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[unsolved] 7-15 shout mountain

2022-07-06 16:45:00 HBUcs2020

Originally, I felt like 007 It's almost as deep into the tiger's den , Use vector and dfs Recursion is enough , Give it a try , It's my waste wood

using namespace std;
vector<int> q[10005];// use vector Array instead of adjacency table 
int vis[10005], n, flag, mi, mi1;
queue<int> p;
void bfs(int u)
    int i;
    p.push(u);// Queue entry 
    vis[u] = 1;// The tag has been used ,1 On behalf of the first mountain left 
    while(!p.empty())// Not empty 
        u = p.front();// Take the first value of the team 
        p.pop();// Out of the team 
        if(vis[u] >= mi)// You have to walk at least two hills 
            if(vis[u] > mi)// to update mi, mi1
                mi = vis[u];
                mi1 = u;
                mi1 = min(u, mi1);// Take the hill with the smallest number 
        for(i = 0; i < q[u].size(); i++)
            if(!vis[q[u][i]])// by 0 It means you haven't walked 
                p.push(q[u][i]);// Queue entry 
                vis[q[u][i]] = vis[u] + 1;// to update vis value 
int main()
    int u, v, m, k;
    while(~scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &m, &k))
            scanf("%d %d", &u, &v);
            q[u].push_back(v);// The subscript corresponding to the starting point , Deposit at destination 
            mi = 2;// Number of hills 
            mi1 = 10005;// Number 
            memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));// Mark the mountain you have passed and judge how far you have gone 
            scanf("%d", &u);
            if(mi1 == 10005) printf("0\n");// There is no second mountain to walk 
            else printf("%d\n", mi1);

The first line of input is given 3 A positive integer nm and k, among n(≤10000) It's the total number of hills ( So let's say that every mountain comes from 1 To n Number ). Next m That's ok , Each line gives 2 No more than one. n The positive integer , Separate numbers with spaces , Each represents the number of two hills that can hear each other . It's guaranteed that each pair of hills is entered only once , There will be no duplicate relationship input . The last line gives k(≤10) No more than one. n The positive integer , Separate numbers with spaces , Represents the number of the mountain to be queried .

Output format :

In turn, for each queried hill in the input , The farthest mountain that can be reached by the chain transmission of the shout sent out in one line . Be careful : First of all, the output must be the one that can be sent by the query . If there is more than one mountain like this , Then output the one with the smallest number . If the outcry of this mountain can't reach any other mountain , The output 0.

sample input :

7 5 4
1 2
2 3
3 1
4 5
5 6
1 4 5 7

sample output :

