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use Asponse.Words Working with word templates

2020-11-06 01:23:00 itread01

   One . Customer needs

     Recently received a project , After initial communication with customers , The requirements described by customers also sound very simple , At present, customers need to be in Excel Input data , And then copy the data to multiple Word In many places , Except for individual values , You also need to copy forms and pictures , The customer thinks that this operation is easy to make mistakes , Second, the workload of repeated operation is too large . After a preliminary understanding of the user's needs , The core function of knowing the customer's needs is in Word Fill in the source of information , The sources that need to be filled in include text , Tables, pictures, etc , This article takes this as the starting point , It focuses on how to use Word Use in “ Domain ” To fill in external data .

   Two . Plug in selection

     At the moment Word etc. Office The control element of the document type , Microsoft comes with Com There are too many problems with components , One of the more troublesome problems is part of Com Components need to be registered , And if the client and the development computer use Com Component version inconsistency , There will be all kinds of problems , So I chose Asponse.words Plug in , The software is a charge plug-in , Specific charging standards can be viewed on the official website .

   3、 ... and . Template making

     utilize Asponse Fill in the data , In fact, the code is not difficult , The core job is to be in Word Set the mark in the template , That is, you need to let the program know where to fill in the data , At present, there are two ways to mark , One is to use bookmarks , One is to use the domain . At present, most cases on the Internet use bookmarks , But in the course of my actual development , I suggest you use “ Domain ”, Instead of using Bookmarks , The reasons are as follows :

    1. Bookmarks cannot be added repeatedly , For example, I need to insert the data source in the first blank “ full name ”, Insert... In the last signature “ full name ”, Use this time “ Domain ” You can insert it in both places “ full name ” Domain , But if you use bookmarks , You need to set different bookmark names , When generating data sources, it will increase the workload

    2. Bookmarks can't be displayed directly in the file , If you insert more Bookmarks , It's easy to cause confusion

     Besides , It should be noted that , Make a bookmark or “ Domain " Be sure to use Word instead of WPS Make , Because one of the problems we've found is , Use WPS Make a bookmark or ” Domain “, A blank line will be added automatically after filling the data , This could be WPS And Word The internal mechanism is different ; There's another trick , Use... In documents Alt+F9, You can view the various domain codes of the template , As shown in the figure below :


   Four . Insert bookmark / Domain

    1. Insert bookmark     


    2. Insert field ( Insert -> File parts -> Domain , Choice "MergeField")



   5、 ... and . Implementation code

    1. Get the file

            Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(filePath);
            Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder builder = new Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder(doc);

    2. utilize word Template filling information

       List<string> filedsValueList = new List<string>();
      string[] filedsName =doc.MailMerge.GetFieldNames();// Get all the fields in the file 
            for (int i = 0; i < filedsName.Length; i++)
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains(filedsName[i]))

       // The core code is actually this sentence , All of the above are organization sources
       // The arguments are two arrays , The first array is all of the ” Domain “ The name of , The second is the value of the corresponding field doc.MailMerge.Execute(filedsName, filedsValueList.ToArray());

    3. Insert a picture

     You don't need special code to insert images , It's about the need for Word Make special settings for the fields in the template , The way to set it is :


     In the dialog box that pops up , hold ” Domain “ Add... Before the name "Image:", As shown in the figure below :


      After setting it up , Just set the value of this field to the path of the image , The picture can be displayed in the document , If you need to control the size of the image in your code , Call back events that need to be processed for file binding images , The code is as follows :

doc.MailMerge.FieldMergingCallback = new HandleMerFieldInsert();

    4. Set the image size

     stay Asponse In the methods provided directly , There is no way to change the size of the picture , But it can be rewritten Asponse Of IFieldMergingCallback Class , Used to set the image size     

 class HandleMerFieldInsert : IFieldMergingCallback
        // Word processing 
        void IFieldMergingCallback.FieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs e)

        // Image processing 
        void IFieldMergingCallback.ImageFieldMerging(ImageFieldMergingArgs args)
            Document doc = args.Document;
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

             Shape shapeImage = builder.InsertImage(args.FieldValue.ToString());
                   // Set x,y Coordinates and height and width .
                    shapeImage .Left = 0;
                    shapeImage .Top = 0;
                    shapeImage .Width = 50;
                    shapeImage .Height = 25;                                        


    5. Fill in the form

     Fill in the form information , You need to set the starting position of the table binding data in the template , Then set the column name in the data source in each column , The specific steps are shown in the figure below :


     The starting mark of the table data source is ”TableStart“, The end is marked with "TableEnd", After setting the start and end tags of the table data source , In each column, you can set the column name that needs to be bound in each column , The set data source is shown in the figure below :


     Through Alt+F9 You can see the code of various fields set up , As shown in the figure below :


     After setting the fields of the table , Fill in the data source with the following code :

dt.TableName = "UserInfo";// The table name here must be the same as the start and end source names of the table in the template 

    6. Delete the table and its corresponding place holder

      Use Asponse The operation of deleting is relatively complicated , The existing business needs to delete a table in the template , But the problem is , After deleting the form , The place holder on the page where the form is located is still , Will result in a blank page in the generated file , So delete similar tables , When pictures are such elements , You also need to delete the corresponding paragraph placeholder

 NodeCollection nodeCollection = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Table, true);// Get all the forms 

                    foreach (Table table in nodeCollection)
                        if (table.GetText().Contains("AAAAAA") && table.GetText().Contains("BBBBBB"))//To Do: Here we can determine whether it is a deleted form by getting the contents of the table , There should be a better way 
                            Paragraph paragraph = (Paragraph)table.PreviousSibling;
                            paragraph.Remove();// Delete the paragraph 
                            table.Remove();// Delete the table 

    7. Store the password PDF    

   Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions saveOption = new Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions();
            saveOption.SaveFormat = Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf;
            PdfEncryptionDetails encryptionDetails = new PdfEncryptionDetails(pdfPwd, string.Empty, PdfEncryptionAlgorithm.RC4_128);
            encryptionDetails.Permissions = PdfPermissions.AllowAll;
            saveOption.EncryptionDetails = encryptionDetails;
            doc.Save(fullfilepath + ".pdf", saveOption);

    8. Delete unassigned “ Domain ”


   At the end

       thus ,Asponse The general methods of using templates to process data are summarized , For direct use Asponse Methods , stay Word In the form of hard coding, it is recommended that you do not use it as a last resort , Because adding a table requires controlling the style of the table itself , You also need to control the style of cells , And for complex documents , Positioning tables can also make it more difficult .

