当前位置:网站首页>[Fantan] how to design a test platform?

[Fantan] how to design a test platform?

2022-07-07 17:07:00 I'm going to have a hot meal

Write a test platform , What's the most important ?

Code level ? Important but not the most important , After all, software with high code quality but difficult to use is everywhere .

Algorithm speed ? Execution requires 0.3 The second and 0.1 second , Colleagues in the company actually don't care too much .

Technology stack ? Nothing to say , Use mainstream and unpopular , Users don't care .

High quality bug Less ? This is the necessary foundation to become a usable platform , If bug many , That's not a good thing , You can't live at all .

Look beautiful ? Not to mention that they all use the same front-end style framework, which is not bad . Just compare the internal platform of the company , Who will say that the platform is excellent because of its beautiful appearance ? Especially leadership , Instead, you will often blame you for spending too much energy on the appearance, resulting in weak background functions .

So what exactly is the key to writing a good test platform ? After you read the following two examples of other industries , It is estimated that you will have your own answer ...

There is an old brand of cookies in the United States , More than 100 years of history , The cookies are very delicious , Challenge its opponents one after another , But it all ended in failure .

But this old brand was last year , Be completely terminated by an emerging brand , Just two or three years , Will be exceeded several times ...

Why can this emerging brand beat the old trump of biscuits so easily ? The reason is that emerging brands are not made of biscuits , It's the self-supporting biscuits of a large supermarket chain .

original , This supermarket has tens of millions of members , Receive hundreds of thousands of requests and feedback about cookies every day . What cookies sell best , What kind of biscuit is hard , What biscuit is soft .... And so on / Suggest / Make complaints / feedback All are sorted and counted by the supermarket , Finally, they follow the needs of the vast majority of customers , Made a proper biscuit .

Once on the market , Quickly packed shelves and shares , Rave reviews . And they even continue to optimize after starting so high , Dynamically adjust the ingredients and price of biscuits according to the real-time super large data feedback . This so-called biscuit finally dominated the whole American market ... And it's almost impossible for other brands to turn the tide ...

Another short story : Say there is a chain hotel , Many tenants complain about pillows every day , Some say pillows are hard , Some say pillows rebound slowly , Some say pillows are low , Some say pillows are airtight ....

In the long term , Finally, the hotel decided based on the huge feedback data , Make a pillow that suits the most people , After putting into use , The number of complaints drops instantly , Rave reviews .

In the above two stories , What is the secret of success ?

Obviously , yes data .

It's huge feedback and specific proportion .

If say : You know some people complain that pillows are long , Some people complain that pillows are short , Then you give yourself a reason : All tastes . Then don't optimize the change .

And if there is specific data support , You'll find out , Complain about the length , Complaints are short 99%, Complaints are only 1% .

Now , You just need to meet the interests of the vast majority of users , Lengthen the pillow to make it successful . Or prepare for the hotel 1% About a number of shorter pillows will be more considerate if they are left to a very small number of customers who complain about being long .

Without these specific figures , Then it will become a headless fly , Shut oneself up in a room making a cart .

The topic goes back to testing platform :

In addition to the factors mentioned at the beginning of the article , What's the most important ? It's design .... And the design is to be born on the basis of huge data .

You need a lot of feedback , Many suggestions , A lot of experience can be learned , Even a lot of complaints and roast . In order to really do a good test platform .

What function is used by fewer people , What functions are troublesome , What features like the most , What functions are urgently needed .

Only by understanding these , The design will be excellent , This is why I will give priority to explaining the data embedding points and statistics in the training .

(6 This month, the training homepage is designed )

Instead of making decisions in the company , Then the hard-working things were hidden by snow .

Bloggers many years ago , I have suffered such losses several times , At a price , After a painful experience , Just understand this truth . As a reader, you only need to spend 5 After reading this article in minutes, you will understand , Make a .

Of course, after understanding this truth , I immediately took measures , That is to completely open source the source code of various test platforms before , Even hand-in-hand 0 Basic course .

Publish these to the technology community , Let all peers comment , Well intentioned , Malicious , Something nice , To make complaints about Tucao , Take all the orders .

Then I have precious data , Big data .

For example, the interface test platform series of this official account :

Look at the number of visitors in a few chapters :( Absolutely true data )

Data factory series :

In thousands of uses , Catch up with hundreds of discussions every day , The platform is constantly optimized , Constant iteration .

This is the way to excellence .

But the beauty is , Once the article of official account is sent , You can't modify , It can't be revoked . So on the bumpy way forward , The feedback of those precious super large data , It can only be used in future chapters .

If you are anxious to learn , You can pay attention to my latest training , The interface test platform will use all these valuable empirical data , To reconstruct and become the current optimal level .

but , Iteration is endless , No best , Only better .

Official account interface test platform version , Future functions will also absorb these excellent design suggestions , To satisfy all readers and fans .


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