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(15) Flick custom source
2022-07-02 07:48:00 【wx5ba7ab4695f27】
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package com.htsec.test
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction
import scala.util.Random
class MySource() extends SourceFunction[SersorReading] {
//flag Indicates whether the data source is running normally
var running: Boolean = true
override def run(ctx: SourceFunction.SourceContext[SersorReading]): Unit = {
// Initialize a random number generator
val random = new Random()
// Random generation 10 Initial temperature value of sensors , And sensors id Form a binary
var curTemp = 1.to(10).map(
i => ("sensor_" + i, random.nextGaussian() * 20 + 60)
while (running) {
// Update based on last temperature value
data => (data._1, data._2 + random.nextGaussian())
// Get the current timestamp
val curTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
data => ctx.collect(SersorReading(data._1,curTime,data._2))
override def cancel(): Unit = {
running = false
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The main class
package com.htsec.test
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._
case class SersorReading(id: String,timeStamp:Long,temperature : Double)
object SourceTest {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val lines = env.addSource(new MySource)
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- [torch] some ideas to solve the problem that the tensor parameters have gradients and the weight is not updated
- 【Random Erasing】《Random Erasing Data Augmentation》
- win10解决IE浏览器安装不上的问题
- ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pytest‘
- 【Cascade FPD】《Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection》
- Memory model of program
- yolov3训练自己的数据集(MMDetection)
- Using MATLAB to realize: power method, inverse power method (origin displacement)
- Comparison of chat Chinese corpus (attach links to various resources)
- 常见CNN网络创新点
Implementation of yolov5 single image detection based on onnxruntime
Deep learning classification Optimization Practice
ABM thesis translation
【Cascade FPD】《Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection》
[in depth learning series (8)]: principles of transform and actual combat
What if the notebook computer cannot run the CMD command
[multimodal] clip model
Win10 solves the problem that Internet Explorer cannot be installed
CONDA common commands
Win10+vs2017+denseflow compilation
【Mixup】《Mixup:Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization》
《Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Bidirectionally Trained Transformer》论文翻译
[mixup] mixup: Beyond Imperial Risk Minimization
[introduction to information retrieval] Chapter 1 Boolean retrieval
Two dimensional array de duplication in PHP
【TCDCN】《Facial landmark detection by deep multi-task learning》
【MEDICAL】Attend to Medical Ontologies: Content Selection for Clinical Abstractive Summarization
Semi supervised mixpatch
Conversion of numerical amount into capital figures in PHP
【BiSeNet】《BiSeNet:Bilateral Segmentation Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation》
ABM thesis translation
[introduction to information retrieval] Chapter 7 scoring calculation in search system
Using compose to realize visible scrollbar
【Wing Loss】《Wing Loss for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks》
【BiSeNet】《BiSeNet:Bilateral Segmentation Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation》