNT_1US_MAX)
cnt_1ms <= cnt_1ms +10'd1;
cnt_1ms <= cnt_1ms;
[email protected] (posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
cnt_1s <= 10'd0;
else if(cnt_1s == CNT_1S_MAX && cnt_1ms == CNT_1MS_MAX && cnt_1us == CNT_1US_MAX)
cnt_1s <= 10'd0;
else if(cnt_1us == CNT_1US_MAX && cnt_1ms == CNT_1MS_MAX )
cnt_1s <= cnt_1s + 10'd1;
cnt_1s <= cnt_1s;
[email protected] (posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
cnt_en <= 1'b0;
else if(cnt_1s == CNT_1S_MAX && cnt_1ms == CNT_1MS_MAX && cnt_1us == CNT_1US_MAX)
cnt_en <= ~cnt_en;
cnt_en <= cnt_en;
[email protected] (posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
led_out <= 1'b1;
else if((cnt_en == 1'b0) && (cnt_1ms <= cnt_1s)
|| (cnt_en == 1'b1) && (cnt_1ms >= cnt_1s))
led_out <= 1'b0;
led_out <= 1'b1;
5MHz 200ns
10MHz 100ns
20MHz 50ns
25MHz 40ns
33MHz 30ns
40MHz 25ns
50MHz 20ns
66MHz 15ns
80MHz 12ns
100MHz 10ns
120MHz 8.3ns
133MHz 7.5ns
166MHz 6.0ns
200MHz 5.0ns
250MHz 4.0ns
300MHz 3.3ns
333MHz 3.0ns
400MHz 2.5ns
500MHz 2.0ns
800MHz 1.2ns
1GHz 1.0ns
4GHz 0.25ns
1s=1000ms,1 ms=1000μs,1μs=1000ns
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