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Up meta - Web3.0 world innovative meta universe financial agreement

2022-07-07 11:57:00 Dragonfly information

 7 month 4 Japan ,IDO Global launch

UP-Meta( abbreviation UP) Is the first combination NFT Advantage is committed to building Web3.0 The world's innovative meta universe financial agreement , It makes the pledge income easier 、 More efficient , And use the protocol to enhance NFT Equity liquidity .

mission :UP-Meta Our mission is to web3 Build a perfect meta universe financial agreement in the world .

UP:UP It's based on BSC chain (BEP-20 ) Tokens, , Every time 5 Passive interest is automatically paid once per minute . That is to say, only hold in your wallet $UP, No operation is required , You are earning compound interest every moment .

 UP-Meta Reward users with its unique sustainable fixed interest rate . Users only need to buy UP And put it in your wallet , Every 5 Minutes are automatically obtained UP The return of value , There is no need to mortgage , No collection required , Everything is achieved by smart contract Automation .UP The annualized rate of return is 7,402.78%, After scientific calculation, compound , And by the UP-Meta Seed funding support . Suppose you invest today 10000 $UP , stay 365 You will earn 7746526.901 $UP , Achieve up to... Without considering price increases 70 Multiple wealth value .

After several years of development ,DeFi from 1.0、2.0 Transition to today's 3.0.DeFi 3.0 The emergence of has completely changed the investment process , Sweeping blockchain solutions . from DeFi 1.0 To DeFi 3.0 A major shift is to shift the focus to low-risk and higher yield solutions . And then take the future aircraft carrier meta universe , Metauniverse financial agreement UP-Meta And so was born !

UP-Meta As DeFi+ The representative product of the meta universe , Also played its own role , Launched products that can provide continuous returns throughout the day . stay DeFi in , We need to add it manually LP To get a reward . however UP-Meta Just one action will make our UP Put the token into the wallet , Then we can get compound rewards in our wallet , This greatly reduces our time cost and learning cost , A good model must be easy to copy and easy to operate. That's the only way , In order to have more people participate .UP-Meta Provide every 5 Investment return in minutes , That's one day 288 Time ; Total fixed APY the height is 7,402.78%.

One 、UP-Meta The advantages of

A simple and safe way to get paid . When you buy $UP when , It will automatically pledge and compound interest in your wallet , So you don't have to transfer tokens to our website or collect your income manually . Buy from you $UP From that moment on , All you need to do is wait $UP Reward . Buy $UP It's getting DeFi The simplest way to return on investment .

$UP You can get the superelevation fixed on the blockchain APY . With TVL An increase in , Almost all DeFi Project APY Are falling rapidly , This means that you will get fewer and fewer tokens .UP-Meta The project is going to $UP The holder pays 1.19% Fixed interest on , Is equivalent to 7,402.78% Annual compound interest of , It is the most perfect representative in the industry . It will not produce excess foam , Unlike others, there is superelevation APY Project , Severe inflation , Will produce a huge foam , As a result, the token cannot continue to rise .

Pay interest quickly ,UP-Meta Every time 5 minute , Every day 288 Time to each $UP Token holders pay rewards , Make it the fastest automatic compound interest protocol in cryptocurrency .

Two 、UP-Meta Bright spot

the height is 7,402.78% Fixed annualized income , Automatically pledge in your wallet and every 5 Compound interest every minute , sell (16% Service Charge ) Of 77.5% Enter the prize pool , Only NFT Only holders can receive dividends from the bonus pool , Ignore Zhang Yi's permanent dividend , The code contract is made by the most authoritative security audit company in the world Certik Provide audit , Safe and reliable !

And centralization 、 Opaque and rigid traditional organizations are different , We believe that DAO It represents a better way to coordinate human beings .DAO Usually represents mobile membership 、 Voting based decision making and transparency of information , Instead of rigid power structures and opaque decision-making processes .DAO Rely on the rights and interests of holders and social exchange processes to help manage membership that meets the unique needs of their communities 、 Decision making and finance . Because of decentralization 、 Inclusiveness and collaboration permeate DAO In the typical operation mode of , This will produce consistency in the incentive mechanism , And prevent the centralization of power that plagues more traditional organizations .

DeFi It's about creating an open source 、 No license 、 Transparent financial services ecosystem . This ecosystem is open to everyone , And operate without any central authority . It allows you to control and understand your funds . It gives you access to global markets and alternatives to local currency or banking options .DeFi Products open financial services to anyone who has an Internet connection , And they are mainly owned and maintained by users .

3、 ... and 、 summary

  establish UP-Meta Our goal is to build a blockchain based world , Owned by UP-Meta Participant management . meanwhile , Through long-term effective compound interest mechanism and DAO The way of governance , Realize that each participant can make their future full of hope , We hope everyone on earth can join us UP-Meta. Become the first aborigines to become rich in the meta universe !

at present UP-Meta Its official website has been launched ,IDO begin in a minute , Please refer to the following for a detailed development roadmap :

2022 Second quarter IDO go online

2022 In the third quarter of, global community linkage / BSC The main network is online / DAPP go online / UP Open trading / NFT Open the blind box on the official website / NFT Open trading

2022 The fourth quarter of the year is based on DAO government / GameFi

2023 First quarter DeFi + NFT + DAO

2023 Metacosmic ecology in the second quarter of the year

2023 Third quarter Developers Conference

2023 Joint head in the fourth quarter of the year NFT To build NFT The universe

2024 Global ecological expansion


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