当前位置:网站首页>[fan Tan] after the arrival of Web3.0, where should testers go? (ten predictions and suggestions)

[fan Tan] after the arrival of Web3.0, where should testers go? (ten predictions and suggestions)

2022-07-07 17:07:00 I'm going to have a hot meal

Not covered in this article web3.0 Is it reasonable? , Nor discuss the probability and time of arrival , It will not involve any financial issues .

This article only discusses how our testers should prepare , In greeting web3.0 The coming Internet world , How to survive in the environment at that time , Even seize the opportunity to master the corresponding technology in advance .

First , I'm going to give you a brief summary in vernacular web1.0 - 2.0 - 3.0

web1.0 : One way transmission , propaganda , Exhibition .

web2.0: Downloadable and uploadable , Show yourself on various platforms ( Current era )

web3.0: De centralization , Each platform does not need to register an account , You yourself as a database , Go to various platforms for trading , Everything is in your own hands , There is no island effect . about web3.0, Opinions vary on the Internet , But generally the same .

for instance , It's me. a The platform bought a song , This song is in 2.0 Times are preserved in a In the platform database , Your account has the right to use , But there are also many risks , Like being sealed , Deleted , Overdue, etc , You go now b The platform wants to listen to this song , I'll find that I'm sorry , I haven't bought .

And in the web3.0 Time , After buying this song , It will be stored in your own database , You can go to any platform to listen to this song , No expired , This song is as permanent and universal as your private property . And if it's your own work , You can own the only copyright of the work in the world id, You can sell it all over the world .

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In general understanding web3.0 after , Let's talk about the changes that will happen to the platform probability of each Internet company at that time ... There will be the following points :( Welcome to add )

1. There may be no more login modules , Instead, the only authentication system in the world .

2. Big data portrait and precise push modules will increase , After all, everyone was their own platform at that time , But what is still missing is the vertical flow .

3. All platforms around the world will have unified upload and download functions , Transmission speed will be the only difference .

4. UI The display effect will be more cool and elegant , Because many underlying services will use a unified architecture , It is also because the operation focus is also biased towards the front end .

5. earnings / The order module will increase the proportion , The extraction algorithm of the platform will be the top priority .

6. The security module will weaken the proportion , The responsibility of blockchain technology is unified .

7. Meta universe VR Technology will rise in the fields of office, games and the Internet of things , Even in the market economy of setting up stalls .

8. Virtual decoration technology will catch fire , The era of personal collectors is coming , Be similar to qq Space .

9. Independent heavy-duty database will reduce the proportion , Lightweight / Highly encapsulated databases will be more suitable for small and medium-sized companies , The data security problem of micro platform may not be as important as it is unparalleled .

10. Integrated development and testing of low code platforms will be a big fire , Personal low-cost and cost-free development of personal space will be popular .


Predicted ten changes in Internet technology , Let's study the possible changes in the software testing industry , And as a tester , How to deal with ?( Correspond to the above ten items one by one )

1. Login, registration, forgetting password verification code and other functions will be greatly reconstructed , There may even be situations where login is not required , Users only need to verify their identity when uploading, downloading, purchasing, selling and collecting money in the whole process . Now the token/session/cookie The way of is estimated to change , After the new structure comes out , There must be a period of optimization and bug Dense time . As a test , The first time we should understand the underlying principles of the new design , To better test .

2. Big data test , Data embedding test requires our testers to prepare relevant knowledge in advance , such as ui The automatic test part of the buried point should be added in the automatic test .

3. Upload and download , Stress testing is about to become important ,go Language is about to get more attention .

4. ui test , Compatibility testing will become important , Attractiveness , Easy to learn , Usability needs to be tested , Testers will also become like artists , Go to comment and give ui Design scoring .

5. The order amount test will be very important , In that era, the exact place after the decimal point may be a dozen or more , Therefore, the boundary value test method may need to be innovated , In the test environment ,mock Orders and external interfaces , Simulating callback, etc. will be more important .

6. Security testing is still something that only a few testers can master , Lukewarm will last for a long time .

7. Meta universe app Testing will gradually become mainstream , Test of three-dimensional space , Transplantation and use of various popular frameworks , Testers need to emphasize the testing methodology of middleware .

8. The fire of virtual decoration market , It will make many low code design platforms rise , Testers also need to master some basic art design , Can simulate the habits of real users . And with the rise of all aesthetics , Then make a test platform / Tools , May also pay more attention to ui Design , Instead of the situation that the industry can basically use it now .

9. For lightweight or highly encapsulated databases , Testing is not only about mastering sql Wait for the bottom command , Also learn the encapsulated database operation code , such as orm (select * from USER Equivalent to USER.objects.all() )

10. With the increasing proportion of test engineers , The rise of personal ability , Low code test platform / Tools will gradually increase demand . An easy-to-use platform can stimulate the potential of the whole group of testers , So you can get familiar with the low code test platform in advance .


The above is what may happen in the future , If you still have spare power, you can prepare in advance .

If you don't have enough energy , You can also sign up for Blogger training , The deadline is approaching 3 year , Constantly update the course , Explanation of new knowledge and technology platform , It can let you experience the same comfort as professional development and technology trusteeship . You will no longer have to worry about being dragged down by new technology , Left behind by the mainstream .


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