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The 2022 China low / no code Market Research and model selection evaluation report was released

2022-07-07 05:39:00 Digital data

recently ,《2022 China low code 、 Code free market research and model selection evaluation report 》 Official release . The report was published by the Heby Institute 、 China software network organized and compiled after many visits and investigations , It aims to truly present Chinese low code 、 Development status of codeless market , As a manufacturer and user, it is judged to be low 、 No reference to future trends of code .

According to the report ,2022 China low code 、 No code market The scale is expected to be 40.6 Billion element ,2022 to 2025 The annual compound growth rate is 42.9%, Due in 2025 reach 118.5 One hundred million yuan .

2022 The epidemic rebounded in , low 、 The codeless market has been hit to a certain extent , But the strong growth momentum has not changed . According to the Heby Institute , No code as a younger track , Compared with low code , have “ The market base is small , Fast growth ” Characteristics , The market share will continue to increase .

In application , According to the 《2022 China low code 、 Code free market research and model selection evaluation report 》,2022 Among enterprises above Designated Size in China ,34.1% Of enterprises are codeless platform users , This proportion is in 2025 The years will reach 46.5%.

2022 year , As China's first data-driven enterprise level codeless software platform , It has won the first place in popularity and satisfaction among codeless manufacturers . In brand ability 、 Product ability 、 Technical ability 、 Service capability, 、 Safety capability and value capability , Obvious advantages .

Picture source :《2022 China is low in 2000 / Code free market research and model selection evaluation report 》

smardaten Marketing Director Li Xiaoming Invited as an expert consultant , Participate in the preparation of this report .

As big data 、 No code domain experts , Li Xiaoming once participated in the preparation of white papers of many industry institutions , Have 16 Years of experience in big data field and industry , Led the design of big data platform products for many times 、 R & D and pre-sales , Including Huawei software big data governance platform 、360 Group big data center products 、 Alibaba group data center, etc , Applied for many patents .

about 《2022 China low code 、 Code free market research and model selection evaluation report 》, Li Xiaoming is low 、 Sort out the concept of no code 、 stay IT Positioning of the field 、 Topics such as the commercialization of high-tech and low code free links , Shared his views with the Heby Institute , Forward looking .


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